very maniac planet :S :S
Şubat, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
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hey unknown cult sent their perpetauators to genocide inciden of character assaisntion harrassment attempt again:D these denisovan or neanderthalis cult would never stop harrassments with false flag/staged false flag/staged character assasintion attempt/untrue defamation smearing attempts with very irrational lies/ shouting smear or staged professional staged false flag setups that always gets nihiliated. or harrassments with untrue narrative. they do repeat this targeting people not from their cult to do genocidal activity against like last 6 or last 7 years. i mean persecution with staged lies i mean stage like --> i mean when i go to cafe they come and say some sentences along with narrative i never ever reply and always nihiliate but such stage to setup such smear on some person. or in street some people like if staged asks some requests to shout to such staged narrative. always nihiliated/never ever cared/ignored always. very professional (sociopath...
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Aliens yesterday's coincidence were romantic coincidence having 😉 though I know aliens are not romantically friends and just friends usual that made some fun with making some romantic coincidence to my goodbye paragraph 😊 and wished to share this song without a romantic tone but with reference to yesterday's coincidence of goodbye coincidence 😉 no goodbyes 😊 Guh would be always friend to cool alien friends and wished to share this song to aliens friends but not romantic meaning cause I know they did romantic coincidence just for fun making fun with my goodbye literal. No goodbyes. Aliens you be my forever friends 🙂 Guh but forever friends to super cool alien friends👽💚 In yesterday's coincidence were a ghost Klingon ship(whilst I randomly before saw ghost pepper whilst searching benefits of salad thingies I consume) and also a romantic story where captain and someone had romantic period wh...
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how do you create such new nazi maniacs culturally sociologically? i think its simple: just assimilate all non intellects all less evolveds to communes and then create a maniac like culture of cliques/communes that are well nonaware of their nazi behavior online? :D (no its not related to historical Nazi topic/its not related to Germany's such historical nazi concept any. these less evolveds are not from any Germany). its they are from a different continent not any relatedto Europe. i think their problem is they assimilate too many low intellects that they result in creating having maniac lkike nonintellect cultures having communes/cliques not all people are there like that but there also happens such cliques such groups from there imho. I think they have a sociological problem there honestly. this much hatred i think roots down to assimilation of batch of nonintellects to their developing culture which regressed their cultural sociological developmen...
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hey super cool aliens, whether you are with us or not, (whether you are here in this region of space time or whether if left & went to other regions in space time and left here, or if any time coming to this space time region) wanted to say: lots of cheers & love to aliens friends always 🙂 ( guh 💚 aliens friends always 🙂) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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maybe i am wrong since there in early morning this one near orbit: Asteroids - NEO ( but it does not says which place it passes beside earth e.g. its nearest earth coordinate (wtr to center of earth) other than some path near than moon. so I cant check if aliens did a coincidnce wiht this asteroid (of course non destructive) with Star Trek tv shows I watch. maybe if i get exact orbital conditions I could myself could had calculated latitute longitude of its nearest earth poisition to see if a coincidence happent wiht Star Trek tv shows I last watched or not. this one is like 4meter diameter and passed alike 75k~ kms in vicinity of earth's center. not like 2023 CX1 or 2023 BU. This I figure out is one last observed NEO passing by. its been detected a day ago before it passes in nearest orbit position. (if aliens have not left communication/interaction with coincidence, lots of cheers from this guh :) (from 2023 earth places of space time region...
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the fact of aliens stopping communicating with me. they i think did meteorite coincidences and gone. i think it were their goodbye coincidences. goodbye aliens! bonne journey to other quadrants :) (i think aliens interaction with time travel including coincidences have had stopped unfortunately. visibly they had wondered about guh and interacted and then they decided to check other quadrants maybe to find new friends since I mean they were not most possibly intending to spare alot time in this space time region alot either most possibly. so they created awe behind of their superious technology of time travel having communiation (e.g. communication through star trek episodes or anthropology podcasts) but they are done with this space time region and left. is my opinion. since no coincidence has happent for a week. no meteorite coincidence. nothing in star trek coincides either. so I think aliens have left this quadrant. of space time. to sail to voyage to new spac...
