yep we finally came home after last week being at hospital for mom's knee replacement procedure.

we had a very unfortunate topic whilst returning back. 

first standard topic of unknown neo nazi ferikoy community/unknown neo nazi foreign country hired mafias attempted stage 5 incident patterns of false flags to defame with stage 5 type worser type impossible smear types.  (it were very maniacal stage 5 incident pattern attempting to defame with stage 5 smear types with very maniacal false flag) 

whilst being already very upset to that and blogged angrily about. then mom whom newly got operation on tuesday as you blog readers know, mom got to car (which is kulustur alike)  then car got broken. (visibly some issue at some mechanics side. then I placed mom back to wheelchair to move to other hospital section where her room is, then her room were already tidied and not possible to move. so there in warm corridor side placed my mom on wheel chair and then called some friends from there to find a mechnaic. then I got as expected very stressed out since i mean mom is newly recovering from very important surgery type. (she got total knee replacement stuff 3 days ago) and then I couldnt fastly make her go home where she can rest some more. its because our family car is kulustur (it needs to be replaced imho. its like honda hrv but very kulustur )  i think maybe possibly fuel pump got some issue or so. then some mechanic came and by the time mechnaic came, the car started working. then at some meters later car again stopped. then mechanic showns how to restart (using other fuel type which visibly one fuel type pump has issue) (yep my family's car is very kulustur) then latter we luckily went to home but very stressful with scared it would broke again (since i mean hospital were in like 40 minutes distant city ) then I left mom at home. then my family some were also there, then we heated soup for her. then got help from my uncle to go to medicine shop to buy prescribed medicine.  then been resting some afterwards with drinking hot drinks (since we had really stressful moment. I am happy  I did not had heart attack. i mean it were very stressful. since i mean its very urgent to take mom to home from 40 min distant city.  and its urgenbt to take mom to home where she can rest at home and nevertheless all after home then whilst returning back we discussed with mom to replace this car since is kulustur and constansly brokes like this(i think maybe it might be fixed if fuel pump is changed, but still very kulustur type vehicle).  

hmm meanwhile hospital itself were awesome! the room were very neat/clean (for one patient and care taking of patient ) . but still of course staying at somewhere other than home were not enjoyable even if hospital were very nice/clean/neat.  I think we also liked that mom were left from hospital after least 3 days stay there. 

so turned out this surgery type is type very challenging surgery type. (total knee replacement) the surgery itself took 2 to 3 hours, so that even shows its type challenging type surgeries. 

but the surgery went very well and the hospital-doctors were very good/patient care there were very good.  but its surely one very type challenging surgery type. i mean healing period is evry challening. they do physio therapy exercises which seems challening from outside. i mean i congrulate my mom for her courage to take such challenging surgery type at 70.  but otherwise if she had not got this surgery, it were really type disabled life for her. since she couldnt even walk 100meters or so. so we were very interested to get surgery to make life easier for my mom so that she could walk again alike used to before., and that were not the only issue, she also suffered from pain from her knee issue alot (she had multiple issues at her knee and constantly suffered form severe pain due to her knee issues)

but still looking to this surgery's hardness,  I thought -> I when next time cleaning home I would do less clean home. and not be hard on my knees alot. since I mean really the knee replacement surgery is type challenging surgery. its like they required until saturday stay at hospital (we went on monday and on tuesday surgery happent) and then 3 day after surgery day were default staying time and if required more also might stayed more. so  i think any surgery that requires staying 3 days at hospital (excluding surgery day) I think must be type of challenging surgery type. 

