I think there is separate unrelated two groups I encounter insanity of ->
first one unknown ferikoy community cult which attempts deceit of false flags/fab ops to smear. this group seems to have no religious symbols (hard to predict which religion) this does very insane false flags/very disturbing batteries and harrassments with false flags/fab ops attempts. (with an unknown foreign country)
then there is a second group which i think is some specific religion since I saw perpetuators have religious symbols/outfit. this second group seems as some religious cult and does very insane very disturbing harrassments with shouting things like uncle/aunt/dad alike. I think this latter group seems as an insane religious cult which is unrelated to first incidents and attempts some form of insane religious cult violence with very psychologically maniac incident types e.g. shoiuting like 'aunt' -> so seems as this unknown religious cult resembles gulen cult's brother thingy (as before read of news) -> they in harrassment incidents shout family literals like uncle/aunt/dad alike insanely. very disturbing of course and very insane. I think (pure speculation) this unknown cult might see themselves as brothers/family among eachother to do such harrassment type alike we speculate(|maybe gulen cult copy paste cult? I am only speculating from harrassment incidents, I have no idea). we dont know if they have any idea that their harrasment is severely psycho and most severely disturbing. (psycho in most psycho level) its very pscho when people shout family literals like uncle/aunt etc. and perpetuators seems to be imho a religious cult. since I saw they have religious outfit/symbols. this second unknown group is least as disturbing as first mentioned enemy people of unknown ferikoy community cult and unknown foreign enemy country which attempts repetitively false flags fab ops.
I some time confused as if these incidents as same turns out its different. that I fight against 2 insane type groups. first is an unknown ferikoy communuty cult which attempts repetitively false flags/fab ops (which we got clue that its done by an unknown foreign country which hires mafias to do false flags/fab ops )
second group is even more insane -> this group shouts things like "uncle! aunt! dad!" these people seem to wear some religious outfit and seems to be imho speculating => seems to be a religious cult imho. which visibly copy pastes gulen cult's brotherhood thingy. the harrassments of this unrelated second group is least as psycho and maniacal and sociopathic and disturbing least as first group (first group being unknown foreign country and unknown ferkoy community which hires mafias to do false flags/fab ops (of reported in many thousandf blog pages of many thousand incident patterns of various stages of deceit depceptionwise smeearing attempts throug repetitive false flags/fab ops attempts)
Hmm there is need for detective services to tackle both insane unknown groups (being irrelevant to each imho. since first group perpetatuors seems to have no religious symbols any at all and we got clue that this many thousands false flags/fab ops attempting unknown ferikoy commnity cult is actually some also unknown foreign enemy country articulated stuff. that an unknown foreign enemy country hires mafias (of asian/middle eastern origin) with 18000 or 20000 eurois to doi false flags/fab ops to attempt to plant deceit untrue narrative (with very impossible slander types). this we title as first group we detect incidents of.
second group being unrelated to first group, is no less psycho imho nthan first group e.g. their harrassments are very pscyho and very disturbing. this second group we also wish to get to know perpetuators to sue to ICC alike places. this second harrasser and very pscycho wise harrasser group seems most likely a religious cult since they wear religious outfit. so maybe a scientology or gulen cult copy cat type cult we speculate as. and their harrasments are least as disturbing/psycho as the unrelated first group's harrassments/incident patterns. (of reported in many thousand blog pages of many thousand fab ops/false flag deceit incident patterns)
I need urgent detectiving help to capture info of the perpetuators of these separate two groups. I think I detected the first incident of this second possibly religious cult like group in Bonn. the perpetuator came to cafe of company in work to do such psycho incident pattern which is very disturbing surely.
this second group harrassment type very insane and psycho. they shout family literals like uncle aunt etc in their religious cult's harrassments. we speculate as this second group is type a religious cult since we observed they all of the perpetuators wear religious outfit. so this second type group seems some kind of religious extremists of a religion. and their incident patterns are very psycho and most severely disturbing.
gosh :S -> as been targeted by false flags and fab ops by an unknown foreign country and its ferikoy community/cult then been targeted unrelated to that by an unknown visibly some extremist form of religious cult (speculating) -> how hard life could be? like life which we struggle fight against very psycho type people. one one side an unknown foreign country and an unknown ferikoy favela community cult which hires mafias toi do false flags/fab ops and such violence attempts in some specific genocidal violence type (these type first group do not seem to showcase any religious symbols in doing such maniacal violence) which we were given some clue that in this first topic (of reported in many thousand blog pages) that an unknown foreign country is related with this favela communities and hiring mafias to do false flags/fab ops to disturbg and to attempt to smear with false flag.
the second case seems (unrelated to first case) seems more like a very extremist religious cult. which does very psycho type harrassments.
its not first time I atheist been stalked by relgiious cults. in one case, in hannover i saw some christian or such type extrmeists religious people doing untrue propaganda attack with slander types. in this case of second group, we observed muslim religious symbols so this second group seems as an extremist religious type people of muslim type.
(this atheist guh sometimes gets stalked by both crhistian and both muslim's extremists unfortunately) this second group seems like an extrmeist muslim cult and does very maniacal psychologically very disturbing incident patterns in which they shout things like "aunt! uncle!" -> very maniacal and very psycho :S
i also saw direct untrue propaganda attacks also from christian extremists in hannover. i were staying by then in some temporary flat. then when i came out in corner 2 christian alike extremists did untrue propaganda attack with most impossible type (stage 5 type impossible type) smear propagandas.
so this atheist guher has both christian extremists and muslim extremist type stalkers at times.