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I think i newly interpreted the coincidence meaning, it meant be like Fishname nicknamed character in that TV showsince i mean comets may come so urgently planet eath should build space tech and specifically to me lazy me, meaning, dont do investigate grills (ESP like topics)/and do postpone arts interest of me etc etc what does my art hobby (being a nontalented person either) mean when if a comet hit world. I mean art means alot(as visible I am very interested to many arts even not being talented, e.g. drawing sculpting etc etc), but it mean to me I should priotize the existing projects instead of art hobbies currently and also instead of laziness of watching tv shows. i think it meant coincidence meant stop watching tv shows and study to your projects it meant. i think coincidence meant, what would your watching tv show meant if a comet hit world, be unlazy and study to it meant you are living on a planet in space which comets might hit any time probabilistically. what the...
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:) aliens again communicated with time machine imho :) this time they told again ESP does not exist and they have tijme machines :) in this coincidence: I saw today about a meteorite and read news of to see it were expected to fell to Lake Michigan. :D Then i decided to watch tv then in the tv show they were doing sculptures welding art and in the episode there were a grill with fish design and guy said he were from Lake Michigan or like it. I before read about ESP and read aboiut projects named grill to get bits pieces of information on these topics. Its now clear there is time machines for real :D that aliens communicated with Lake Michigan with a tv show casted in past that I watched in future (hours later) after I read about meteorite. it just meant aliens just meant they have time machines and they love to communicate of course nondestructively with meteorites imho with no destruction ever. they meant what perceived of ESP is instead time machines. and that ...
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hey there is an error in the sample generator spark code(for first batch tests), but its about saving numpy array imho and reading of it, since all logic there were tested. hmm should i fix it now. what i were thinking of: either reading some anthropology topics that i had not started reading a cultural anthropology book excluding a few pages yet, hmm or fixing this error and continueing the topology revising task. i think i would first still apply some analysis on geometry of the group via topology knowledge even before moving to neural networks, hmm or generate shapes of integers to 10000 :D i mean group specific properties of such integers. hmm before nns lets check geometrical similarities or possible evolution of that shapes of geometries. it would be similar to wedges of Sumerian cuniform since shapes are like that from initial check not exactly like that. but there is possibility of having that shapes internal system evolving with some logic pattern ...
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hmm finally batch 1 sample data is verynear to be readied (hmm neural network input) at least 10k data gets generated via spark in not that much period even if being one not very latest gaming pc type pc. yayyy now to design the neural network structure and investigate patterns study with initially such neural networks part of the task starts. but would give again a rest before moving to this task part. hmm of course would revise topology awhile to design tomorrow some more labelled sample structure but rather today study would be rather unlabelled data type analysis and revising neural network libraries/ desiggning layers to investigate patterns. but tomorrow's neural network library usage might be more precise/clear design having.
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had not coded in spark for a lot while, specifically in pyspark, since i decided to use spark to generate neural network's sample/ data set, needed to install spark. not interested to run from docker etc this time. actually missed running program directly without docker. even had not defined any conda environments. i mean just using the main environment there with no kind of special environment definition for project or makefile. I only need to generate sample data and thats it and being lazy to create specific python environment and even lazy to use the main conda environment to install libraries. normally its better to define specific environment for project and have some makefile that makes it active right? but i am lazy right now and dont want to do spare time to makefile or conda environment specialization for this project component of sample data generation task. --------------- hmm tried to install spark to windows and pyspark conda has had some erro...
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so lets write code with pyspark even being slower than normal spark, since i dont have time to investigate nonpython libraries i want fast data creation. hmm then at the same time lets revise some basic neural networks topics e.g. generalization doer or also convolutiopnal nns etc etc or encoder decoder types etc etc. since i think whilst i study revise topology i coould keep neural networks running to investigate whilst before moving to generative options which needs topology knowledge. so to follow pursue 2 solution options at the same time its better to start the nonlabeled data nn methods like encoders decoders or them being tied to convolutional nns etc. yayyy downloading pyspark to generate data which would be data points encoded somehow. not decided not designed yet. so i wish i make this big data part of solution reality in some time and also in meanwhile find figure out nn components to test/try with then tie them then hmm in that post time revise topology study so ...
