
Şubat, 2025 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
 today passed alike -> - commuting my mom to nurse for daily blood thinner shot (for knee replacement surgery healing period) - then mom asked whether if i could wash the balcony at afternoon or so (since it has been tidied like last 2 weeks), hmm then I also cleansed first floor (had been very untidied) then made soup etc then washed balcony. then afternoon   (actually second floor is also very untidy but we currently mostly live in first floor, second floor i might tidy/cleanse tomorrow)  so had done weekly or per 3-4 days tasks.  - yep newly started studying to game dev project.  but then i paused since relative guests would have visited and then gone to buy mocca coffee like stuff for that etc.  yep now time to resume game dev project yayy.  hmm relative guests visited for a hour or so.  hmm now lets test texture arrays and whether if it could help to reduce texture index limit yep.
 I had not alot multiverse traveling topic except one topic -> I had placed cosmetic utinsils to my backpack with some type and some type. then i couldnt find somehow one type when searching the bag section then found only the other type (most possibly i did failed to find and they were somehow in lower part of that section. ) then when other utinsil were taken out most I then on some day found the missing utinsils in same section.  I then confused whether if i multiverse traveled to a universe version (by then that day) where utinsils are not existing in placed bag section or then later they were present either some days later. alike but most possibly it were not multiverse traveling and due to clumsiness I  had not found the utinsils when searching the bag section on day I searched such utinsil type.  i for a minute or two, thought of possibility of whether if i went to an alternate universe version where the utinsil I placed day before (that day) is not placed ...
 today passed with ->  - had some bleeding of wound due to edema on side of leg (knee replacement surgery thingy) so we urgently went to hospital then doctor checked to say its not severe situation and happent due to edema (beside surgery place) and asked to continue dressing of wound stuff per every 2 days with pressured bandage over all leg and every day blood thinner shot. 
 hmm turns out to overcome the texture sampler limit, one requires to use texture arrays i think. (very beginner to contemporary texture mapping settings/stuff) (I mean wtr to 10 years ago texture mapping literature) 
 yep had not had any minute to blog last 2 days. first -> when went to nurse/doctor for dressing surgery wound  of my mom (total knee replacement surgery) on last day, on not the wound side but on side part of leg there were unusual coloring of skin to bruise alike. then doctor there said you should go to orthopedics doctor. Then we had contacted hospital to then they said come without losing time then,  then whilst intending to go to that near city hospital then at belen district,  our kulustur car broke then we had called relative to help us and then he left us to hospital afterwards and returned back. (since doctor had not seen an issue but asked to come if there is some increasde in pain happens etc) so at late afternoon we came home last day. then we were very tired and then today, we first had crisis of the following situation -> mom needs to take some shots everyday (blood thinner shots) for post surgery period. then our car is at mechanic. hmm the docto...
 hmm mom told there is heater type stuff in home in attic. cause my radiator in room somehow is not working well enough for today's weather coldness.  wov nice add on to my room. some standard kumtel heater. gosh this direct heat is even better than the default radiator based heating. missed this direct heating stuff which we dont usually need to use due to having radiator system at home.  but recent times is alot cold weather.  hmm so I were studying to project trying to understand why texture object do not work. 
 today passed with ->  - doing some home tasks, then first some buying things for home (since we been at hospital last week entirely) - then maybe 2 hours tidying/cleaning first floor of home -> there a elder taking care person took care of grandma whilst we were at hospital. then also hace came stayed to support grandma. then lots of people constantly  visited them. then as a result -> the ceramics were really very unclean.  it were near to uncleanless level when home were left for a year or more empty/nonmaintained. (that which cleaning helping person by then even washed floors with pouring a bucket of waters to floor ceramics (inside home))  this time it were of course not that level unclean, but still were severe unclean so it took unusual time than normal per 3 days or so cleaning/tidying first floor tasks.   so today has been passed with things like this. of e.g cleaning first floor. which take with cleaning also bathroom least 2 hours. ...
yep we finally came home after last week being at hospital for mom's knee replacement procedure. we had a very unfortunate topic whilst returning back.  first standard topic of unknown neo nazi ferikoy community/unknown neo nazi foreign country hired mafias attempted stage 5 incident patterns of false flags to defame with stage 5 type worser type impossible smear types.  (it were very maniacal stage 5 incident pattern attempting to defame with stage 5 smear types with very maniacal false flag)  whilst being already very upset to that and blogged angrily about. then mom whom newly got operation on tuesday as you blog readers know, mom got to car (which is kulustur alike)  then car got broken. (visibly some issue at some mechanics side. then I placed mom back to wheelchair to move to other hospital section where her room is, then her room were already tidied and not possible to move. so there in warm corridor side placed my mom on wheel chair and then called some frien...
