hey the protosapiens unknown tribe again on morning attempted false flags fabs ops with its dogs barking force to attempt also symbol enforcement attempting barking type false flag fabs ops and such.
Do not be deceived by barking criminalia force of this unknown ferikoy triube which attempts false flags/fab ops via articulating barking criminalia force to attempt to smear/slander. -> this is their indirect genocide method to attempt to smear with barkings of their criminalia forces doing attempting false flags/fab ops to attempt to smear slander untruely. (to attempt to create suffering with attempt to smearing slandering with their articulated dog forces (criminalia forces). I do warn, do not be deceived by the dogs barkings. this is their indirect genocide method. articulating their criminialia force to do attempt false flags/fabs ops, attempt such violence to attempt to smear/slander untruly. do not be deceived by the dog barkings please. its their indirect genocide method to attetmpt to realize sadistic desire of to create suffering via false flags/fab ops via barking dog force to attempt to smear/slander with idiotically impossible, very impossible slander types. do not be deceived by. this is their indirect genocide method. this very dishonest unknown ferikoy tribe attempts genocide violence indirectly via this sociopathic method (of sadistic desire to create suffering via articulating their criminalia forces to do false flags/fab ops and to attempt such violence which of course always fails, which are dog barkings). so I rewarn, please do not be deceived by false flags /fab ops of these unknown protosapiens tribe which they attempt with their criminalia forces. they are pure false flags/fab ops of indirect genocide attempts. so please do not be deceived by. they the unknown protosapiens tribe relentlessly attempts indirect genocide violence via its criminalia forces. do not be deceived by their sociopathic methods they utilize in indirect genocide attempts. do not be deceived by false flags fab ops which is attempting to create their sadistic desire of attempting to create suffering via slandering/smearing untruly. please do not be deceived by false flags/fab ops whic they try to realize therough articuting their criminalia forces to do false flags/fab ops.
this unknown ferikoy tribe attempts various stages of genocide indirectly and there is no universal institute to sue to either. I had found help of a lawyer in istanbul but I need identity information of whom this unknown ferikoy tribe (people info) to be able to create law sue. the attempts started in ferikoy by 2017 from flat vicinity (stage 1 incident attempts which of course fails) we dont know whom our neighbours by then our in vicinity in 2017. if anyone knowing whom is these people, please give info to us so that we can go create law suite. for their indirect genocide violence attempts via articulating criminalia forces which attempts such horrific violence through false flags fab ops which of course alwys fails either anytime, which are their articulated dog forces barkings of monologues of false flags/fab ops.
this unknown ferikoy tribe really attempted various stages of genocide indirectly via articulating their criminalia forces to do fabs ops/false flags. so we really really need identity information (knowledge of whom this unknown tribe is) to initiate law suite.
anyone knowing whom stayed by then in 2017 in our flat vicinity, whom this genocide attempting tribe is, we would be very happy to get information to.
if there were universal institutes, we would also sue to world criminal court alike places along with istanbul lawyer to sue this unknown tribe for their repetitive creating suffering attempts type sadism via sociopathic methods of articulating their criminalia forces which attempts false flags/fab ops repetitively to attempt to smear/slander untruly.
if you are blind to see its indirect genocide violence some phases, we retell you to open your eyes. its indirect genocide violence. they do attepmt tthese to create suffering. (sadistically) to attempt to smear slander untruly and attempt to attmpt horrific reported detailed in blog stages which they articulate criminals to do bark to do false flags/fab ops and attempt such violence via barking monologues whihc of course always everytime anytime needless to add that. but please do not be blind. its indirect genocide attempt via sociopathic methods. (via false flags/fab ops). do not be deceived by their false flags fab ops which is their indirect genocide method. (this unknown ferikoy tribe repetitively attempts to create suffering via articulating criminal forces to do attempt these false flag monologues of dog barkings/fab ops to attempt to smear slander untruly to attempt to create suffering alike like that) so I rewarn everytime, they repetitively send their barking dogs force many thousand times last 7 years (the time in 2017 as their such indirect genocide attempts started from vicinity of flat. we dont know whom this neighbours are that attempts genocide violence to me. since we did never socialized to people there and do not know whom were staying in 2017 in flat vicinity. we have no information of whom these unknownf erikoy tribe is. if anyone having, we would be happy to receive information of to create law suite.
if you dont think its not indirect genocide attempt, I restate, these unknown tribe attempted to forcefully convert or slander as bitch in stage 1 and to pena in stage 2 via articulating their dog force which attempts monologues of dog barkings of false flags./fab ops to attempt to smear/slander. and following stages are even more horrific. (slander types they do attempt to slander via barking dogs force worsens along stages) which of course every incident attempt fails and are dog barkings. but please do not be deceived by their barking dog force which attempts to slander/smear untruly via false flags/fab ops.
