yep hey people. if our psychology gets healed from reading horrendous airplane crashes last week (very terrifying/traumatizing to even read of :S) 

gosh I cant stop thinking very evil terrorists are attacking to airplanes alike possibility.  very horrendous terrifying and horrible and even very traumatizing to read news of :S

We world citizens got shocked and terrified of last week horrendous airplane crash news :S 

how horrendous :S

yep last day has been passed with reading conspiracy theories and one can not stop thinking conspiracy theories after 2 airplane crash horrendous news per a week :S

Then had not been able to study ml algos due to anxiety overload situation after such horrendous news :S been reading about news and conspiracy theories afterwards constantly. 

world became a very crazy planet :S

ok but resting a day helped relieve trauma feeling after last day definitely been traumatized by very traumatizing to read of air plane crash news :S very horrendous week :S 

I just cant stop thinking that villain type terrorists are attacking to airplane crafts after reading such horrendous news. 

I had trauma overload situation whilst even reading such horrific news. 

then reading possible conspiracy theories did worsened that :S

its like we world citizens our mood yesterday became wanting to scream due to trauma for a while. after such horrendous possibly trrst attcks alike horrific news :S 

I had observed overload trauma behaviours from myself last night whilst reading such horrific news(really trauma overload situation happent like i did over much playing with my some autist  behaviour and wanted to scream also for awhile to reduce trauma). luckily resting a night helped relieved this traumatized mood. 

world became a very crazy planet :S

still thinking of these news makes me want to scream of trauma. (of these airplane crash news)

world became a very crazy planet :S that world citizens we want to scream of trauma due to horrendous world news :S


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