its so exciting to resume group theoretic study again that I couldnt init studying yet with cheer for reinitiation of getting expert in group theoretic topics (some chapters not all). (to be a better algebra representor for translatring paragraphs. e.g.. I want to learn how they represent geometry with rings. and might improvise fromt hat also for some of translations) (hey its not ring as usual definition of ring when talking of rings topic in blog e.g. not ornaments alike ring, its mathematical ring when were talking of modules rings. its when fields have both a summation and multiplication alike operator as far as I remember and attain associativity and distributivity properties for summation and multiplication over summation operatyor, and when tehre is 0 for summation operator and having group property for regarding summation (but not necessarily 1 for multiplication operator nor multiplicative inverses) then its called rings as far as I remember. I wo...
Temmuz, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
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I guess every day to Neanderthal hybrids is like: I guess mind of a Neanderthal hybrid works like - - - - - > ----> "I hate sapiens what kind of hatred today I should reflect of our never ending complexes against these more evolved speices that of called sapiens🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Hmm let's think delusional ideas against sapiens to feel better of our sick minded & pathethic & lesser evolved existences. Then let's do reflect our delusional thoughts to sapiens. I already feel better now of my lesser synapse density & complexes against these sapiens speices. " 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Funny lesser evolved Neanderthal hybrids🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Hahaha imho constantly & always having complexes type sick pathethic beings🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Then they try to compensate their complexes/envy with setting up delusional thoughts against sapiens as a source of feeling better for envy against sapiens imho such lesser evolveds seems as having alot complexes & envy against sapiens 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 hahaha funny lesser evolveds and their habits of setting up very incorrect untrue delusional thoughts against we sapiens Ahahahaha pathetic lesser evolveds🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lesser synapse density low iq speices with very proneness to delusional thoughts to sapiens🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Funny lesser evolved Neanderthal hybrids 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Brief analysis: as a speices lacking synapse density that much to lack a sound rationality and thereby having an inherent proneness to set up delusional/incorrect thoughts against sapiens 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Ahahahaha funny Neanderthal hybrids🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Hahaha haha really very distinctive speices(with regards to sapiens) in terms of lesser evolved traits🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Neanderthal hybrids never stop becoming funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what else could be expected from lesser synapse density speices 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Funny lesser evolved Neanderthal hybrids and their constant habit of setting up delusional thoughts against we sapiens🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Funny lesser evolveds and very incorrect delusions they think to we sapiens. Ahahahaha sick minded & delusional thoughts prone & complexes having(of sure certainty they have complexes against more evolved speices (against sapiens) as being yet another constant of their lesser evolved existence type) le...
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Ahahaha Neanderthal hybrids are again in very very very delusional thoughts to sapiens. Dedicatedly being lesser evolved low iqqueds with proneness to hatred reflecting very very very delusional thoughts against sapiens 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Absolutely definitely lesser evolveds 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Haha funny lesser evolvedness🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Haha I didn't intended to have this blog similar to one before blog: since this time not talking of lesser evolved criminals and such very unrelated topics but now talking of very very unrelated topics now talking of e. g. lesser evolveds : lesser evolveds never stop doing lesser evolved things like setting delusional thoughts to sapiens🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 They never stop any single they being lesser evolved/low iqqued/delusional thoughts prone maniacs simply lesser evolveds🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lesser evolveds' habit of setting very very very delusional thoughts against sapiens never stops🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ahahaha loser& lesser iqqu...
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I detected one false flag incidents by criminals (similar false flag incident literals from literals I heard in false flag incidents 6 years ago in another city) today in vicinity of house. (its curious that criminals always learns addresses of people they target. maybe they follow woth stalkers in outside possibly ) criminals did attempted some false flag 1 hour ago. ahahahahaha when ai is ready, robo detectives would reply to the criminals false flag sociopathy/false flag incidents :D being targeted by an organized crime group with false flags/ugly requests/curses many times and sociopathic very sociopathic flase flags for a long time. ahahahahah ai would reply to these lesser evolved criminals and their sociopathic false flags later :D with collectivng evidence of sociopathic false flag and sueing to court systems. lesser evolveds' criminal types. i think criminals are worst type lesser evolveds hmm i think neanderthal hybrids are...
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Usually I fall asleep before chapter ends every day. Hmm this one only listened now 2 chapters or so and disliked today's chapter & I didn't liked this audible. I disliked other some audibles also. Hmm forge of Vulcan were boring imho. Hmm I liked audibles of Star Trek where there is Leonard Nimoy from audibles mostly. And also there were one very I liked where there were 2 universes and an asteroid colony where they tried to save their people from asteroid colony and which one were it hmm been listening audibles but liked only Leonard Nimoy or Shaffner centric audibles imho.. I most liked the one where there were singularity and Spock were time traveling to fix some esoteric professors time machine experiments impact to space time fabric. I might relisten that as next audible. Hmm the one where they transferred to another universe from a citadel were also very interesting. If I start listening at evening I usually fall asleep in 10 minutes or 15 minute...
