yep I couldnt finish blender course last day since fell asleep.
today got up at 6 in morning then did some weekly house tasks in morning (cleaned entire home). then commutted my dear mom to blood thinner shot in nurse place. then came up to blogging now after some resting.
now time to resume and finish blender course to then start designing habitat of planet traveling astronaut.
i might learn just enough to design game dev utinsils for game like habitat or 3d printer or such tools in astronauts habitat. (or even a coffee tea machine) or some beaming transportation utinsil inside habitat to astronaut to travel to other planets. or his/her all utinsils to travel planet or so etc etc.
ok I dont anticipate design alike this from myself, but might try out either ->
Spaceship and Space Shuttle Background Set | Fab
these I saved to my library to give some ideas for habitat design. (although habitat place i design for planet traveler astronaut i design might not be as luxury as habitats in this sci fi image collection. but might be if i learn how to design like that. dunno.)
hey now near to finishing blender course. then would switch to crafting habitat for astronaut as told.
I dont think habitat would be alike this -> this requires some experience in blender ->
Spaceship and Space Shuttle Background Set | Fab
hmm I also would improvise planets backgrounds from here also -> very improvising sci fi image set for planet backgrounds and habitat place ->
Space and Planet Alien Background Set | Fab
yayyy so much tasks to do.
hmm for the first time i saw in blender how they create low poly modelings. many times extrude tooling usage and mirror also.
so since i would also model planets foliage (which would slight differ from world) that all very important and also would design life forms either.
hmm so from data engineering career (plus ai developer engineer) I switch to temporarily game dev developer (with designer skills) to create some income (since I have one flat rent unpaid etc plus for ai project I would need to buy 3d printer. (to print robots (first home tasks helper robots then also particle physics lab constructing maintainer robots etc) ) )
hmm so wish i can finish initial planet and game level in these following 2 weeks. turns out blender is not that difficult to learn i think.
-> yayy would be awesome when time comes to print robots. eg robot would interfere to the false flag type fraud/conspiracy attempter mafia and interrupt/disrupt/disable false flag deceit activity. robots would win over hired/articulated mafias (articulated to do false flag deceit to attempt to smear) and unknown foreign country which hires mafias to do repetitvely false flags (to attempt to smear with very impossible slander types (in unknown foreign country's attempts of deceit of untrue propaganda (smearing attempts) with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flags deceit/untrue propaganda deceit methods repetitively)
hmm unknown foreign country has no idea is targeting 120 or 140 iqqued in crfeativty type engineer to untrue propaganda fraudalent false flag attempted deceit attempts(attempted to smear). we would win over untrue propaganda fraud attempts and would disable their(unknown foreign country's) untrue propaganda methods with tech.
so against unknown foreign country's hired mafias (as unknown foreign country hires and articulates mafias for fraud activity of false flag attempts (false flags in attempt to smear with very impossible slander types) ) we would develop robots against unknown foreign country's such very nefarius untrue propaganda-deceit-fraud(fraud methods for untrue propaganda) methods. robots would interfere and disable any single false flag wise attempted fraud-conspiracy(untrue propaganda (attempting to smear) with untrue impossible smear types (every stage has different untrue smears) ) attempt. (robocop (against false flags deceit) force alike) robocop against unknown historical nazi analogous type unknown foreign country's untrue propaganda methods and its stalker/mafia force it hires articulates in historical nazi analogous activities of many thousands false flags wise untrue propaganda attempts
yayyy back to blender learning activity as of now. yayyy habitat design task is fun. (with unreal game engine, its really very cool game dev engine) as i am from game dev background from before (hmm worked with 3d rendering engines many times (although i been doing data engineering for alot time, i started with simulator(with game dev) topics to engineering) as being from background of game engine side, I can see how advanced features this game engine has. truly awesome. I cant compare with alternative commercial game engines, since I had not studied them. (I only studied before open source game engines before) (e.g. openscenegraph or ogre or js based engines alike etc) this unreal is like God of game engines imho. I dont know how to describe how cool game engine it is. One from openscenegraph times, to this game engine, one can not appreciate any less how game engines got very totally awesome with total very high tech features. (with one can appreciate understand how much engineering work is behind that either) its just God of game engines imho this unreal game engine.
since I many times tried to develop already existing features of this game engine, I know how engineering wise very nice crafted the default/existing features of this game engine. I mean its in default provided as feature many advanced game engine technologies and thats truly awesome. its just, i think, God of game engines alike game engine imho.
When one comes from game engine dev background slightly (for some time I modified openscenegraph like stuff in some simulator alike tasks or later similarly I tried to modify create some game engine modules etc) one can appreciate more the preexisting features of this ultra-featured game engine. its not any slight engineering work what this game engine in default provides to its game dev coder users. its alot very much engineering work in background of this game engine.
hmm had not finished blender course yet. but wish I could finish today and then start building astronaut's habitat.
I think I studied alot today, but tomorrow I could alot focus to habitat design task. which would be alot task. then second blender task is creating designing life entities. which also seems not difficult upon learning blender features including even uv stuff design.
hmm so I think in following week or two weeks I think I can ready most of entities for initial planet. (which i would gradually add and test on android phone (if fps is ok or not ) )
but then I would need to restudy unreal engine's blueprint editors to then create the game logic.
huds would be a also an important task but I thnk that could started on later after above these two tasks has been finished and then game logic should include that modifications accordingly.
I think I studied least 6 hours today to learning blender and there is like 2 hours or so left.
So kind of very tired as of now. but its nice that I could start working to habitat task tomorrow.
do not any unexpect caricature in life entities design. already thought a funny life entity. (which is like 1.9 meters alike athletic life form which has form of undersea alike design features and then attack is like with hitting arms which hands are like not hands alike) and already thought of caricature wise facial design.
I mean just think super hero comics and drawings there, some of life entities would have some features alike that.,
there would be also very funny many thousand years ago humans like life forms of course (humanoid) and they might attack with clubs. (would surely have some caricature wise features)
so some of life forms would be very funny. animations of e.g. first one I mentioned etc.
some life forms would be nonhumanoid also.
there would also be a planet where life forms are cybernetic alike.
hmm foliage of planet would be also designed. (not high poly of course)
hmm thats the current task set for following 2 weeks initially. first starting with habitat and sci fi stuff inside habitat. then goes the outside detailed design, e.g. life entities etc.
I think the hud design would be one most challenging task.
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