yep i would try to do multiverse travel now :) for a hour :)
i know it happens when brain connections branch out. possibly in serotonin dopamin increase.
e.g. when watching star trek, one is energized brain of since its very itneresting sci fi right? interesting story line which possibly alot branches out circuits in my mind and possibly increases serotonin dopamin due to watching an interesting sci fi show that which I like genre of |(sci fi with very most sci fi stories, no dramas, no action, but just pure sci fi, the genre i like most of any novel or any tv show)
hmm my grand dad had epilepsy. possibly has had high dendrites energizing level or so i guess? or more dendrites connectiviy per synapse? dunno. or maybe there it were coincidence and he had not had such dendrites wise slight more connected brain structure but just epilepsy due to maybe accidental wise concussion or such things dunno.
hmm but its also possible that my dendrites proton pump or that brain neural circuit mechanistic side might be over powered when during serotonin or dopamin dunno. (It happens when being amazed whilst wathching very eagerly amazing sci fi tv shows with pure sci fi content of no dramas, but very interesting sci fi stories)
so I think me being amazed is one chance to create magic :)
I tried learning magic once with this methods. hmm but tried out scaring myself method (since that also create neurotransmitters alot right?) which very did not worked out.
hmm once disgust created multiverse traveling. or scare once created multiverse traveling.
but more is about neurotransmitters to have me sail more alot multiverse oceans of multiverse.
hmm why i wished to multiverse travel. i wished to investigate if i could somehow switch to a multiverse where mafia crime syndicate of trans les mafia and globe extension is already defeated.
hmm :) i missed trying doing magic aka multiverse traveling :)
hmm do not be jealous that i have a random occurring super power :)
it possibly comes from having an epilepsy grandparent, which epilepsy illness you wouldnt wished to have.
not that i am epilepsy but maybe that created some synapse struycture which enables more this more neurotransmitters setting to enable enable bind to alternate universes :) (my idea in that is that brain sng-lens branchouts are some having eigenstates having dynamics which then there by makes it possible to integrate to alternate AdS brane.
do not misunderstand as if my multiverse traveling has or would ever effect your universe. no not. i travel. not the rest. i mean, all universe versions already exists and happening. i just switch to alternate universe. not that this universe changes, no. so sorry you this universe residents wouldnt even observe me multiverse traveling, only the alternate universe would haved then by observed.
if you observe me multiverse traveling,it means you are alfready from such universe version that i would have traveled to.
so this universe traveling has no change to existing universes of you people. no. definitely no.
its that, all universe versions already exists. i just bind to an alternate universe.
i think i would spare a hour of multiverse traveling try. which possibly would fail. since i never travel myself. i only see traveling in star trek tv shows contents being changed due to universe traveling. but thats just that. so its hopeless to try to travel myself since i tested before. i wont succeed traveling myself.
unless there is an awesome sci fi tv show (alike star trek) otherwise i usually dont travel in multiverse.
hah if only i had more of this skill, i might as well be alike Q in Star Trek:) but i have none near to that skill level. I can only change star trek tv show's content (of 20 years ago shows) whilst multiverse traveling to create coincidences to the tv show watch alike skill level i have.
lets wish good wishes to my journey try. (Bon Journey to this guh )
ok lets how try out multiverse traveling?
hmm i think i would try to test out some method.
i would only spare 1 hour to this effort. since i tested multiverse traveling before. it does not work in real life but only works in star trek tv shows of 20 years ago casted tv shows alike.
so it simply wont work. but lets check :) since i msised this making magic thing :) (I mean not any making magic, just me multiverse traveling, binding to an alternate universe.)
some skill i had not tested for some while. although my tests of me multiverse traveling in actual mutliverse (not only sci fi tv show's script changes(of 20 years ago casted shows) due to me multiverse traveling ) never succeeded. so I dont have hope that this making magic moment would succeed. (of me to bonne journey to alternate universe in which mafia trans les crime syndicate is already defeated in globe) so even have no hope of succeeding such level multiverse traveling in actual universe but not just only star trek 20 ago tv shows universe, i just missed this multiverse traveling try moment :) of using a partially present super power :) (not any beneficial though, i dont have full fledge of this skill. if i had skill in necessary enough level, I would have skill like Q. in this current skill level I can only edit star trek 20 years ago tv shows content with multiverse traveling. so in terms of any benefits of this skill, near to none. actually none. in the end nothing significant changes in the universe i traveled to, only tv show content (of 20 years ago casted tv shows) changes but rest nothing. )
not that i would succeed in multiverse traveling right now.
its just, you know? if you have even the slightest some super power, you just sometimes miss trying it sometime :) normally i were super bored of this super power which i dont have necessary enough talent of, since never works to change the multiverse any significantly, only changes sci fi tv shows i watch, or else anthropology podcasts i listen to. so not any beneficial skill at all. useless skill. but still even useless, when one has a slightest level of a super power (even useless talent level) one just sometimes misses trying her super power although has only useless level of such skill. i mean i know me trying to travel in multiverse try wont work. but when even slightest of having a super power, one just sometimes misses trying to use super power although not having necessary enough skill level of to do any beneficial thing of this type super power. (I can only change sci fi tv shows i watch (of tv shows casted very before) )
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