one topic that made me hopeful in this topic were -> help of lawyer in istanbul but required identity information to initiate such path. anyoine knowing any info, we would be happy to take of whom this unknown tribe stalkers are (this unknown tribe not known whom such tribe is attempts indirect genocide violence to turkiye people via sociopathic psychopathic methods of reported)

second were I saw an interaction from a major world country pres which seemed also very hopeful. I wish that country also knows that my country nor my country people has no fault in this topic nor any relatedness to -> (as I also has stated in all reports everywhere)-> its tribal aggression of an unknown tribe. but tribal genocide aggression of an unknown tribe.  it were really weird to see a coincidence of tribal condition and Teddy Roosevelt whom were tried to be killed by tribes. wov. thats the most cool support i ever received :) along all these genocide intentionalities of unknown ferikoy tribe which attempts genocidal aggression and even barbarian forms of.  (to always fail either)

I think US is the only foreign country up to now that supported. (Other than my country I find myself safe against this unknown genocidal tribe of ferikoy.  I mean its not my country that does this nor any supports this. so reason I find my country also safe.  this topic has none relatedness to my country nor my country people. its genocidal aggression of an unknown ferikoy tribe. and it does not have relatedness to our country people in general any. its a tribe and not any reflecting the Turkiye people any slightly. it is the reverse of contrary of what Turkiye people is. so my country or my country people has no relatedness to this tribal genocidal aggression topic  nor to this unknown ferikoy tribe. 

but i think this is the first time I found somewhat maybe possibly support from another country. wov. or maybe it were coincidence. 

I also seen some support from my country also. As I report my country also gets aware of the indirect genocide attempts/tribal aggression (genocidal level/barbarian) of unknown ferikoy tribe. so I also saw some clue today that my country also tried to support in some clue I get.  

So again blog readers do not confuse as if this topic has any relatedness to my country people. no. its like ferikoy visibly is the tribal place region of a mega city. and there is some genocidally aggressive tribe there thats like such tribes examples in world.  (that which nearly killed Teddy Roosevelt) 

so do not misinterpret is as if its turkiye people. visibly ferikoy in 2017 were a tribal place of a mega city of some aggressive and genocidal tribe. (we dont know if such tribe is present in flat vicinity either but in streets and vicinity we still observed incident patterns by then)

I think whilst UN had not supported but US president supported (or maybe its were coincidence) is one of the coolest things ever happent.

(UN nonsupport  which shows sometimes globe is really chosing to be dumb against genocidal tribes and aggression of. ) 

plus again to restate my own country has no fault in this to restate. its a tribal topic. an unknown region genocidal aggressive barbarian tribe presence which attempts indirect genocide with reported barbarian means.

aha whom needs globe(UN) supports against genocidally aggressive unknown ferikoy tribe when US supports :) alike logic I thought afterwards and be very happy :) 

 (as visibly I very got sad when UN never replied my email. not only UN, also any institute(which creates law suites against militias etc) thats supposed to help in such cases never either replied either nor replied even. (except the lawyer in istanbul which very helped but required whom info which we dont have)  only people helped were -> the lawyer in istanbul which required information of stalkers which we dont know any. second -> gosh is it real, did the US president did joke about tribes?  or maybe it were a joke i misunderstood. maybe it were not any meaning like that. dunno. maybe it were coincidence. in such hardship times, one tends to interpret everything as possible help. dunno.  )

I think I received a clue that my own country might also help against this barbarian genocidal aggression attempts of this unknown ferikoy tribe. I think  I received a clue like I could get some spy job in my country to fight against genocidal aggression attempt this unknown ferikoy tribe. or else I misinterpreted that I again misinterpreted a clue which were coincidence. but i would be very interested to such career options to find security against this unknown ferikoy tribe's genocidal and barbarian aggression which attempts it sociopathically with reported sociopathic methods. or it were a coincidence and I misinterpreted. 

yep i think i saw some clues that shows US might support to find security against this barbarian genocidal aggression of unknown ferikoy tribe. 

I do think my country might also support.  alike i thought. due to one coincidence. 

I once even asked aslyum from Switzerland / USA  and once Russia (since by then I confused as if west has relatedness to this, which turns out its not any like that). to fail either.

I mean to try to find security against genocidal barbarian aggression of this unknown ferikoy tribe. I asked help from many places.  including UN. to find never help. 

but then today I found clues maybe I could find help from my own country  (or maybe i confused and it were coincidence) (eg. chances alike working in spy force to find security from this barbarian unknown ferikoy tribe's genocidal tribal aggression whcih they attempt via very sociopathic methods) or also from USA.  