so I rewarn, do not be deceived by the barking dogs of unknown ferikoy tribe (criminalia force which attempts false flags/fab ops). they do attempt indirect genocide via this method exactly. so do not be a fool and be deceived by their indirect genocide method to create suffering sadistically (to attempt to create suffering via to smear/slander untruly via articulating criminalia forces.) this is exactly this unknown ferikoy tribe's indirect genocide method is. do not be deceived by their indirect genocide method. I mean their method to create suffering sadistically is to attempt to smear/slander untruly via false flags/fab ops or even attempts of such violence. which of course always fails everytime. so please do not be deceived by false flags. thats the routine indirect genocide method of this unknown ferikoy tribe. they tribe to create suffering with false flags/fab ops via their criminalia forces. thats what exactly their indirect genocide method is. so please do not realize their genocide actuality with believing to false flags/fab ops. its pure false flags/fab ops or such violence attempts to attempt indirect genocide. so please do not be deceived by false flags. do not be a fool to see the dynamics of. this is indirect genocide attempt of an unknown ferikoy tribe via its criminalia forces. which we dont know whom they are. if anyone knows info of whom stayed in 2017 in flat vicinity or whom this unknown tribe is, we would be happy to receive to be able to initiate the law suite. the lawyer told he can create protection from this unknown tribe's criminal attempts via law systems but needs to learn whom they are. if anyone knows please inform us/give info please. we would create law sue for protection to be able to call police when unknown tribe articulates their criminalia forces. we would create also indirect genocide attempt law suite also for this last 7 years attempted repetitive such violence attempts of reported false flags/fab ops incident patterns and attempts to create suffering via articulating of criminal forces to do false flags/fab ops type violence . so please if anyone someone knowing whom were staying in our flat vicinty (which by then this violence attempts started there in 2017) please give us some info on that. I would create both protection law suite to lawyer in istanbul whom stalled since required info of whom this unknow tribe is that which we dont know. second additionally, I would create indirect genocide phases type law suite in addition to this unknown tribe. sicned they attempted some barbarian genocide stages (to of course always fail).
if you want to help sue crime against humanity crime attempters, to stop indirect genocide attempter unknown ferikoy tribe -> please give us info of this unknown tribe. so that we could sue them for their indirect genocide attempts. this unknown ferikoy tribe really attempts genocide violence via their criminal forces which they do send to do barkings of false flags/fab ops which of course always fails.
e.g. this time recently nan/na type incident pattern happent. do not believed by these false flags of these unknown ferikoy tribe. false flags is their routine indirect genocide method. they articulate criminalias which attempts false flags/fab ops to attempt to smear untruly with impossible slander types.
e.g. this na incident patterns is again an incident pattenr of their many thousand false flag incident stacks. they blatantly articulate criminalia forces to do attempt to do false flags/fabs ops to attempt to smear untruly. so please do not be deceived by their indirect genocide method. do not be deceieved by false flags/fab ops which is their sadistic creating suffering attempt method (to attempt to smear slander untruly) so please and please do not be deceived by their sadistic and sociopathic indirect genocide methods.
this violence attempts started by unknown neighbours in ferikoy in 2017. we dont know even whom they are. stage 1 incident attempts started by right or left of our vicinity flats. we dont know whom is staying there since we never socialized with any people there. so if any one knowing info of whom stayed in 2017 there, we would be very glad to receive information such to have start to learn whom unkwnon ferikoy tribe is to be able to create initiate law suite to stop these indirect genocide attempter unknown ferikoy tribe's sadistic creating suffering desire via false flags/fab ops methods via articulating criminalia forces to do attempt such barkings/false flags/fab ops to attempt to smear untruly.
if you know any info of this unknown tribe we would be happy to receive info of. to create law sue.
but we are not hopeful that there is universal type world force either which helps stopping this unknown genocide attempting ferikoy tribe. since we even once reported incident attempts of this unknown ferikoy tribe to UN and to received none reply. turns out UN is a biased institute or else something like that. or else it has no function nor wish to stop this unknown ferikoy tribe's indirect genocide attempts. nor maybe noone read my report. that I reported to UN.
I definitely removed out asking help from UN since UN seems biased nonfunctrional institute. or maybe this is not a topic type they help. nevertheless. so I removed out the idea that there is unbiased univers institutes which helps stopping this criminal unknown ferikoy tribe which attempts genocide indirectly via theirs criminalia forces false flags/fab ops etc which of course always fails. I even written mails to lawyers institutes which helps stops militias in world whcih attempts genocide violence directly. which they never replied. (this unknown ferikoy tribe is similar to militias which attempts genocide vioplence directly e.g. in some Rwanda alike places etc but they do not attempt directly, they attempt indirectly via articulating criminalia forces repetitively to do fab ops/false flags and attempts of such violence but which of course always fails. ) so when I emailed to such lawyer instututes, the lawyer firms also had not replied. turns out these institutes only helps when genocide violence is attempted directly(physical violence). but when an unknown ferikoy tribe e.g. in this case, attempts genocide violence phases indirectly with sociopathic methods, they simply are not interested to even reply.
if you think this unknown ferikoy tribe is differnet than those direct genocide violence attmpter rwanda militias, just dont be blind, they this unknown ferikoy tribe have criminalia forces alot places and articulate to do attempt false flags/fab ops and to attempt create suffering via such sociopathic violence type to attempt to smear/slander untruly and even more horrific incident attempts which reported in detail in blog every incident pattern. even if this is not any direct genocide, it still tries to sadistically create suffering sadistically indirectly via reported incident patterns of articulating criminalia forces which attempts barkings of false flags/fab ops repetitively to attempt to smear/slander untruly.