I also think once a christian extremist group stalked with shouting "perfect!" at slandering smearing incident patterns.
in this second case of second extremist group of religious cults-> I observe a muslim type extremist group doing very psychologically disturbing very psycho harrassments in which they shout things like uncle/aunt alike :S very psycho! (visibly some gulen cult similitude type cult which has brotherhood alike family relations inside cult? dunno I am currently just speculating since I have no idea of nor knowledge of perpetuators or stalkers)
goshg christian extremists in europe were also similarly horrific :S e,g, stalkers would do first shouting slander smear propaganda and then would shout "perfect!"
really very insane type religious cults from all religions stalk this atheist guh weirdly :S (how unlucky life of constantly being stalked by psycho type extremist type religiouus cults from many religions :S why ? I just dont understand why? :S)
so wish its clear I need urgent a huge detective service help. to capture info of these unknown groups religious cults perpetuaots info so that we can sue them fastest.
gosh i forgot tha tperfect shouting horror of christian extremist stalkers :S they would do first shout untrue defamatory propaganda (of placing me to impossible bad occupation types in untreu defamatory prpaganda) then they would later also shout perfect and they would always shout perfect in every harrassment :S very insane :S these people would also stalk everytime i been outside alike many times. I called them the unknown "perfect!" shouting unknown religious extremist cult/group by then. they did quite alot harrasments by then (maybe 30 or so many incidents ) which were again very psycho since in end of incidents they would always shout "perfect!" in some cases we also saw a group which shouts "bravo!" at end of incidents. we dont know if this third group is related to second group which shouted "perfect!" at end of harrasments.
we then tagged europe as place to avoid due to extremist type christian cults. which shouts first untrue defamtory propagdna then shouts perfect afterwards. ther eis really usch cult there. I countered maybe 30 or 20 times such perfect! shouting passing cult stalk with untrue defamatory popaganda.
then we also have such muslim cult issue alike last 6 months which do very disturbingly psycho incident patterns of shouting things like "uncle! aunt" like literals in their psycho cult's harrassments.
so we need detective help to get info capture info of perpetuators to sue them to law institutes. which does very psycho type incident patterns.
I am stalked by various religious cults i think.
I even once detected incident pattern of jehova witnesses since one shouted jehova in one incident pattern. I think jehova cult is least type disturbing religious extremists since they only shouted jehova alike literal in harrassment. this hapeptn once andhappent whilst returning from bonn to istanbul on pathway. so i think least type disturbing religious group among religious groups harrassments has been jehova people.
i countered harrassments and very psycho type harrassments from a diverse set of religions. and i think least psycho harrassment has came from jehova type people.
so its visible i all the time needed/ need detective help to get info of perpetuators to sue extremist type religious people's insane type defamatory attempts with very impossible slander types. visibly diverse set of religions likes to attack to atheist type people as seen in this case. since I encountered diverse type religoins untrue propaganda attacks from extremists of.
in such cases, one should definitely have significant detective force to get info exact info of the perpetuators to instantly sue to law institutes.
but i currently dont have any money to hire detectives. but extremists of religions are really very disturbingly insane and need to be sued to law institutes for their very psycho type insanity. extremists of many diverse set of religions. whom does untrue defamatory propaganda attacks to atheist type people. I saw many religions extremists untrue propaganda attacks/ from christians to recently see muslim extremist cult attacks. so i am weirdly targeted by many of religions extremists. not any single religion. with untrue defamatory propaganda attacks or insane very psycho extremist attacks of very psycho imho. very very psycho imho :S
hmm the horrors started with some unknown ferkoy community attacks with false flags/fab ops. which we got clue that its articulated by an unknown foreign country which even hires asian middle eastern mafias for false flag/fab ops attacks. (they even told how much moeny unknown foreign country does pay to mafias to do false flags (in clue they even gave detail of that) ) this is the main issue we are fighting against -> the perpetuators of this violence seems to have none kind of religious symbols.
then second and terniary and more topics of unknown religious cults attacks which are very psycho in its own. unknown religious cults attack with doing very psycho type incidents (as exemplified). we dont think these second group is directly related to the first group (of above paragraph) but we observe also such unknown religious cults extremist religious people's very psycho verbal attacks. which are untrue propaganda attacks. and cult violence it seems as religious extrmeists cult violence imho. this second latter diverse set of religions cults extremist attacks, we also need detective force to capture info of the perpetuators to sue to law insittutes asap. since this second topic is very distressing/very maniacal situation (not any less distressing than unrelated first paragraph's unknown ferikoy community cult group which seems to have lack religious symbols so we dont know their religion either, but some country intel gave clue that-> those unknown ferikoy commuinity is of type asian/middle eastern people and the clue said that, an unknown foreign country hires such mafias to do false flag fab ops with even giving info of how much mafia is paid to be hired to do false flags/fab ops. the intel given included races and info of the perpetuators of the first group, that an unknown foreign country is hiring mafias (asian middle eastern mafias with 18000 20000 money to do false flags/fab ops) in the first mentioned topic of many thosuand of false flags/fab ops attempts (of an unknown ferikoy community/cult) ) so turns out the many thousands false flag/fab ops such smearing violence attempts of an unknown ferikoy commumnity cult turned out its aritculated by an unknown foreign country which hires mafias to do false flags/fab ops smeairng attacks (as a country intel gave us clue, they even gave us info how much unknown foreign country pays to mafias to do false flags/fabs ops attempts (to attmept to smear untruly with most idiotic and very imposisble and very untrue (impossibly untrue) smear types) )
so its urgent i create some income to hire some 24 hour detectiving service to capture one by one every pereptuator (with 24 hours detective force and detective tech to capture info of perpetuators ) then to sue to law institutes.
so I urgently would try to create income from game project. I might even launch an indiegogo campaign page after I prepare game initials. I am not a person type to setup begging bowl either and idea of indie gogo page seems really not nice. but i think this game would be nice and if i won 8000 money from indioe gogo I might then start investing in finding help of a detective firm already. (e.g. i can spare 1000 money to detective firm to capture info of perpetuators to sue to law institutes)
so I might (or not) after game's inital planet is ready, might create an indiegogo page to create 8000 money investment. to then spare 1000 of that to start finding detective sevrice and rest assured to game dev itself to complete all planets.