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Hmm I didn't liked this audible like other one audible I also didn't liked. Hmm I been listening many star trek audibles. Usually fell asleep and listen other day. I usually fall asleep during audible and continue listening other days. Hmm this audible I didn't liked and wouldn't continue like other audibles I didn't liked. Hmm i think from audibles I liked most : where Spock were time traveling and there were singularity. Other one were Spectre and William Shaffer related story other were hmm prime directive related.
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again a decisive time point: again a new decision -> I were thinking its ok to translate to some group theoretical constructs. but sage seems as does not supporting product of groups eg. AxB alike regarding homomorphism definitions but turns out I might need to learn libgap and library maybe. since I could not find how to define AxB type group homomorphisms. hmm the situation is as: I started to write python module and initiated grammar_v1 module which would be also having object graph mapper objects to noe4j db via py2neo library that the translated grammar directly could have been pushed to neo4j graph. So whilst doing this activity, at homomorphism definitions side, I could not find how to define AxB in sage (A, B being group ) but I saw maybe gap side might provide that functionality of AxB or AxBxIxJ etc etc Soo, hmm I think I came to again changing decision point of changing my project schedule for today to rather I think...
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I think I would need to also include wikidata ontology db's ontology definition set beside wordnet since in nouns ontology side, its not always accurate. hmm I think wordnet might be nice to start with set of translated verbs (verbs with no hypernyms, root verbs) but for nouns ontology side, I think I would also look to wikidata ontology db side in that. (of homomorphism constructions). I think I would use mainly wordnet for initially then verb type Pos and for nouns I would try to create ontology db definition sets from wikidata ontology db. but the latter requires: e.g. I previously created subject predicate object tables for storing ontology db of wikidata. then I need to process that data to convert to single language and preprocess to e.g. create layers of ontology tables and dictionary dbs which map noun to its hyponyms (previous ontology layer) etc. hmm I think I would then rather today focus on verb translations and conversion from dependency...
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hmm I had not written code to import wordnet ontology structure to neo4j yet. hmm I think i postpone to tomorrow cause I feel very tired since its 23:56pm. toimorrow then starts with that analysis of wordnet and then tackling those first verb groups then creation of ontological level homomorphism sets. then continuation with the translation task from dependency graph -> to sage wise algebraic description stored in knowledge db graph nodes. hmm I think If I cover some of the dependency keywords initially from universal dependency definition set and some of verbs and creation of some of nouns ontological homomorphism definition sets automatically hmm I think it would be nice then other evenings I could continue to finish this translatiopn to knowledge graph representation that is storing sage wise algebraic representation task. I feel so tired for today. so would continue on tomorrow yepp. yayyy on sunday I think i could do translat...
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hmm I think I need to revise py skills to able to code nicely I have not been coding in py for a long while now and I think I need to revise some patterns there. hmm yayy, I decided on an initial dependency graph to knowledge graph conversion scheme. of the converted linguistics universe graph node types and the sage wise initial descriptions set. only for 0.0.1 version of ai project. I think after this 0.0.1 version is tomorrow trained to map the sage wise representations to talk with some training in Bert alike toolings. then might have a ml module that is interacted with talk. but this initial algebraic/group theoretic representations might not be any elaborate yet. its only 0.0.1 ai version. maybe to be have this ai version be ready this weekend or maybe during this weekend. an ai which can interpret paragraph and queried and answered to from knowledge db it generates. hmm then in tandem i would continue the study of getting expe...
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hmm I selected FAAS approach instead of PAAS for neo4j and instantiated a Neptune db to communicate from jupyter notebook via opencypher API. hmm now remaining tasks is finalizing Graph structure and the internal sage definition sets. hmm yepp. how can I setup connectivity froim EC2 instance to jupyter db. lets check later. yayy initial task is convert the dependency graph to knowledge graph that includes sage definitions/representations. hmm maybe I should initially utilize neo4j in original ec2 notebook instance. yepp lets do iterate like that.