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hmm lets bake my neural networks test sample data with big data tool some of them. since i thiink at least 50k or 100k samples of data are needed. yayyyy i believe aliens communicate since i would invent something or my ai would invent things. ayyy i am eager to come to time period where ai is ready, and so i have lots of free time to spare time more time to hobbies e.g. robotics hobbyi wonder of. e.g. building robo pets to me. or robo house cleaner. sounds fun right? unfortunately have no time currently for hobbies. but this hobby there stays very much wanted to pursue since robotics is fun! (even had not started robotics, only once attended robotics club seminer in university otherwise have never initiated robotics hobby but intent to initiate when i have time) ayy if i have excess time i wiuold buy servos pneumatic mechanisms to build a house cleaner robot to myself not commercial house cleaner robots i mean but more esoteric house cleaning robot it would had been....
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i think its time i move with reinforcement algorithms and define some templates to reinforcement algorithm to catch. hmm i would start with geometry of positions of nonempty entries in matrix its geometrical patterns I would investigate. they say prime numbers are unique? I think every integer is unique and having a unique geometry? or are there templates? time to investigate some numpy analysis with geometric shapes similarity of integers yupp. not as simplicial complex euler number like counts type topological criterion it would follow but ah i wished i finished topology study that i would take templates from there alike simplicial complex numbers. hmm but the topic of reinforcement algorithm is to have define own template. or should i use a generalization neural network structure to investigate shape commonalities without going in to details of some advanced templating to build first then rebuild own templates with generative algos like reinforceme...
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ok then the continuation of Goldbach proof: second part logic were wrong (in second blog of goldbach conjecture proof) that if there is none prime from C1 equivalence class, that means number should be like: 2n / 2 = n and 2n being always less than n! makes this such number be improbable. unless number is less than value that enables C1 at most 1 more element than 1 element set, then in such case still then Goldbach conjecture wouold be true e.g. 2*3 in that case. and any more than 1 element in C1 equivalence class results of problem being considered for the solution part where there are more than 1 elements in C1 equivalence class. So Goldbach conjecture is true for every number is the conclusion yep.
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hey proof is not complete yet :D I had forgotten cases where there is none relative prime from 0 to n part, in such case but then the even number wont be addition of 2 prime numbers, so in such cases goldbach conjecture is wrong. e.g. number being factor of 2 to n and thereby 2 to n being from C2 then -> if we take a number from there eg. a = n -k and a being prime then a + b = 2n which means b should be also divisible by a (since 2n is as a is from C2) which makes inherently b nonprime. so thereby in such cases it could be that Goldbach conjecture is wrong. e.g. in cases like this. so Goldbach conjecture is only true when there is any factor in C1 in 0 to n half region that is prime. if there is none, Goldbach conjecture is wrong. e.g. for numbers like : 2*3* ... * n -> for 2n. if there is numbers like e.g. 2n! - n! = n then for those numbers Goldbach conjecture is wrong. so to test i...
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I think i solved (not sure) Goldbach conjecture, but this needs several presumed lemmas that I figured out: Lemma 1: take n and then the unit group (primes relative to n) must have some l constant that enables for every a b in the unit group of n: nl - ab = 1 why? nl -1 = ab nl -1 is undivisible by any of C2 therefore from C1 and there by ab also must be from C1 and reversely take a,b from C1 and do apply this logic it turns out there must be an l that nl-ab = 1 so there always exists an integer l which enable -> nl -ab =1 for every n (and it's C1/C2 groups and a, b from being C1.) Lemma2 : as everyone knows, the unit group is cyclic (no i need to revise abstract algebra it werenot called cyclic this term but would write when after i revise ) that for every c in unit group there is a, b that creates -> a*b = c Now coming to solution: For every n there are 2 class, one class being unit group the other being the other nonunit gr...