Hey first group attempted a.a passing fab ops false flag (smear incident) with also some gay people harrassment with false flag fab ops of stage 2. So unknown foreign country articulated some gays (since they used gay literally in incident) and some mafia to do stage 2 false flag with gay literals (so perpetrator seemed like gay IMHO due to talk detected in fab ops false flag incident)
Then unrelatedly to that the second group attempted uncle/aunt passing very insane psycho cult battery type. They seemed also as nonturkiye(not from Turkiye (due to color) type people (outlook) in this second group very psycho psychologically very maniacal battery. If only we have detectives we could get info to sue to law system these psycho cult possibly illegal immigrants people. Speculating:This unknown second group seems like Gulen copy cat cult since uses such family literals in very psycho such harrassments. (Since in investigative news of Gulen cult before we read Gulen cult used brother sister like family literals )
Absolutely verybpsycho. It's most urgent to develop game project create income to hire detective 24 hour against this speculated as Gulen cult copy cat cult (which we first detected harrasment of aunt uncle shouting type very psycho harrasments in Bonn alike 6 months ago or so. The perpetrator came to cafe of work place I did data engineering to and shouted uncle/aunt literals. So this second group seems a quite maniac psycho cult imho speculating. battety type is very psycho and maniacal mentally sick and disturbing. Visibly some Gulen cult copy cat cult since in news of Gulen cult we read of before mentioned they used brother sister like literals. So speculating that this second group seems then a Gulen cult copy cat cult. )
Related to mentioned first group which possibly has gay people:
The ferikoy unknown community also attempted along with hiring articulating mafias attempted as alike battery.
We don't know that these unknown foreign countryhave any idea that they can't do genocide to Turkiye people. That neither their false flags to smear with most idiotic impossible smear types (very very impossible smear types (absolute idiotism))nor any maniacal batteriesin false flags fab ops wont any work to detriment engineers of our country which are very powerful resistant against genocide intent having unknown foreign country and it's ferikoy community which visibly has gays( That being irrelevant to this topic. ) which they articulate along with hiring mafias to attempt fab ops false flags to attempt to smear with very imposdible smear types. (Absolute idiotism of false flags with most irrational impossible smear types)
Whilst the unknown foreign country do attempt sociopathic type genocidal activity with false flags we engineers build awesome engineer projects. (Yep ml algos albeit currently working to game dev project temporarily)
Yep as visible I need detectiving help urgent but I don't have since having no money but wishfully I could create money from indie gogo 3 weeks later from game project and if not game proj would be ready by 5 weeks that I could start creating income from game dev. To then ASAP hire detective service to capture info of perpetuators to then sue to law systems.
Hey recently again false flag attempted as alike in ferikoy 8 years ago or in Berlin 4 years ago the perpetuator hired mafia shouted hami literal in false flag attempt of false flag verbal batteries to plant slander narrative context and forceful conversion smearing attempt. This also happent in right next left side flat batteries this hami literal were detected in ferikoy batteries of false flag attempts . Alike we detdct this hami literal passing false flag fab ops verbal battery battery in in Berlin in train/bus 4 years ago.
Wish I already have detectiving service to capture perpetuator info to then sue this hired articulated mafia militias by unknown ferikoy community and unknoen foreign country which hires articulates mafias to do false flags fab ops of with verbal battery wise deceit attempts to plant smear narratives (most idiotic imposdible smear types) attempts through deceit of fab ops false flag attempts endlessly repetitively.
Hey I think possible false flag detected and I open voice recorder to capture if happent to collect evidence. (In somewhere I think I m not sure but could be misdetection but possibly happent from vicinity room. I m not sure if misdetection or detection since I heard gay passing and verbal battery resembling sentences etc) possible that unknown foreign country articulated mafias to vicinity room(right side room) to do false flag/fab ops or else it were coincidence and misdetection.
Later I saw stage 5 smearing fab ops somewhere outside with similar to 8 years ago identity eradication attempt pattern. Do not any be deceived to. In stage 5 the unknown ferikoy cult and it's foreign country attempt fab ops with most worst impossible type smears to discredit reporter /targeted of their insane genocidal false flags defamation attempts with very maniac verbal battery attempts/fab ops violence. Do not be also deceived to stage 5 please. This genocidal insanity of unknown ferikoy community (which visibly also has gays) and their backer unknown foreign country which attempts historic nazi style untrue propaganda attempts (with even hiring mafias in doing defamation/untrue propaganda attempts with reported false flag methods) is not possible to interpret. Why these unknown ferikoy community are genocidaly insane and fixated on doing attempting sociopathic form of genocidal activity , not possible to interpret. These ferikoy people unknown community (which also has gays visibly) are truly genocidally aggressive imho. Stage 5 is extra dishonest as they do smearing spreading untrue propaganda attempts with worser type impossible smear types. (To degrade existence condition of various such verbal violence attempted (to attempt to defame) to attempt to discredit/even to do genocide incitement against with worser type impossible smear types. )
It's so crazy insane how this unknown ferikoy communuty and it's foreign country attempts these violence, they always use dishonest sociopatjic methods of untrue propaganda methods and eg they even hire articulate mafias (we been given clue that the unknown foreign country hires Asian and middle Eastern mafias in this false flag attpts thingy) (the clue provider Intel source told even how much money the unknown foreign country pays to mafias for to do false flags )
Since this stage 5 frequently happent(started (in Germany we suspect the culprit foreign country being either there or somewhere in vicinity to there being the unknown culprit foreign country that does hire mafias to do false flags. (I mean we are suspecting of an unknown eu country (which we don't think it's France nor brussels) behind hiring and articulation of mafias to do false flags )
Eg I seen even once exile Russians with anti Russia views doing funnily untrue comparison to my blog then one can't stop thinking there is some unknown eu country behind false flags but only one not to defame any else countries in eu imho.
I mean same people type whom wished to topple Russia side from there some entity behind and responsible of hiring mafias to do false flags.
It were a total shock when seeing some exile Russian (that's against russia) talking of game topic and doing untrue comparisons .
Which made it clear that the same entities behind russian resistances, an entity among them is organizing articulating hiring mafias and organized various stages false flags fab ops
So some unknown foreign entity that even has links to Russian exiles is weirdly hiring mafias to do false flags. Not possible to, interpret even, why. 🤔
Some unknown foreign country doing organizing people to do both stage 5 type impossible smears untrue propaganda and both hiring mafias to do false flags to smear. And weirdly such entity has also visibly links to Russian exiles whom tried to topple russia leads.