Its like after seeing hardness of this surgery, I thought like, gosh I would walk slower when using stairs (to take car on my knees alikem more) and would try to reduce weight for same reason. since I mean it really from outside looked quite alot challenging surgery. 

but again, surgery were successful very much and doctorts were very good/experienced and very guiding in post healing process and hospital were very tidy/neat and we stayed in single patient room and that were nice also.

but of course this last 6 days were very challenging to me and my mom. quite a lot challenging. to stay some distant stranger place away from home (although its a nice-neat hospital, its not home, missed home). mom's challening surgery. quite alot challenging time to me and my mom as  expected. and the car breaking whjilst trying to return to home were like very unfortunate. but people helped alot and a mechanic came and we returned home. that part of returning mom back to hospital were stressing, since she needs to go home to rest at home by then. 

so now i would rest. and tomorrow would resuime android game along with taking care of my dear mom. 

so much happy for mom to resume walking ability healing afterwards sometime later.  she were like disabled to walking skill due to this issue. and she were also constantly suffering from pains of her knee. (since multiple conditions existed)

so many people to thank. e.g, people whom suggested us this doctor. (some fatma neighbour)  and again to her for finding a mechanic (since fatma is originbally from that city) in that crisis of car getting broke jst we tried to went from hospital to home. 

so yep we saved mom from disabled condition. so much happy for it.  it were not only an issue that made her disabled alike to walking skill, but also it were like recurrent constant pains. 

so I am very happy for mom. to resume walking skill again("she could walked but after 100 meters she couldnt). so much sad for her before. to such situation. and doctor said her knee were definitely gone not a usable knee for walking. doctor also couraged us to take surgery since otherwise mom were already disabled alike and pain issue were also were very problematic. 

so somuch happy for her. normally we did not knew this doctor. we only knew a doctor in istanbul (which had done surgery to her other knee 8 years ago) but then that doctor asked for 1500000-200000tl cost for surgery. then we thought lets then collect in meanwhile. then this doc were suggested by a friend of my mom(fatma) whom then its this time in not a special insurancee type hospital(it were not type private hospital) but some normal standard healthcare insurance hospital type. and room were very nice either. everything were good at hospital(patient care and even cleanless of rooms alike). and here the surgery cost were uncomparable to surgery cost in istanbul in a private hospital. (which were like that were 150000tl to 200000tl but here it were like 34000 tl and we additionally paid 3000tl for single patient room for 6 days either. (and double patient room is free) ) 

so mom decided to take surgery here. not just because its less expensive than taking surgery at istanbul from her previous doctor(which were a famous doctor in total knee replacement topic and very expensive also due to being very famous/known  in this field alike ).  in istanbul she would have to stay at relatives(her sisters) there which she although very likes her sisters, like everyone would, preferred to stay rest heal at home. so she might have had waited  4 or 5 months time later with collecting some money from her income for this surgery to go to same doctor 8 years ago that did knee replacement to her, but due to all these and wish to stay at her own home when healing, she then decided to take surgery here. which then hospital turned out quite good either. much better than also imho private hospitals.  and doctor turned out very experienced doctor in this field either(as suggested by fatma friend of mom, that turned out this doctor is also famous in this knee replacement topic in this regions alike adana/hatay. so quite a lot experienced doctor in knee replacement topic). so all went very good in mom's surgery and post surgery care. (excluding the crisis of our car breaking down whilst returning home that also fixed/resolved as mentioned) 

 of course following weeks and first month is very important. her physio theraphy exercises is very important and everything required in this first 2 weeks and folloiwng 1 month of this total knee replacement surgery topic. so that be it. we would take care of mom very much during this period. since its quite alot challening surgery. but mom already seems very good already healed alot buut it requires uttermost patient care this surgery type. specifically in first month (since there is alot wound happening in this surgery type) so first 3 weeks is quite alot important. i think by end of 3 weeks stitches  would be taken. then period after that is much easier i think, but again firsyt 4 weeks to 6 weeks patient care is very important in this kind of very challenging surgery type i think. also it heals totally as i reaqd in a  year or so. but  after 3 weeks people usually start walking much better as i read. so most challenge part is over (surgery itself and initial week after surgery) but there is no following 2 weeks is also very important (until stitches taken). then following 2 weeks again is also important specifically in physio therapy side,. so then afterwards i think it might become much less challening healing time.but first 3 weeks i think is quite a lot challenging for this surgery type. hmm but most important challenge is over. (surgery which took 2.5 or 3 hours) and first week after surgery. wish eveything goes good and she my dear mom heals fastest. (I love my parents (and family) very very much))



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