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meanwhile on morning someone did smearing incident saying some very ugly smear word and shouting cash! I saw this year this unknown cult did 2 incidents where they do said some smearing pressure smear literal then shouted cash. hmm what else this unknown maniac cult would do . hmm they shouted a very ugly smear literal in vicinity of home today morning. hmm so battery with ugly requests also started to heavily move to smear pressure in this year alot actually some other incident they shouted a very ugly smear literal and a battery of ugly request also. fighting against a genocide doing cult which uses weaponizes battery of ugly requests (repeatedly does)/ sociopathy/ smearing pressure and asking ugly requests and also 2 incidents they shouted smear literals and shouted cash. so their one weapon ing enocide is smearing pressure. and attempts to plant smears e.g. sociopathic shows where they try to do false flaggish stuff where they do some say sociopathic sentences to plant s...
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meanwhile in structure investigations: aha I had very stupid errors in numpy code in weekend :D I cant believe as if my head stopped working for such coding :D or I been not into this type of computation coding for a while that I had some cold start problem to be able to code very stupid code first :D I mean it were very stupid code. I can't believe how much erronous code I written on weekend :DDD :D there is also an easier solution either, :D anyway now its time to check structural analysis by me before on other days moving to structural analysis with an algo with reinforcement learning....
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💚 (hmm beside this heart emoji, if there is a flag emoji with aliens icon over it, i wish such waving flag emoji existed because I wished to add it to beside this heart emoji:) like waving flag with aliens icon type emoji beside heart emoji i meant :) ) Lots of cheers/love from planet earth to cool aliens friends :)
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its like they knew I would search wiki page of Rouen city to see Joan D'Arc web link there/reference there :) (because I always investigate such coincidence possibility with paganic topics like nondestructive shootingstars /asteroids/meteoroids. since very before one other coincidence have had happent similarly so I always investigate ) They exactly knew I would search the city where that asteroid entered world's atmosphere and they did it knowingly to honor Joan of Arc imho :) (and this happent in same hours I were watching All our yesterdays episode where Kirk very nearly survived a witch trial/from being burnt ) I believe aliens are feminists :) and they did honored Joan D'Arc in last coincidence (to restate this is a belief, that aliens does communicate to me, its not scientifically proven/its not factual and its based on coincidences and is a belief, & I really very much believe to ) I 💚 my cool aliens friends alot :) ...
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I am still lost in amazement of how cool thing aliens do to communicate wov :) the hours I watched that episode they sent 2023 CX1 :) wov:) (to honor one person burnt with witch trials like process, Joan of Arc I mean) wov wov wov :) I am still lost in amazement I am so much amazed :) wov :) I 💚 my cool aliens friends and how much amazing coincidences they create to we nerds :) I mean this coincidence were like -----> wov! I just dont know what to say to reflect my amazement/awe for how cool this coincidnece /how cool aliens' communication is. Aliens communicate to we nerds very cool with very cool communication imho :) wov :) speechless due to awe I feel. I am lost in awe honestly :) wov:) Lots of cheers/love from planet earth to cool alien friends :) 💚
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honestly I am still lost in translating awesome the last coincidence :) of me watvching a star Trek shwo for the first time (since I now watched all star trek episodes and that episodes were not watched yet) and there it coinciding with 2023 CX1 :) wov:) Aliens communicating with doing reference to Joan of Arc :) (I think aliens are quite feminist since they did tribute to Joan of Arc in last coincidence :) with relatedness to the Star Trek episode's Captain Kirk's experience in earlier centuries :) ) (I mean all of our yesterdays episode and Captain Kirk's being nearly would be confronting witch trial. ) (wov it coincided with 2023 CX1 I believe aliens honored Joan of Arc with that (did a tribute to honor her) ) wov :) I am still amazed by this very latest coincidence. (of course they would never ever use any kind of any destructive asteroid meteroid ever, they are not crazy. they are from future they are peaceful they have no destructive nor any suc...