So maybe this articulating organizing people type stuff done by unknown countries is also attempted to me weirdly. So if someone followed money that is given to stalkers to do untrue propaganda we can figure out learn unknown foreign country whom does this and whom visibly has links to Russian exiles to have them do such untrue comparisons to my blog.
So alike Russian exiles were given campaigns money to do acts to change regime there, maybe same method but completely unrelated agenda is attempted by an unknown foreign they (this time unknown 'they' spend money to do organize commu ity cult violence (maybe just to experiment organize capacity to do untrue propaganda)
It were total shock to see Russian exile talk said something like don't play Putin's game. Untrue comparison but which exactly revealed there is really an unknown eu country behind this organized false flags untrue propaganda attempts violence I detect.
If people follow bank accounts of stalkers we might as well get to know the organizers of untrue propagsnda attacks /false flags. I mean jnknown eu country which thinks imposdible smears to other races and uses this organized untrue propaganda power to attempt to detriment with untrue propaganda/false flags.
For suspicious eu country behind this false flags/untrue propaganda, we don't think it's Brussels. We don't think it's France. But yet we have no idea whom is the suspect unknown foreign country behind this false flags/untrue propaganda attempts thingy.
Hey 15 min ago walking to hospital some women were on phone in corner there came and attempted identity eradication incident pattern false flag they attempted frequrntly in false flags fab ops in 2017/2018 and first quarters of 2019. (Detailed wise reported in many thousand pages in those time period in blog in detail and also later, many thousands blog page reported these identity eradication incident formats in false flag patterns )
Then later entering this side from other section in vicinity of automatic doors a guy attempted stage 2 fab ops slur cursing incisent pattern to attempt to smear. (Untrue propaganda, stage 2) some guy both stalked in ferikoy both shouted same slur in Germany also. And he might shouted some religious book name in one incident possibly in some place vicinity recent year (which is not islam but some other religion which is not Christianity either this time,l ) (seemed as similar voice to perpetuator but unsure) this religious book shouting I m not sure if it's same person whom shouts spreads untrue defamatory propaganda slur. Voice resembled but unsure if that person whom shouted religious book name is any from perpetuators. Resembled one of the perpetuators voice but unsure. Maybe completely unrelated person the person whom shouted religious books. Dunno. Only voice resembled . But unsure if from peroetuators. Dunno.
Hey it's Detectiving mystery right? Yep I think so.
Then someone all before these false flags shouted 'lawyer (to sue them)' alike whilst passing beside me but due to autism I couldn't look or interact to due to in default autism shyness. (Yep autists walk only when walking thry can't even look to people, the least in my autism situation it's like that)
Hey 20 25 min ago the same curse shouted in ferikoy 7 years ago by stalkers had been detected in some hallroom. stalker unknown person would stalk to cafes or even if I go to cinema and shout such curse whilst passing 2 3 meters vicinity as I remember. I would by thrn as stage 1 stalk started in feriky initially had perceived as very psycho mentally sick type stalkers issue not understood an unknown ferikoy communuty/cult and a foreign country is hiring articulating mafias in false flags batteries.the same guy voice I heard in Berlin as ferikoyin same curse incident. And same person shouted gay passing literls as I remember in many incidents. The some of batteries in false flags includes gay literal in battery parts of false flag.
So unknown ferikoy cult community and it's unknown foreign country again articulated their mafia forces in vicinity to do false flag battery activity. With some specific curse I heard 7 or 8 years ago frequently from which I perceived as a psycho mentally sick type stalker.
Hey maybe again 2 min ago false flag fab ops deceit incident (including .ga smear false flag slur) attmpted by mafias guys hired articulated by unknown foreign country passed in some hallway (unsure if misdetection or detection since headphones and couldn't understood if detected as resembled and opent sound recorder to record evidence of ) maybe it's nice idea to keep voice recorder open constant since the unknoen country sent articulated mafias eg even outside to corners passing places last day (in outside last two days) which attmpted specific verbal battery false flag patterns (specifically 2017 2018 patterns) which they also shout come literal in end of false flag batteries.
I wish to provide details eg in 2 days ago in hospital outside at 530or 6 pm I were walking to go to migros or so. Then at path coming to hospital 2 people parked one guy with motorbike and women (in vicinity to that entrance of hospitl) attempted false flag verbal battery so we think it's from mafia forces hired articulated by unknown fireign country and unknown ferikoy community
same wise in last day this time the corner of hospitl (at intersection of paths there) a women attempted false flag incident pattern (also detected a lot in ferikoy streets by 2017/2018) with shouting come ending battery of false flag.
So in recent trend of false flags(last 2 incidents) the mafias articulated by unknown ferikoy cult and unknown foreign country end false flag patterns incident attempts with come literal. Recent false flag formats.
Then also we detected some religious cults possible harrasment pattern some time possibly if not misdetection.
We wonder which unknown foreign country behind these false flags. We sispect of an unknown country from Europe.
If anyone with duch capability followed the stslkers bank accounts we might get to know which foreign country is hiring both mafias and stslkers to do attempt felse flags
We sudpect a Europe fraction (not Brussels nor France side but more eastern) since some specific battery type were detected also in there a lot in Europe by foreigners along with abroad extension of this unknown feriloy cult so we suspect an unkniwn Europe side hiring mafias to do false flags (for what purpose unknown maybe they have hatred to women whom are satirical and very intelligent) maybe it's their some exercise of organizing oeople for untrue propaganda purpose I mean irganizingvcivil militia testing experimenting for untrue propaganda tactics (with false flags) testing untrue propaganda tactics. Dunno.
Because we seen even such civil militia side doing untrue defamatiin attacks to blog routinely. (Some Russian exile rarely does defame attempts to my blog) (I saw twice from) so since those are like civil militia to tried to topple Russian side gov people (those exiles) and since twice saw doing untrue attitude to my blog from such person, then it's direct evidence that there whom articulates those civil militia to tried topple Russia side gov same people are related to organized deceit false flags wise mafias false flags violence I encounter.
So by civil militia like fraction type Russian exiles twice untrue attitude stuff to my blog it became clear that the civil militia fraction of stalkers and mafias which does false flags is hired/organized articulated by same unknown Europe entity which also organized campaigned such exiles is organizing the stalkers side and even hiring mafias to not known for what purpose defamation attacks with false flags.
