yep 1097th day of ml algos project ->
- lets finish topoi study today (the one least succesful study task of ml algos project since has not been able to be accomplished in time )
- lets build war asap to protect world from aliens evil type and then after fixing that main threat issue (aliens evil types invasion threat), also to fix all any world issues with creating star trek alike utopias of space extended civilizations of all world to space and to warp beyond even.
- lets never watch world news in tv since world news is horrific most of the time and traumatizes and creates ptsd and disrupts ml algos project studies with trauma effect of horrific insane world topics :S (e.g. for instance horrific news of january :S starting with attacks to planes then recently horrific arson attacks to hotel then also evil aliens attacks to planet alike various sorts of horrific news alike world news is usually (we also forgot to add horrific war news which were constant horror/to get trauma upon watching :S) planet news always very insane/maniac/horrific :S not logical any to open tv to watch news :S ) Honestly i couldnt any study to ml algos this month due to disruption of trauma of seen world news. e.g. south korea airplane crash (which we world citizens inferred as its attack to planes alike:S horrendous :S) or else recently bolu hotel topic whcih we world citizens directly inferred its arson attack :S horrendous :S or else unrelatedly, evil aliens attacks to planet etc. all sorts of insanity which creates trauma when watching such very horrific news :S I truly couldnt any study to project on january just because of seeing very maniacal world news in tv constantly :S very horrific the insanity happens on planet by maniacs/insane people which do not any give any importance to human life any at all :S (I mean murderers whom attacks to planes or whom does arson attacks to hotels or alike :S very horrendous and very sad :S (forgot to add very horrific wars in world to the horrors in world:S horrendous and very sad:S) not only horrendous insanity happening by insanes types, also horrendous aliens evil types attacks to world one most horrific topic. so lots of issues to fix for planet. yep we engineers have to invent warp tech asap which would fix all world issues. e.g. it would protect world from aliens evil types. second. extension of world civilizations to space would also create very awesome space utopias alike either(Star Trek alike) which we think would reduce insanity level in planet also. abundance of places it would be in universes so world people wont get mentally ill/insane and do not do mentally ill things which traumatizes rest of we world citizens :S )
along with most threats to world, i think insanity is also one most severe threat always :S
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