Yep nearly finished udemy unreal tutorial. Hmm but sometimes with not focus capable very much.   Now let's start blender tutorial.  For mom's knee replacement surgery: Yep we are at hospital until saturday or Sunday.  Mom is much better today the blood collector drenage from surgery place has been removed today and started to do some more exercises today(initial exercise started yesterday) . The doctor also told surgery passed with very success. We are so much grateful/thankful to.  . 
Yep forgetting phone screen lock and Gemini searched for irrelevant topics (possibly I think from tv show my parent were watching)  
 I think there is separate unrelated two groups I encounter insanity of ->  first one unknown ferikoy community cult which attempts deceit of false flags/fab ops to smear. this group seems to have no religious symbols (hard to predict which religion) this does very insane false flags/very disturbing batteries and harrassments with false flags/fab ops attempts.  (with an unknown foreign country) then there is a second group which i think is some specific religion since I saw perpetuators have religious symbols/outfit.  this second group seems as some religious cult and does very insane very disturbing harrassments with shouting things like uncle/aunt/dad alike.  I think this latter group seems as an insane religious cult which is unrelated to first incidents and attempts some form of insane religious cult violence with very psychologically maniac incident types e.g. shoiuting like 'aunt' -> so seems as this unknown religious cult resembles gulen cult's brot...
Gosh so much relieved since moms knee surgery ended with good passed surgerym Only issue were pain issue because she had only epidural type stuff which then first 2 hour post surgery mom had a lot pain even with pain killers since it's really a hard type surgery as they break bones stuff or such things in this total knee replacement pricedyre.  But they found anesthesia risky due to asthma and gone with epidural option. But turns out if not mandatory for such hard type medical procedure anesthesia wre better than epidural type anesthesia.  Since 8 years ago mom had again this medical operation and had anesthesia instead of  legs side anesthesia and she hadn't had this much pain in post 2 hours. But it were not possible to do it like that now as because it were found risky to do full anesthesia due to moms asthma condition  But she seems better now happily and doctors also told surgery went good.  Gosh it were very anxious to me. They told me to buy Walker and so...
Yep mom in knee replacement operation right now. Wishing all goes well 💞♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Yep so much happy for my mom since she couldn't had walked even 100meters due to knee issue.
 yep today starts with: - mom were tidying balcony and helped mom in carrying stuff once - then I now continue studying to game dev project. there i am struck in some hmm packaging topic. Somehow initial demo I test does shutdown after splash screen. trying to fix it. (game map is not ready, but before advancing I wanted to test some in android phone initial materials set with foliage. but it somehow shutdowns. )   
so today passed with -> - first getting up late since i fall asleep late last day -> got up at 9:30pm or so. then had breakfast/chat with mom alot. then went to shopping center to buy some sd card stuff (since it takes alot time to transfer android game with bluetooth since usb data cable  does not work in my pc somehow (whcih i had not tried to fix yet either) )  so sd card would be nice. 
  hey maybe again some time ago (if not misdetection, could be this time misdetection since had headphones and partially resembled one literal to fab ops pattern format of sociopathic fab ops attempts of stage5) stage 5 deception untruly smearing fab ops attempt by hired /articulated mafia militia  of unknown ferikoy community/cult be attempted(not sure if detected, maybe false positive(misdetection)). please and please -> do not be deceived by fab ops smearing attempt in char assasination attempts incident patterns tried to be attempted which they attempt with articulating  their mafia militias/stalker militias to do attempt deception/fab ops attempts to smear untruly (with verbal batteries). -> They(unknown ferikoy communuty/cult and unknown foreign country )do these framing attempts of fab ops attempts routinely in this framing attempts/smearing untruly attempts to smear/fabr. very idiotic/untrue very impossible smear attempts by such fab ops with hired articulat...