Speculation: maybe it's a country which thinks impossible slanders to other races and experiments civil side organized untrue propaganda tactics ( with deceit methods of false flags) due to excess hate to other races?
I saw at least twice such negative attitude with untrue stuff from sych person weirdly which makes clear that the civil stalker militia stuff is organized by such unknown foreign entity in Europe continent (untrue propaganda tactics weirdly attempted to me in that. Maybe I m a test thingy for testing untrue propagsnda tactics with 2 fold deceit methods in one side they (unknown foreign entity) hires articulates mafias for false flags to smear in other side it organizes civil militia for curse smear shouts in total deceit effort Scala of untrue propaganda tactics/tests experimentation of civil organizing with untrue propaganda tactics (of articulating mafias to attempt to try to plant untrue smears with false flag deceit ) then in second fold of deceit organizing civil militia for untrue smear types harrasments alike experimenting of civil power with total deceit(Of untrue propaganda) we observe in this case.
Hey in hallway I think in down hallway side (reverse of entrance) I detected one curse the articulated mafia shouted in false flags patterns last 5 months. (If not mis detection if detected correctly, I had headphones and I think I detected ) so visibly the articulated mafias by unknown foreign country came to hallway/corridors. It were in downside corridor in not entrance side but the reverse side andnot this corridor side but right side corridor. 5 or 6 minutes ago. (When going to nurse side from there I detected)
Hey in some hallway bab. Smear literal passing fab ops detected then later ferikoy mafia community shouted one literal they did shouted from vicinity side of flat via their mafias 7 or 8 years ago.
Then these people of hired mafias of ferikoy and unknown foreign country I think are insanely sociopathic in false flag methods eg they both do verbal battery then shout cruel. I mean it's like they find people whom don't bow to their fslse flags batteries as cruel insanely. There is constant projection in these insanely sociopathic mafias hired by unknown ferikoy community and unknown foreign country ,
Then we saw stage 5 smearing attempt (genicide incitement type worst type impossible smear types) at another hallway. This unknown ferikoy community and an unknown foreign country thinks very very very impossible worst type impossible smears to targeted people in stage 5. As if historic nazis from 50 years ago. Which we quite suspect an unknown foreign country articulating this nazism like provocations in stage 5. Since we saw foreigners also attended stage 5 in abroad along with horde of these organized stalkers force organized articulated along with hired mafias false flag attempts for various stages.
The ferikoy horde of unknown mafia alike communities and this unknown foreign country why are they are this sociopathic wise this much insane one queries.
As told there is absolute evidence an unknown foreign country is experimenting untrue propaganda methods and I be countering as test untrue propaganda methods victim subject.
As in nato there were Draco of civil mobilization that being very irrelevant to this following very dishonest topic:, visibly some foreign country does experiments on civil force provocation mobilization organizing skills but they do it very dishonestly to society with testing untrue propaganda methods with initially they start with violence of falso flag batteries by hiring mafias to attempt to plant untrue smears. Then they in 2023 as their false propaganda methods fails always they in abroad switched to stage 5 of worst type impossible smear propaganda to smear defame in worst very impossible smear types.
These unknown foreign country and their ferikoy community and mafias are type to be sued criminals so anyone knowing info please share.
The unknown foreign country blatantly attempts untrue propaganda tests experiments to surrounding of worsening stages of provocative impossible smear types. This seems as albeit being unrelated to Draco like civil society mobilization stuff (sibce this one, unlike Draco, being very evil and deceit based) but some civil society mobilization provocation experiments (mobilizqtion of civil society, organizing civil society tests experiments) by an unknown foreign country but not any for good purpose but attempted with deceit methods of false flags/creating victims to untrue propaganda methods experiments.
We really wonder race and religion of this unknown foreign country behind these civil society organizing experiments with unttue propaganda / false flag methods.
Some people gave clue to unknowm foreign country's hired mafias races(and even gave clue how much unknoen foreign country pays to mafias to do false flags) but hadn't clarified which country its behind thism. They gave clue that (if really clue and if not unrelated to this topic) that the unknown foreign country doing untrue propaganda experiments with hiring mafias to do false flags is from Europe continrnt. We don't think it's neither Brussels or France since those places don't seem insane.
Can we ask more clue from that country if possible to get to know if they know more which foreign country it is and do they have evidence of unknown foreign country's hiring mafia for false flags. Since such documents/info would be very helpful when sueing unknown foreign country for experimenting untrue propagands methods tactics experiments to society. (With deceit methods of false flags by hiring mafias to do false flags)
We would be very glad happy if that country whom given an important clue to give us more info and clue of unknown foreign country which experiments untrue propaganda experiments (which even hires mafias to do false flags to attempt to plant impossible smear types along various stages)
(There recentlyn we detected in vicinity stage 3 smearing attempt to discredit/defame. Do not be deceived by defamation attempts. )
(There recentlyn we detected in vicinity stage 2 smearing false flag verbal battery(with bab. smear symbol passing false flag battery type, maybe 15℅ of false flags batteries has this false flag format with such symbols passing fab false flag format (total deceit show to defame/smear with false flag verbal battery) ) attempt to discredit/defame. Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags)
(There recentlyn we detected in vicinity stage 2 smearing false flag verbal battery(with bab. smear symbol passing false flag battery type, maybe 15℅ of false flags batteries has this false flag format with such symbols passing fab false flag format (total deceit show to defame/smear with false flag verbal battery) ) attempt to discredit/defame. Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags)
Hey at some moment stage 5 false flag incident detected (provocative impossible type smears incident pattern) total deceit show to defame/smear with false flag) ) attempt to discredit/defame. Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags)
Hey (if not misdetection, had headphones so i couldn't be sure if detection really or misdetection, maybe false positive) at some moment stage 2 false flag incident detected (with .ga false flag smear symbol includingdeception show false flag) ) deceit by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. (This pattern deceit show type 30%-35%of deceit show false flag pattern types) -> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags)
Hey (if not misdetection, had headphones so i couldn't be sure if detection really or misdetection, maybe false positive) at some moment stage 3 false flag incident detected (with bab. false flag smear symbol includingdeception show false flag) ) deceit by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. (This pattern deceit show type 30%-35%of deceit show false flag pattern types) --> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags) the perpetrator also shouted aber in false flag deceit show. (Hey one thing sure when we build new bases in new planets no people from Germany would be let there. Wall like to Germany populaces or wall to all populaces of Germany would be present. No kind of any kind of Germany populace to be let ever pass to our country's new bases in new planets we engineers of our country would build. Yep. That being said and noted as basic principles of planet systems to build in new planets )
Incident attempt at hospital car park 3 cars ahead in car parking place a false flagverbal battery attpted (of recently Detected battery patterns in false flags ) a sedan car which is in corner there and has some slight metallic color guy attemoted false flag verbal battery from inside car I think from parked car there 3 or 4 cars ahead. To report captured details of false flag pattern.