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yepp learnt about neo4j knowledge including cypher. hmm made noon meal (Some soup meal this time) /washed my hair and then started checking neo4j knowledge. hmm neo4j/cypher is clear. I guess then I could start translating dependency graph types to sage wise representation via neo4j graphs storage. hmm yepp. lets start this activity after taking some coffee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- yayyy this weekend's goal is: hmm I did alot laziness last week but also learnt about dependency constructs during some evenings. Then last night after stopped resting, did arranged initial possible sage based representations for many common dependency constructs. hmm today starts with continuing to studying neo4j db since might be main storage db mechanisms of read paragraphs which would hold sage definition sets alike idea I have had initially so I now resume neo4j study. hmm then I think I would utilize a neural net based dependency definitions provider and spacy based dependency definitions provider to then translate to sage wise definitions. hmm maybe I have a basic talking ai version (hmm it would interpret and store knowledge in paragraphs it reads) this weekend. but not very intelligent yet. though talking part would need doing training with Bert alike transformers from this time sage wise definitionsets to language based representations so maybe ...
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hey coincidence happent with alarm clock. sometimes I cant wake up in morning at hour I want to wake up. since my phone closes. and my alarm clock I use phone. Then I decided lets buy an alarm clock. Then somedays if there is an important meeting or appointment in morning, mom would always offer: I can call you to wake you up. Then the day I searched clocks (since I have some days meetings at 8:45am so Its like I stress out very much every day if my phone would close and I be late. then also my phone's charge cable is on desk not in place I rest so I usually when falling asleep listen audibles or watch sci fi shows from phone. So I stress alotif phone would be closed (charge would get lessen very much) sicne I have early meetings most days. Then yesterday I felt similarly stressed looked to phone's charge level and I were thinking of listening an audible, then I thought what if I fall asleep and thne phone charge finishes etc etc. Then I thought lets buy al...
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yayy I investigated some neural nets and some other alternatives like spacy etc, and then, decided to use both spacy and some neural nets. hmm I need to get expert in typed dependencies output of nn and also spacy. I think I need to test all these with ambigious sentences to see how the results are, I dont get why there is no probabilistic multiple results returns for dep parsing. hmm. I were thinking also adding some graph based probabilistic sentence decomposition also for dependency graphs. I think I can accomplish that still I mean probabilistic interpretation already needs to be present in knowledge graph. so if i continue studying today, I would need to study to dependency graph tutorials for types there etc. hmm also then I need to translate those known typed dependencies to entire sage algebraic representations. including prolog support systems at yet not representable Part of Speech and PTB tokens/definitions. hmm seems as t...
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yayyy time to download many as possible neural net implementation of dependency graph parsers (for NLP) to check available opensource versions e.g. as many transformers or even non neural net implementations and start the main jupyter notebook and install also some neo4j to that machine where jupyter notebook runs . at the same time lets start writing the Ptb to sage code translation part. initially in py language since i would initially assemble logic in jupyter notebook but then later when turned to API calls those would be if necessary converted to some other language most possibly scala. or golang I dont know. but initially it would be all one notebook that truns and so its language is python. but of course big data tasks e.g. ontology db generation are scala code and written with zeppelin with scala. but the main logic would be with py language. I mean for 0.1 version would be a jupyuter notebooks set. and even neo4j and prolog would be installed to the same jupyter not...
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hey today's agenda: yayyy today's ai project session starts. hmm today's tasks be checking dependency parser neural nets transformers to bind to sage wise definition. and then using wordnet to start to convert the nouns/verbs to group theoretic representations including also ontology data. hmmm lots of literals to translate to sage representation. only yet "go" literal is figured out how to represent. of course synonyms wont be retranslated unless semantically divergent. hmm I also need to install neo4j knowledge db to store the translated sentences in neo4j knowledge graphs. hmm so something like first neural net analyzing sentence of a paragraph along with other paragraph sentrences and then creating some dependency graph then conversion to algebraic representation happens to store the result in neo4j knowledge db graph format yepp. so today would also in tandem check transformer neural nets and plus how to use dockerized neo4j db and then also in tandem ...
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(Ahahaha some delusional Neanderthal hybrids again thinking in delusional thoughts to we sapiens 🤣 pathetic& lowiqqued plus sick mindeds 🤣🤣🤣🤣) (Very imaginative delusional thoughts these sick mindeds circuitry think.ahaha lesser evolved & sick minded pathethic psychotics 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣) Ahaha Neanderthal hybrid delusionary thoughts are always so much less evolved & low iqqued. Funny lesser evolveds🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)
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hmm I returned to PTb to algebraic representation task. I decided to do it like: hmm I , K and G groups I is subgroup of K and K is also subgroup of G then G/I = g and G/ K = 2 and to have a homomorphism from G/I to G/K and lets call it h then Kernel h be being K/I representing the We part and there () (0 element of G) represents I and others represents in K/ I you and then G - K/I represents they and elements of it represents he/she/it or all pronouns other than I / you I then selected the subgroups as: G being dihedral group I = () of G K = being rotation subgroup G = the dihedral group hmm then also e.g. go literal could had been represented as: a union of homomorphisms where each homomorphims is from cyclic permutation 0 to n to dihedral groups either r or sr generator. hmm for to like prepositions i think or other Ptb types hmm i might need to study rings for geometry r...
