yayyy :)  -> chapter 8 -> tangent to abstract thought processes on integral/mt topics :)  quite curious -> since my msc math journey started exactly querying these topics alike mt :) 

ahaha wondering if computer like intelligent (very very intelligent) Lawvere would make us laugh with making fun of we readers intelligence in this chapters book paragraphs with alike previous prejudice passing paragraph whjich were very satirical to readers intelligence.  :) (Since hmm as told, i always envy intelligence of Lawvere alike super intelligent scientist people (computer alike intelligent  science people with exponentially much more processing power wtr to me etc) people so do not unexpect we making doing referencing of this topics of alike these memes like this time memes goes to consciousness level meme -> the very last consciousness level with lights flowing from brain like depicted  severely most advanced consciousness level meme goes to Lawvere :) (i mean computer alike intelligent (super intelligent) people alike )  which unfortunately we are not of such type (of type of superintelligent). (but we maybe one before that consciousness level imho :) ) )  

the meme is as: -> 

ahahaha imho the unknown ferikoy tribe and their dog force to attempt to smear with very idiotic impossible smear types  via false flags/fab ops to smear untruly with most idiotic and very impossible smears must of the very first level in this meme :D  (or even worser than that :D ):DDDDD (devolved protosapiens level :D which attempts genocidal animosity with sociopathic methods(false flags/fab ops) to attempt to smear untruly with impossible type slanders which are very most idiotic& very impossible. (Indefinitely much idiotism/irrationality level.) ) 

hmm where are I am in this silly meme? imho one level before Lawvere or one level before that :)
  (Although wished very much I were also super intelligent type.(Lawvere consciousness level) but not have super intelligent scientist type (computer like super intelligent mind) type to have been at Lawvere level)  
  (But very luckily not at first consciousness level :) (which is devolved illogical idiot irrational with indefinite idiotism type devolved protosapiens consciousness level. ) ) 


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