-> meanwhile do not be deceived by false flags to attmpt to smear with idiotically untrue and very impossible smears please :)     ===> 

to report of -> 

 Hey at some place  some time, the unknown devolved & protosapiens ferikoy tribe again articulated their dog force (criminalia force) this time stage 2 slandering attempting fab ops/false flag incident  (and some half hour ago wtr to that, their one of routine patterns -> identity eradication ops attempt type fab ops/false flag pattern also attempted before this reported incident pattern) pattern. --->     

I wish to rewarn to restate to raise awareness -> do not believe to/deceive to false flags, its pure false flags. (false flags is their(unknown ferikoy tribe's) routine repetitive method to attempt indirect barbarian genocidal violence attmpts to attempt to smear/slander and also attempt such horrific violence which of course any incident attempt always fails.) Do not be deceived by false flags, its pure false flag which tries to plant idiotically very impossible smears. Do not be deceived by false flags (its pure false flag/fab ops).  

belligerence/savagery attempts of devolved protosapiens unknown ferikoy tribe and their sociopathy in doing attempting genocidal animosity is really quite pathethic  (& devolved/deplorable)  Please and please, do not be deceived by devolved protosapiens genocidal belligerence attempts with sociopathic methods of false flags/fab ops.

(to we normally evolved sapiens, its not possible to even interpret why devolved type protosapiens viciously attempts such genocidal animosity with such sociopathic methods of false flags/fab ops to attempt to smear untruly with very idiotic & impossible slander types. and I mean its not possible to interpret less evolved people with less iq/eq (that inferred from their savage & sociopathic vicious genocidal hostility one can infer that they are less evolved people(of lesser iq/eq protosapiens type, evolutionary regressed in terms of iq/eq) ) and their vicious genocidal animosity via their sociopathy methods stack of false flags/fab ops. ) ( -> please do not be deceived by false flags/fab ops of unknown protosapiens ferikoy tribe and their dog forces which they articulate to do attempt genocidal animosity via false flags/fab ops method (to attempt to smear untruly with very idiotical & impossible slander types) via false flags/fab ops. )      

-> do not be deceived by belligerent hostility methods of protosapiens. (of false flags/fab ops to attempt to smear untruly with most idiotical & very impossible slander types)  


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