Some engineering occupation promoting time in blog :)
yayyy our engineer occupation related images => :)
Warjack Tinkering by Benlo on DeviantArt (this i did not very much liked (not my art style this drawing type if i had also drew images recently ) )
Frostpunk - Engineer by MagdalenaKatanska on DeviantArt (this engineer depiction i also very liked:) how cool its to be an engineer like this in another planet alike exploring like this) or exploring building some engineering facility alike :)
2138 - June by NathanParkArt on DeviantArt (this is comics type drawing imho but hmm neither very good nor bad. but the narrative is good -> engineers exploring another solar system with robot helpers alike. how cool is to be in an occupation which can make such exploration real :) )
Maintenance EotV Art by Igor-Esaulov on DeviantArt (This actually were the most uninteresting since there is no formulaes there. if there were some black board formulaes there this drawing might also had been interesting depiction of we funny and amazing engineers' job/occupation )
Einstein Pilot by diogocarneiro on DeviantArt (this one most depicts we engineers imho(and this one i liked most), since there is some black board of engineering/science formulas and some crafting engineer and (but pilot caption did not fit and did not liked that) but image of this one i really liked most. how i wish i had time to learn photoshop and draw alike. i really liked this engineer depiction since really depicts us. (I mean engineers working with science formulas and crafting projects alike accordingly ) ) (but caption of image i did not liked since is absurd. maybe einstein ok but not pilot. since we engineers might pilot warp capable space ships imho or should we pilot i dont think so, ship it would has its ml/ai imho. so i did not any liked the caption of this image but really liked the image itself. the colors are so awesome., and the image truly depicts how we engineers are, how we build engineering projects (with lots of formulas on black board alike:) and not only that, since we are also not scientists and there is a crafting projects desk so thereby this image totally depicts our occupation of engineering very well imho.) (plus the engineer guy there is not very attractive (most time we engineers are also. :D so i really liked this image which totally depicts we engineers :) of how amazing our job is. we not only write build our job with formulaes with also craft it :) a job that both includes science and crafting :) how awesome! :) how lucky to be an engineer :) )
If I had time, I would definitely learnt photoshop to do painting like this. but dont have time. (I can definitely draw like this if i wanted to learn imho but would need to learn how to use photoshop to paint drawings like these and draw more capable. learnt already some drawing but not the level I wished to reach before. )
yep but there is not much time for hobbies imho. since everytime i spare time to hobbies (which are drawing or reading etc ) I feel like i can spare it instead to ml algos project. I also spare time to hobbies (watching sci fi tv shows or just simply resting doing nothing much many times) but drawing seems like some thing I would postpone after all projects I wish to build are already built. (i mean by 2026)
I think doing drawings like these must be severely fun! I think i would definitely wished Ialso had an art site subscription and painted drawings like these. it would be much severely fun! but currently do not have time for that. yep.
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