I had only checked content of chapter 9 and 10 of Lawvere book. but would print out now to study in detail. then started reading about awesome categorical dynamics. of that the tangent bundles of fields etc or ODEs like or fields over manifolds like topics physicists like to utilize of continuous mappings of such fields and ODEs either,  that we see that the mathematicians (ultra intelligent people, more intelligent than even physicists, if we compared i think situation would have been -> mathematicians > physicists > we computer engineers if we compared intelligence status quo of professions) deem such methods incomplete and had started to invent categorical dynamics field in 60s/70s.

 I last day had started reading some of Lawvere papers and in some paragraphs I were like hmm what is actually meant here (struggled to understand paragraphs alike )  

e.g. what is the deficiency of smooth mappings of over manifolds  that is about variational calculus that Lawvere describes here ->  since i dont know variational calculus I couldnt even understand the deficiency there. (which is inside categorical dynamics paper of Lawvere from78s) and reading their conference handouts is also very sometimes struggling. since I dont know yet about very much algebras and they discussing cohesive space discussions in 1997, Volterras' functionals and covariant cohesion of space paper,  this space formalizations were a topic I quite were wondering of. e.g. discrepancy of topology and space and formal system definitions over,  which seems already very much discussed by mathematicians. 

hmm I am very  eager to finish chapter 9 and 10 to be able to learn about this cohesive space formal and conceptual definition sets and concept of topology being realized  from such initiatives interimly and discrepancy of overall space and topology and all these being defined in various papers from this Volterra's article. 

hmm so, I am quite alot struggling yet since I had not studied chapter 9 and chapter 10.

but hmm i think from here, I would task myself alike ->

-- hmm i think continuation of topos book. to take up/resume first nlp translation task (of countless many such tasks) (today wishfully) 

-- hmm then taking up first nlp translation task (and there is countless many)

second task be as :

- continuation of readings of Lawvere than adding algebraic topology and also Groehtendick and learning categorical dynamics/temporal type theory like topics. 

I think whilst I wished to finish 0.1 version of ml algos by end of november,  even if i couldnt accomplish such project goal,  there is some iteration of wishfully would be in near to finalizing first NLP translation task. hmm so i think we  would have 30 days delay to original 0.1 version release time frame. since its nearly end of november and i couldnt finish 0.1 version. but i think still, the iteration in last 4 weeks were good not bad. I mean I nearly finished studying set theoretics book. of tryign to get proficiency in this categorical frameworks defined by Lawvere and other such mathematicians. That of course not accomplished fully yet. (I am not proficient yet since I struggled whilst reading space related article etc. but i think in 2 days after reading chapter 9/10 would become more proficient. but meanwhile,  I would to study those discussions, I think I would also need to study to Groethendick's papers /articles there as referenced. but the thing is, even if i couldnt accomplish release of 0.1 version on november, I believe my iteration is yet still good. Since i nearly became more proficient in this categorical theoretical frameworks of becoming more proficient to be able to follow Lawvere papers of articles and conference writings etc. so thats good iteration i think. even though had not became fully proficient, in some weeks I think I would very become most proficient in following these Lawvere like mathematicians articles /conference discussions.   

hmm. so, at this point ->

its definitely not mandatory to know these most proficiency in category theoretical math frameworks yet whilst developing initial NLP translation tasks.

but so, we bifurcate now study path to two independent paths  ->

which is in path A -> accomplishment of NLP translation tasks

 path B -> becoming most proficient in this category theoretical frameworks of studying Lawvere and other such mathematicians all such papers from 70s/90s of all conferences etc. 

hmm so we have the now chance to resume path A of project studies. hmm would need to first finish chapter 9 and chapter 10 and then revisit topos book chapters then -> we can directly start first NLP translation task.

So I deem being able to start that task (actually resume, hmm I had to study more during, I started such task hmm 1 years ago (of first NLP translation task of some language data dictionary translation)    and yep i tried to resume 2 months ago but I had to study more to category theory frameworks awhile.  i had to study to topos and then later also this book. hmm which i think would been nicer if it were vice versa (this set theory book before topos book) hmm but then -> yep reresuming this first NLP translation task the 4th time i think. I had to edit kanban backlog of project many times this initial task since I need to restudy these books after. then the 4th time would take the first NLP translation task from to do to in progress phase in kanban (in my mind not that I stored a kanban board yet in software). it has been many back and forth moving this task back to to-do task list since I just needed to learn some more about categorical theory topics during awhile of studying books etc. 

nevertheless, so even if we couldnt succeed the goal of november of releasing 0.1 th version.  but still -> i think this resuming first NLP task is yet still alot success (if we compared to no iteration condition. e.g. if i had alot more adhd and couldnt iterated any slightest) 

soo, there we have now two concurrent tasks to do ->  (after finishing studying chapter 9 and 10 of Lawvere book) 

- hmm revisiting topos book  then retaking up NLP translation tasks

and in tandem  concurrently  (not alike concurrently but same day sparing time to both these two tasks of which second task is -> 

- continueing learning studying lawvere papers and learning asap categorical dynamics papers/field and then in tandem learning more about temporal type theory etc. 

then in 2 weeks later, wishfully we would be in point of converging of these two tasks and we would be able to write the most nicely written inference/deduction module. (heyting verified and being very proficient to be able to verify our inference deduction systems (of coq alike but automated but unlike coq alike tools, its fully itself would do inferences/deductions (as its an ml system) but based on the type theoretic and intuitinionistic written logic systems which are not the default classical first order logic but pluggable various logic systems of  intuitionistic mathematicians approaches (e.g. Kripke etc) ) to create inference/deduction power based on NLP translations in categorical theoretical diagrams define d serialized to parquet format.  (and its not just logic when we say its inference/deductive systems, logic is just one such formalism but inference and deductive of category theoretical diagrams is something even more abstract then just logic systems to do inference whihc are just some defined formalisms but when we mean deduction/inference it means rather more basical categorical theoretical inference skills. logic is higher ontology level thats again to be defined by pluggable intuitionistic maths approaches based formalisms to have various logic capabilities etc etc etc. 

yep. so thats it. this is the current ml algos project schedule for following 2 weeks sprint. 2 tasks in tandem to spare day time studies to.  (first one NLP translation tasks, second one continueing studying Lawvere papers and starting learning Greothendick aritcles books papers and soem algebraic topology for understanding homology/cohomology constructs in category theory side, and so also get proficient in categorical dynamics field and temporal type theory like topics is second task to be iterated in tandem to first task. yep.  this new sprint's goals be set like this and lets start the sprint! (2 weeks time frame and these 2 tasks. hmm maybe I could create a jira board to write these prints yep seems nice idea) hmm maybe kanban of github would be also enough for tracking this project sprints. yep. 

ok then! sprint starts by now! yayyyy :) guh cheering start of this sprint! :) 

meanwhile the multiverse travelign maybe again happent, since I got a gum and its fortune told as: do await a one or two of weeks alike in a poem :)  its worth waiting it said :)  (but not for ml algos  project  sprint:D its topic were completely irrelevant but the 1 or 2 weeks coincided after I mentioned 2 weeks sprint start cheerings  in blog alst paragraph :) ) 


so multiverse also said my project sprint plan is good (2 weeks sprint to tackle these 2 tasks of in second task we try to get more proficiency in math frameworks defined by Lawvere or those paradigms) and first task is NLP task. 


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