I think if it were not coincidence USA help were very cool. but maybe I misinterpreted. dunno. 

this ferikoy tribe even articulates their stalkers with point wise gps support. e.g. this has also been like this from the beginning. they do articulate their crimibnal force to do false flags fab ops with point accuracy gps data somehow anyhwo this unknown tribe has imho gps support in false flag/fab ops stuff in their genocidal barbarian aggression attempts. 

-  why I asked asylum in Switzerland, cause once went to Switzerland and none incident happent there.  visibly unknown tribe has had no articulated there of their barbarian mafia forces.  (once i went to holiday in switzerland)

- why i asked from USA, since USA usually most time given asylums to people countering genocidal barbarian violence.  

- my own country I also find its safe against this unknown genocidal tribe. but this tribe continues their false flags/fab ops/barbarian incident attempts as their routine indirect genocide attempts via sociopathic methods like articulation of criminal tribes to do false flags/barbarian incident attempts which of course always fails.  to fightr back to tribe in our country requires -> getting information of whom this unknown tribe is info  to be able to create law sue against their tribal and genocidal and barbarian aggression which they attempt through very sociopathic methods.  

- I once also tried to ask asylum from China but then 2 people wohm went in to consulate there to ask for visa, also then in outside shouted as pena. so i thought chinese also deceived by false flags. thereby i stopped instantly that path and never tried such directions after.  (but we also dont know if those two people were chinese or not. they also went to consulate but we dont know if they are chinese. but upon in outside after pena shouting incident this time from Chinese look alike type people (for the first time such incident), I then  definitely abondoned such path. 

- I also once asked asylum from Russia, since I thought what if west is somehow involved in this (since people shouted pena shoutings which deceived to false flags), which turned out not true(that west is not involved actually). but then also in consulate of Russia, the guard there did not even taken me inside to consulate whilst i go there to asylum request(turns out asylum process were not like that either, i mean one does not go ask asylum with going to consulate).  but turned out west has none relatedness to this genocide barbarian tribal aggression of unknown ferikoy tribe.  in the paper it writes for surviving genocidal aggression, it said -> there are many new einsteins that searches safety. it really matched up with my condition. of being an engineer and being tried to be forcefully converted or slandered as bitch in stage 1 by unknown ferikoy tribe via reported methods.  every stage were worser either.  which of course any incident attempts always failed. 

so I thought one can survive genocide aggression of unknown ferikoy tribe (which does not any represent turkiye people, instead attempts genocidal violence to turkiye people) with going to country consulates asking for help.  with no finding any help any time. 

So recent cool developments -> maybe US pres made a joke of resembling unknown genocidal ferikoy tribes to tribes in somewhere. if thats the case, thats cool that means we have an ally to ask help from unknown genocidal ferikoy tribe's barbarian violence attempts. yayyy coolest topic. hah UN do not help(as you had not), whom needs UN help when there  is USA to help? hah!  or maybe i misunderstood and it were a coincidence and had not meant such thing. dunno. I just had wrongly once last day as told clicked a song which turned out Teddy bear image with mnetal song(youtube music app do not show images without clicking, i were clicking to metal music songs ). then the other day in mornign I leant USA president going to tribal place which Teddy Roosevelt were nearly killed by a tribe. which i consider as a possible finding help chance to survive unknown genocidal unknown ferikoy tribe's barbarian and sociopathic aggression.   

second cool developments-> I found a clue which meant maybe my own country might also try to help (as I try to make my own country aware also this unknown ferikoy tribe's barbarian genocide intentionality and sociopathic methods of)  of like someclue of help I received. (I mean some clue like finding spy job in my own country to find security against this unknown ferikoy tribe's sociopathic genocidal barbarian aggression,  alike clue I( saw. but maybe i misunderstood and i misunderstood some coincidence as such clue. maybe there is no such chance and I misunderstood.  )

dunno what would happen. If we found USA ally to find security against unknonw ferikoy tribe's genocidal and barbarian violence(with very sociopathic methods), thats very super cool!. if I found spy force of turkiye force as ally that would be very super cool!  but we dont know the situation maybe i misunderstood coincidences.  dunno what happent but i saw such 2 cool developments. (2 cool topics possibilities of finding important support. e.g. possible support chance to survive genocidal barbarian aggression of unknown ferikoy tribe from USA or similarly possible support chance to survive genocidal barbarian aggression of unknown ferikoy tribe from my own country via spy services of own country alike.  ) 



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