Meanwhile in street side before that someone did with did .. .. type false flag battery (not in hospital side any but outside false flag with motorbike I think detected whilst walking along vicinity street side by hospital) by organized articulated mafias of this unknown ferikoy community and unknown ferikoy community's unknown foreign country which hires and articulates mafias for false flag batteries repetitively (in experimenting untrue propaganda methods of false flags and such deceit untrue propaganda type deceit methods with hiring articulating mafias repetitively )
(Untrue propaganda methods experimentation attempted by an unknown foreign country)
(-> Hey I think stage 5 smear incident detected and I reacted as 'sapik iftiraci' to sapik iftiraci unknown this time visibly a religious unknown cult due to detected articulated stage 5 defamation attempting stalker. ) so unknown foreign country also articulates religious cults in untrue propaganda experiments of hiring and organizing articulating mafia forces/stalker forces in deceit wise untrue propaganda experiments. (Attempted through various deceit methods from false flags with hiring mafias to do false flags to organizing cults or stalkers to do attempt defamation incidents of stage 5 eg like this stage 5 incident pattern of defamation attempt with worser type impossible smear types ) so unknown foreign country attempts untrue propaganda methods with very sociopathic methods.
Hey at some moment stage 5 false flag incident detected (provocative impossible type smears incident pattern (if not misdetection ) total deceit show to defame/smear with false flag) ) attempt to discredit/defame. Do not any be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags)
Couldn't locate exactly where sound of false flag attempter guy came from.
I were at start of detection of false flag were chatting my mom and laughing to how we could wash her hair (it's hard I mean to distance bandages section from bathing hair section, requires chair to wash hair only alike ). At some such chat moment Initially detected first false flag literal (which were zan) . Then some 25 min later some stage 5 false flag resembling literal. So a guy of articulated mafias IMHO passed around vicinity here somehow if not misdetection. They sometimes these mafias use in false flag batteries deception effort of literals like 'naz yapiyor'. Thats a secondary part of deceit/false flag effort (since it's false flag they since never get any reply to any incidrnt they try to compensate superficiality theathraticness of false flagdeceit with such secondary deceit narrative. It's like many many thousands false flags attempted by this unknown ferikoy community and it's unknown foreign country, any incident is never replied to (monologues of false flags/untrue propaganda theathrics) then they(hired articulated mafias by unknown foreign country) try to make look deceitness of deceit inversely with such secondary deceit narratives. Do not any be deceived to any section of their false flags/deceit. (An unknown foreign country does attempt untrue propaganda experiments with various deceit false flag untrue propaganda methods maniacally)
Hey (if not misdetection, had headphones so i couldn't be sure if detection really or misdetection, maybe false positive) at some moment stage 2 false flag incident detected (with .ga and bab. false flag smear symbol includingdeception show false flag) ) deceit by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. (This pattern deceit show type 30%-35%of deceit show false flag pattern types) --> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Maybe PTSD based misdetection dunno had headphones couldnt be sure if detection or whether if misdetection(false positive) .in any case: Do not deceive to untrue propaganda methods and deceit methods of untrue propagsnda methods with false flags please!!!!!!!!
--> it could be misdetection(false positive) this time due to PTSD. Dunno. (Cant be sure if incident really happent or if I confused as happent due to ptsd. Since had headphones And couldnt understood if it were PTSD based misdetection or if incident really happent. So this time, it could really happent incident of false flag deceit patterns or not(false positive, maybe confusion due to resembling literals). dunno any. )
I think there might even happent secondary false flag deceit type with standard deceit propaganda method of false flag with verbal battery via hired/articulated mafias for deceit untrue propaganda purpose. It happent in a loud environment so couldnt understand if really false flag deceit happent or misdetected.(I think also In some moment pena(stage 2) smear curse shouting along with false flag deceit attempt might happent if not misdetection.)
Hey (if not misdetection, had headphones so i couldn't be sure if detection really or misdetection, maybe false positive) at some moment stage 3 false flag incident detected. deceit by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. (This patterns deceit show type 30%-35%of deceit show false flag pattern types) --> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hey (if not misdetection, had headphones so i couldn't be sure if detection really or misdetection, maybe false positive) at some moment 7 min ago stage 2 false flag incident detected. deceit by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. (This patterns deceit show type 30%-35%of deceit show false flag pattern types) --> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hey (if not misdetection, had headphones so i couldn't be sure if detection really or misdetection, maybe false positive) at some moment ago stage 5 false flag incident detected. deceit attempt by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. --> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags with verbal batteries!!!!!!!!!!!!!) -> hey these unknown foreign country attempts false flags with doing verbal batteries attempting to defame the battery attempted with such deceit false flag method(80℅ of false flag-untrue propaganda format, defamation attempts with hiring mafias which does false flags with verbal batteries(in attempt to create a deceit completely untrue insanely untrue impossible slanders perception to battery attempted, total deceit show to attempt to defame the battery attempted to attempt to defame with such deceit wise very impossible slander narratives with total false flag show), 80℅ of false flags untrue propaganda deceit is attempted with this false flag deceit untrue propaganda formats/method. Then ℅20 of untrue propagands deceit is attempted eg by stage 5 with shouting defamation attempting curses/smear types(with worser type of impossible smear types) . To attempt to totally nuke credibility/integrity/honesty/look-perception of targeted with most severe impossible slander types eg in stage 5 of untrue propaganda deceit methods efforts. total deceit effort /untrue propaganda methods attempts by an unknown foreign country.
