hey today passed with ->
as mentioned -> on morning discovered its teacher's day today and in panic in last minute ordered flowers to my mom.
then later turned out one of my relative has painted their home newly and that my cousin and other cousin were going to help to clean the cupboards alike. then I also went to help then stayed there 1 or 2 hours alike in reordering helping to clean cupboards. (taking out mugs/dishes etc/cleaning and cleaning of cupboards and then replacing alike lengthy task) yep with me, there were 4 people to do the tiresome task but I left early since I thought idea of taking my mom to a some places for traveling since its teachers day today but then came home and turned out my mom did not wanted to travel either.
then later my mom wished me to commute to shopping centers for buying stuff then so.
then I had spent some more time in 0th floor. made some salad etc etc.
( then also to add, the unknown protosapiens ferikoy tribe attempted stage 5 slandering slurs incident attempt at some time and place and false flag attempt to attempt to smear untruly (this time stage 5 attempt). to of course fail always at any attempt. the barbarian unknown ferikoy tribe as again continuesdtheir devolved savagery of articulating criminalia to do attempt false flag/fab ops/violence attempts to of course fail at any attempt either. )
so today started with alot panic, as in morning husband in law of my aunt called my mom to celebrate her teacher's day, I got panicked since I my self forgot. then i ran to computer to asap order some flowers etc.
but mom told she would had wished some other gift type (I usually buy flowers to my parents on special days alike teachers day or mothers day etc) (there is alot vases in home due to previous flower gifts) . Ok i think its better to ask what to buy as gift before buying gifts in such moments since might favor other gift. but I panicked of when husband in law of my aunt called my mother to celebrate teacher's day whilst I had forgotten today its such a day and I had forgot to celebrate my mom's such day :S so in panic i asap bought flowers. normally i would also asked my mom her idea. meanwhile my cousin also in morning brought flowers and chocolate to mom to celebrate later.
hmm flower I ordered to my mom had not came yet but is in delivery status.
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