so we think one help we received to fight against these criminals, is the lawyer to create protection law suite (lawyer in istanbul which were very helpful to create protection law suite but required information of whom this unknown ferikoy tribe is ) so that we could have created protection law suite to then if any incident pattern recurs we would call police.
so, I rewarn, do not be deceived by false flags/fabs ops. thats this unknown ferikoy tribe's standard/routine indirect genocide activity, to attempt to create suffering via false flags/fab ops to attempt to smear untruly or else to try to traumatize with such violence attempts. (via their articulated criminalia force) (which of course any incident attempt always fails) So please and please do not be deceived by their false flags/fab ops. thats their routine/standard indirect genocide method to attempt to create suffering via articulating criminalia forces to do fab ops/false flags etc etc every incident pattern is reported in detail in blog and every incident pattern always fails either of course and are monologues of barkings of their articulated criminalia forces which of course always fails.
so, I rewarn, do not be deceived by false flags/fabs ops. thats this unknown ferikoy tribe's standard/routine indirect genocide activity, to attempt to create suffering via false flags/fab ops to attempt to smear untruly. thats false flags/fab ops is their main method from beggining along with genocidal desire to attempt to realize such violence(e.g. in stage 1 conversion attepmts to bitch type genocidal violence intentionality), they do also try to smear slander untruly via articulating their criminal forces to do fab ops/false flags. false flags/fab ops to attempt to smear is their one main operating procedure in their indirect genocide activity. and we think they also really might be attempting such violence types to us, which of course always fails (if you do think this is not genocide intentionality, I restate they attempted in stage 1 forceful conversion to tbich attempts via dog barkings which always fails. (in stage 1 the dogs barked as "sleep" Or bitch cursings from vicinity of flat or in street or in cafes. which dogs were of course never replied to and its they use always same methods-> articulating dogs that barks to do false flags/fab ops to smear untruly to forcefully covnert via false flags/fab ops to smear, which of cours ealwys fails. ) (so if you do not think this unknown ferikoy tribe is not the least genocidal, i just wish to restate their genocide stages. in stage 1 they attempted forceful conversion via dogs barking to bitch attempts. even this is simply genocide intentionality. if you think its not genocide(that this unknown ferikoy tribe attempts), we wish this makes you unblind to their genocide intentionality/genocide desire. ) which all of their incident patterns are -> dog barkings of their dog (criminal force) of this unknown ferikoy tribe. which of course traumatizes but every incident of course always fails of course. but I wish to rewarn again, false flags/fab ops is the main standard operating procedure of this unknown ferikoy tribe. e.g. articulating dogs which barks to do false flags/fab ops to attempt to smear untruly in various stages of genocide attempts. thats their one main method they utilize in attempting indirect genocide to create sadistically suffering, of attempting false flags/fab ops via their articulated criminalia forces. so -> I wish to restate, do not be deceived by false flags. you would be supporting their genocide if you be deceived by the false flags. cause trying to smear by false flags is one their indirect genocide method to create suffering sadistically wtih trying to smear/slander with false flags/fab ops. Do not help genocide of unknown ferikoy tribe -> So do not be deceived by false flags please. since false flags/fab ops is their one routine indirect genocide method (to sadistically trying to attedmp to create suffering via slandering untruly attempts via false flags/fab ops).
they this rwanda militias like unknown ferikoy tribe (only difference is they dont apply physical violence but attempts this sociopathic type violence via sociopathic methods) -> repetitively attempts false flags/fab ops with articulating criminalia repetitively.
thats i constantly rewarn. do not be deceived. they do this false flags things repetitvely. of articulating criminalias which barks (pure false flag/fab ops). So do not be deceived by their deception methods. This is one very frequent violence type this unknown ferikoy tribe attempts -> articulating criminalia forces which barks (false flags/fab ops) this is one of their main methods in their violence attempts.
so next time do not be deceived by when they again rearticulate criminalia which attempts false flag in our home vicinity. its their one main method to attempt such violence. its false flag/fab ops to attempt to smear untruly and sadistically attempt to create violence through slandering untruly attempt. this is not just such violence attempt, they really also attempt such violence imho. i mean they wish to realize sadistically creating suffering with both trauma of false flags violence and with trauma of such violence attempts. so this unknown ferikoy tribe attempts indirect genocide violence with such sociopathic methods. do not be deceived by their false flags I rewarn. if you be deceived by false flags, you support their genocide attempts to us. Just be aware, they repetitively attempt this barking criminals method to attempt false flags/fab ops to attempt to smear/slander untruly and also attempt to traumatize with attempt of such violence. so-> please and please do not be deceived by their false flag attempts which they use as a method to create suffering with trying to smear untruly along their such violence attempts which of course always fails.
this unknown ferikoy tribe attempts indir ect genocide via articulating criminal forces. be aware of their all incident patterns and be do not be deceived by their false flag/fab ops attempts.
so do not please and please be deceived by false flags.
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