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the neanderthal hybrids has somehow knows where I live and did some curse /defaming shouting in morning. not so distant similar activity happent 3 years ago similarly. or I remember psycho stalking in public transportation and harrassing with the things they attempted battery in some neighbour from hell place 7 years ago where their battery of ugly requests started. this unknown neighbour started battery and ugly requests shouting and it never ended last 7 years. they also do this type harrassments with e.g. saying the ugly requests they shouted in their battery this time saying some curse beside and they somehow know my home's place. actyually these unknown favela somehow receives somehow gps location from an entity imho or they have observants this unknown favela that helps route them do such false flags pointwise. Constant false flags and endless battery with ugly requests happens last 7 years. It startde after some time I moved to there seems as a criminal group we...
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which song I selected for today's project studies: yayy a movie soundtrack: Interstellar movie sounds. ayy with this headphone this soundtrack is very nice. and loud music. - yayy lets build homes in space later :) to move all wanting to have home in space type sapiens to space :) -------------------------------------- not very late, I need to be building 0.1 version ai imho in 3 weeks or 4 weeks at most. then start coder ai to build particle physics simulator to build the medical tech simulator and also other tech to develop nanotech for healing illnesses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- back to project studies after some more sci fi shows watching resting period. but first need to build the quantum computer tech and alike. and before that molecular simulator tech for particle physics (which I did not quite get accustomed to existing medical molecular engineering simulators and ...
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hmm I could not study well to the pdf printout yesterday(by Sean Sather Wagstaff), since the pdf's font turned out not easily readable some formulations when printed out. I then bought an eye glasses like 1.5 to assist such pdf printouts readings. but it would come today. my group theory book came today morning. but it depends on knowing very well ring/modules/ideals alike topics. so I first need to finish the Wagstaff's study. hmm finally the tabletop flipchart became useful, I usually also like using writing boards when studying to these topics. and then I bought it for Ptb to algebraic representation task with using also postit notes there but that task stagnated. hmm I tried to study pdf yesterday but with the printout font being unreadable and with laziness not to create arrange folder/preparation of second printout, I couldnt study. But wishfully the glasses would come today. its urgent to finish this task to also continue the Ptb to...
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ayyy I strongly suspicioned whether our colleague joked us, I mean to coincide with audible where wedding happens also. I mean to coincide wedding topics. some suspicions: could colleague be actually a spy investigating psychic phenomena and then saying us such untrue stuff in meeting that to have create artificial coincidnece with audible I think this possibility is far stretched. most possibly not like this right? :D Ok there is 1% probability its like this. I mean noone very anhy recently told: hey i am not attending meetings on friday monday cause i am getting married alike things on the day that day's night in audible turned out one central topic be a wedding. its so surreal you know ? (or is it psychic topics spies interference?:D that not any surreal interesting coincidence but rather some caused coincidence/or pseudo coincidence ? :D )
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sometimes its unnice to be a multiverse traveler, in cases of bad prophecies. e.g. the day i saw a nightmare where landslide happent the other day land slide news were in news. so as mentioned if i see anytiome suich nightmare with such catastrophes I would try to wake up from nightmare to inform alarm from blog everyone :) yayyy guh the possibly multiverse traveler
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hmm last days been listening audibles of some star trek novels. I observed coincidences ? yes. the day before, I were trying to since a CI/CD pipeline failed, I tried to transfer jar file with sftp but that had not worked without partitioning the jar file and then in the star trek that day in audible sending a huge star ship to other uyniverse were not possible so they were talked of partitioned transfer of ship. today's coincidence were: today one of colleagues told he is getting married and we congratulated :) Then in the todays audible captain has had wedding. I just in todays coincidence suspected whether if the colleague whom is marrying somehow hacked my phone and knowing what i watch to create coincidence or not I dont know :D Its first time sometime told in a meeting he is going to holiday since is marrying and the tv show today has had marrying. ------------ now coming to unrelated software project topic: but the partitioning were very weirdsome project some...
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in not so distant future we would build technologies to make it less possible to organized criminal grou[ps militias to do attempt/intend crimes against humanity crimes to people. unrelated to that: similarly with technology, with exposing every delusional perseuction attempt online : we would make sure delusional medievals never succeeed to delusional persecution intents to nonreligious people with delusional type persecution. (Of attempting to slander blogs with delusional very very very very very very very impossible slanders to nonreligious people since because they are not from religion. i also observed this type delusional persecution intent to blog many times and it does not resolve because some of very rare of but not all of religiopus people have attitude of as if nonreligious people should be slandered with impossible slanders to make religion popular and nonreligious people be defamed. its unbelievable but these type people exists also online as o...