Hey (if not misdetection, had headphones so i couldn't be sure if detection really or misdetection, maybe false positive) at some moment stage 2 false flag incident detected (with .ga false flag smear symbol includingdeception show false flag) ) deceit by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. (This pattern deceit show type 30%-35%of deceit show false flag pattern types) --> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
hey these unknown foreign country attempts false flags with doing verbal batteries attempting to defame the battery attempted with such deceit false flag method(80℅ of false flag-untrue propaganda format, defamation attempts with hiring mafias which does false flags with verbal batteries(in attempt to create a deceit completely untrue insanely untrue impossible slanders perception to battery attempted, total deceit show to attempt to defame the battery attempted to attempt to defame with such deceit wise very impossible slander narratives with total false flag show), 80℅ of false flags untrue propaganda deceit is attempted with this false flag deceit untrue propaganda formats/method. Then ℅20 of untrue propagands deceit is attempted eg by stage 5 with shouting defamation attempting curses/smear types(with worser type of impossible smear types) . To attempt to totally nuke credibility/integrity/honesty/look-perception of targeted with most severe impossible slander types eg in stage 5 of untrue propaganda deceit methods efforts. total deceit effort /untrue propaganda methods attempts by an unknown foreign country.
Hey recently stage 5 attempted 15 min ago by sapik soysuz unknown ferikoy cetesi soysuzlar. Bilinmeyen Yabanci ulke soysuz cetelerini tekrar stage 5 icin articulate etti (some two women first attempted stage 5 false flag to smear with stage 5 type impossible smear types incident (stagev5 some worst impossible smear types attempting false flag) then some worser incident pattern detected )
Later some people shouted da if they are from da speakers (slavs) and to help against nazi activities of unknown foreign country and unknown foreign country's contemporary type nazi cete (of hiring articulating mafias to do attempt neo nazi stuff with deceit of false flags ) we would be eager to get help from.
We would be eagear to get help of ruskies against neo nazi ferikoy cetesi and neo nazi unknown foreign country which articulates hires ferikoy cetesi and various mafias for various stages neo nazi activity of false flags etc many thousand times as reported in blog of worsening stages. if ruskies would ever be interested to help we would be eager to get help.
Someone shouted da and someone very before gave clue from ruskies side, a possible clue of whom is perpetrator unknown foreign country of which hires mafias to do false flags to smear . So I interpreted this da coincidence of maybe finding help chance from ruskies side but dunno any maybe it were coincidence at all and I misinterpreted as chance to find help against unknown neo nazi ferikoy community and it's mafias/hirer articulatir unknown foreign country which hires various mafia type to do attempt various stages neo nazi activity of various very sociopathic false flags and untrue propaganda activities
---> untrue propaganda deceit attempts is really very maniacal insane level sociopathic and insanely sick and really type neo nazi type thing type.
Hey (if not misdetection, had headphones so i couldn't be sure if detection really or misdetection, maybe false positive) at some moment ago stage 5 false flag incident detected. deceit attempt by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. --> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags with verbal batteries!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hey (if not misdetection, had headphones so i couldn't be sure if detection really or misdetection, maybe false positive) many hours ago, stage 5 false flag incident detected. deceit attempt by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. --> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags with verbal batteries!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hey (if not misdetection, had headphones so i couldn't be sure if detection really or misdetection, maybe false positive) many hours ago, stage 3 false flag incident detected. deceit attempt by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. --> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags with verbal batteries!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hey (if not misdetection, had headphones so i couldn't be sure if detection really or misdetection, maybe false positive) many hours ago, stage 5false flag incident detected. deceit attempt by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. --> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags with verbal batteries!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hey (if not misdetection, had headphones so i couldn't be sure if detection really or misdetection, maybe false positive) on morning, stage 2 false flag incident detected(later some afternoon time, also stage 5 false flag deceit pattern detected). various sorts of deceit attempt by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. --> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags with verbal batteries!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(also last day whilst leaving hospital place whilst at moments before leaving, detected stage 2 false flag deceit incident pattern detected. and before stage 5 pattern. )
-> hey these unknown foreign country attempts false flags with doing verbal batteries attempting to defame the battery attempted with such deceit false flag method(80℅ of false flag-untrue propaganda format, defamation attempts with hiring mafias which does false flags with verbal batteries(in attempt to create a deceit completely untrue insanely untrue impossible slanders perception to battery attempted, total deceit show to attempt to defame the battery attempted to attempt to defame with such deceit wise very impossible slander narratives with total false flag show), 80℅ of false flags untrue propaganda deceit is attempted with this false flag deceit untrue propaganda formats/method. Then ℅20 of untrue propagands deceit is attempted eg by stage 5 with shouting defamation attempting curses/smear types(with worser type of impossible smear types) . To attempt to totally nuke credibility/integrity/honesty/look-perception of targeted with most severe impossible slander types eg in stage 5 of untrue propaganda deceit methods efforts. total deceit effort /untrue propaganda methods attempts by an unknown foreign country.
Some many hours ago whilst returning my mom from nurse for dressing surgery wound on returning (commuting my mom back to home with wheelchair) stage 5false flag incident detected. deceit attempt by false flag attempt to discredit/defame. --> Do not be deceived by defamation attempts with false flags with verbal batteries!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Meanwhile i once asked help from russkie someones (against unknown foreign country hiring mafias for false flags deceit endlessly) since saw something thought let's try asking help from russkie persons against unknowm foreign country's false flags by hiring mfias. Then very interesting topic happent that someone shouted KGB in a place I just due to autism couldn't know how to even interact or look. But would be interested to get help from such people against unknown foreign country false flags wise attempted deceit of defamation with false flags repetitivrly. If that person were from KGB I am sorry for not being able to interact due to autism and would be interested to get help from against unknown foreign country's false flags process untrue propagsnda process with hiring mafias to do false flags (which they attempt with hiring mafias to do false flag deceit wise defamation attempts) attempt to defame. I m sorry for not being able to interact with person whom shouted KGB somewhere I just lack capability to interact to stranger people due to autism but I would try my most in my deficient social skills to try to interact. But again would be very interested to find help from such intel place (eg KGB) against unknown foreign country's endless false flags attempts. An unknown foteign country attempts some very maniacal sociopathic false flags stuff eise deceit and smear attempts via deceit of endless false flags. Would be very happy to receive any help from KGB like places if ever posdible.
( Recently 15 min ago .ga type false flag smear (total deceit false flag smear symbol used in 30% of false flags) incident detected. Do not be deceived by its total deceit false flag smear deceit and they use many times smear symbols in false flag deceit stuff of fslse flags wise attempted smear slander attempts. Please do not be deceived by false flags!!!! )
Yep wish we could report false flag formats of unknown foreign country to KGB like places to ask help against unknown foreign cohntrys very sociopathic false flag deceit wise many stages having very bad false flags untrue propaganda process/deceit untrue propaganda stuff.
Recrntly one sentence of 'he/she is gay' passing battery format of 5,℅ of false flags incident patterns detected. Beside they used smear symbol of. *ga smear slander symbol used in false flag. Attempted by 2 passing person some recently. This 10℅ or 5℅ false flag verbal batteries includes this 'he/she is gay' sentence passing. Unknown foreign country visibly also hires articulates also gay mafias in false flag formats/attempts of total deceit with false flags.
If that KGB said person were from KGB and meant interaction from such places (it's so surreal I became like:is this really happening? how awesome it would be to find help from such place against unknown foreign country which does false flags withhiring articulating mafias ) I would be very interested to find help of but I don't know how to interact to person from kgb. Maybe some email or such interaction method might I ask of to meet up at some time place with KGB person? Sincere thanks in advance.
Hey recently ℅1 incident pattern detected where false flag doers uses ma..k.an smear symbol in false flag wise smear defamation patterns (total deceit show) and shouted some as literal along. Then the false flag via defamation attempted said also 'zan na'.
Any help from KGB against sych neo nazi unknown foreign country and it's gay or so ferikoy community is very sincerely appreciated to counter these neo nazi unknown foreign countrys false flags deceit and such total untrue propaganda violence which they attempt neo nazi violence with hiring articulating mafias to do untrue propaganda via false flags with total deceit methods wise defamation violence and such verbal violences along batteries and defamatiin violences. (An unknown foreign country attempts most severe untrue propaganda methods wirh false flags. Any help from KGB is very sincerely appreciated )
If that KGB said person were from KGB and meant interaction from such places (it's so surreal I became like:is this really happening? how awesome it would be to find help from such place against unknown foreign country which does false flags withhiring articulating mafias ) I would be very interested to find help of but I don't know how to interact to person from kgb. Maybe some email or such interaction method might I ask of to meet up at some time place with KGB person? Sincere thanks in advance.
Hey recently ℅5 incident pattern detected where false flag doers uses ....co smear symbol in false flag wise smear defamation patterns (total deceit show). Whilst walking to door some place. The perpetrators were sitting standing inside there near to door vicinity attempted false flag defamation incidentfrom there whilst I were walking to door.
Then somr literals passing false flag patterndetected in door by hired articulated mafias which also shouted nah in verbal battery and false flag pattern.
The mafia guy hired seemed to be wearing dark blue (lacivert) suit and had slight short cut beard and seemed 165cm or 164cm alike and seemed as . Attempted false flag incident whilst 2 guys walking with shouting nah at end of false flag.
Then later some unknown cult attmoted family literals shouting type maniacal incident from outside side.
Hey Any KGB help against neo nazi unknown foreign country and it's hired articulated mafias is very sincerely appreciated if could ever find help from KGB like place
This... Co type false flag were very repeatedLy detected in a broad time in false flag smear harrassments also.
Any KGB help against neo nazi unknown foreign country and it's hired articulated mafias is very sincerely appreciated if could ever find help from KGB like place
For many hours ago that If that KGB said person were from KGB and meant interaction from such places (it's so surreal I became like:is this really happening? how awesome it would be to find help from such place against unknown foreign country which does false flags withhiring articulating mafias ) I would be very interested to find help of but I don't know how to interact to person from kgb. Maybe some email or such interaction method might I ask of to meet up at some time place with KGB person? Sincere thanks in advance.
Hey stage 5 incident with ... Smear symbol detected, With stage 5 provocative falae flag with smear slandering false flag incident pattern with slurs in false flag incident by articulated hired mafuas by unknown nro nazi foreign country I react in many of these incidents of taking sound record of perpetrator in incident.
it would be awesome to get help from KGB if ever I could ever against these neo nazi unknown foreign country's neo nazi activity of false flags which they attempt false flag untrue propaganda deceit with hiring articulating mafias.
hey during day a recent trend in verbal batteries detected in false flags of unknown foreign country hired mafias. they(mafias which unknown foreign country hires and articulates)( shout something like "hul..." in false flag batteries. this has been detected recent period in hospital one aisle then recently on today (and in one more false flag incident ), when i went to med shop in late afternoon when returning from med shop I heard this recent new verbal battery format in false flags of unknown country's hired mafias false flag deceit show for defamation/smearing/untrue propaganda deceit shows with false flags. they shout some literal alike "hul..." in verbal battery of some percentage of recent false flags (this battery format had been detected in 3 false flags recently of many thousand false flag incident patterns of unknown country's hired/articulated mafias for false flags for untrue propaganda/total deceit of untrue propaganda via false flag attempts (of many many thousand false flag incident patterns last 7-8 years))
-> hey, any KGB help against neo nazi unknown foreign country and it's hired articulated mafias is very sincerely appreciated if could ever find help from KGB like place
For days ago that If that KGB said person were from KGB and meant interaction from such places (it's so surreal I became like:is this really happening? how awesome it would be to find help from such place against unknown foreign country which does false flags withhiring articulating mafias ) I would be very interested to find help of but I don't know how to interact to person from kgb. Maybe some email or such interaction method might I ask of to meet up at some time place with KGB person? Sincere thanks in advance.
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