I dislike when I m trying to open search button to find a TV show and due to slow response of ui it clicks another button. Totally unnice web ui design. I have to reinstall program to resume and click search button to open a TV show (e.g. Glass artistry TV show)
Temmuz, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
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There are bad aliens whom does bad stuff like quantum tech based volcanoes incidenrs/eq incidents in world. My aliens are not like that my aliens does gravity anomaly just in my room to drop talcid in a day my stomach were ill 😊 So with regards to their gravity alteration/time machines tech I wanted to draw them like gigantic entities 😊 Bad aliens are not my friends my friend aliens don't do volcano incidents nor earthquakes in world. My alien friends just do gravity anomality to knock on my glass (last night happent it were like a stone thrown to my glass door ) or drop talcid with gravity anomaly on a day I needed to take talcid Of course it could be only randomness and just coincidence instead. Aliens topic is just a belief of mine that I really 100% believe. Last night aliens again did said hi with like if someone hit my glass with some thing but not exactly stone throwing. I guess again like talcid they like to interact like that some days 🙂 they like to select...
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conceptual: not tried to draw nice just tried to draw schematics of alien friends 😊 Might try to draw nicer this imagery better one day. Just to depict how friendship with aliens with time machines would be like :) I tried to draw aliens gigantic just referencing technological advance in time machines. It's not surely known if I have alien friends that whether if star trek coincidences like pain pain pain etc were not only coincidences& by aliens created. But if it's aliens it's like this to have alien friends 😊(I find it very lucky&very cool) 👽👾👽👽👽👽👽👽👽
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Yayy watched many series of that art show and inspired me to continue resume drawing tries when I can. Might buy a tablet that has a special pen that I can see directly what I draw on tablet It's nice to watch a TV show that artists attend 🙂 inspired me to resumedrawing hobby. One common feature I discovered in art community that they most or some of them likeweird and very colorful eye glasses and design their costumes clothes also very creative. I recently bought a weird such eye glasses so makes me wondered if this liking such eye glasses is coming from art side. Though I don't have a talented art side either.
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Inspired from glass blowers episode where they wanted contestants to drawmotion.they even called a master Ballet to that episode. I were shocked since I used to try draw movement and dance/ballets very before. But I didn't liked the contestants produced sculptures in that episode. Specifically gum on foot were like a rebellion against the contest topic nor neither others sculptures wereany good/creative in that episode. I would had done a modern dance or even flamenko hand arm or such. The products were really noncreative imho and them calling a Ballet to that episode had not inspired the contestants any. I think that series winner were very talented but inpopart and very complex installations imho. There were a guy who left engineering to do glass artistry in theshow. I m not that skilled in art side to proceed such career change though got very inspired by artists doing creating art and retried drawing hobby and decided I still only like ink pen drawings ...
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i figure out refigure out main art branch i am interested is to drawing. but not detailed either, nor would never become more skilled most possibly than this or slightly might improve. but still i believe drawing colorless even pictures seems very fun. i like this ink pen drawing style alot, since needs no need for coloring like effort that is not suited to a lazy person's drawing activity :D but awhile, what i might not do laziness to is: hmm would rehearse more this drawing tries but maybe this time i should buy a drawing tablet lets seeing the drawing on screen directly not that tablets which you see on computer which is not resembling drawing on notebook exercise. hmm seems interesting hobby, hmm might resume very very earlier hobby of mine, which were drawing clothes also :) which really seems interesting art ionterest but just as a hobby and very beginners level it is. not any amateur level even. maybe one day i would buy a tailor's mannequin t...
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Whilst talking drawing let's add random drawing tries some days Ballet rehearsing dance in nature surrounding: This one is some one worn pallets to ordinary day in a psychosis moment of the drawn person 😁 (Victorian styleshirt it turned out I was trying to create a sweater then hadn't had erasers to make it look like sweaters) a guy's dance(since focused on movement topic depiction of movement I mean)
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i think i watched a lot of movies of world saving or such or also got in to some glass art show tv show and its seems as a very hard style art. (blown away glass art tv show) i think i rested alot after last week. hmm yayy did restarted biking yesterday. hmm but figured out my silly phone's screen timeout setting were 10 minutes which would mean my music/sometimes not music i listen to (i like blizzard/win or rain sounds alot ) would change or stop playing. now i figured out screen timer is set to 10 minutes and in that bumbpy parts of the path where phone is in the basket beside other things it would evenchange song or stop playing it :) biking is severe fun since you can just travel beside vegetations/trees/flowers/grass/river. but also sometimes very tiresome. hmm today might also bike. hmm i think i left projects for a while :) i thiink i just watched movies where world is tried to be saved etc. since by the last week i felt severe trauma. and watching ...
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i really hate ui of program that you cant navigate correctly on tv that responds slow through command interface that you click on another menu whilst you actually tried to open search button instead. :S anyway fixed from pc to recover. hmm watched dont look up movie. were kind of i wanted to watch some kind of more detective stuff or spying stuff type movie today actually i think today. i think i started to get of trauma as by this afternoon. some hours ago. but i think i became sick of trauma. i felt physically so tired and wanting to constantly rest/sleep. i felt very sick. and i felt nausea when trible coincidence came up to my mind. and my stomach got also sick either relatedly or unrelatedly i dont know. but i were severe sick today of feelnig severe tired and wanting to just rest only. i think if a tv show topic(trible) coincides with some horrific topic, its kind of severe trauma topic. but after watched dont look up i started to forget about the tra...
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Last night I tried to watch star trek discovery to try aliens communication since I missed aliens communication since I felt traumatized by Trimble incident (still feeling very traumatized of unknowns whom did Tribble reference to in that) since I like aliens communication I wanted their help like communicating with me to have me forget trauma of Tribble reference to Trimble incident which severely traumatized. Then I couldn't find star trek discovery in this region. Then fall asleep in mid of night I woke up with talcid medicine one sheet falling to floor and it created that much sound that made me woke up instantly. I checked to see no cause of such movement but maybe it were on just inbalance then I wondered if it's aliens. That heard my desire to communicate and do such gravitational anomaly at that instant in middle of my dream that I woke up instantly. I find aliens communication from star trek very cheering since its amazing. I mean coincidences that look like as if ali...
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i dont know if Leia incident were randomness or done again by an unknown psycho that sneaked beside Leia that poisoned her:S but i think i suspect that Trimble is poisoned or i mean i think its not natural. i think an evil unknown must had sneaked. why i think like that since because of tribble keychain coincidence. and because of friday coincidence. i mean the day before that i search whihc day is 23 December 2016 and turned out friday. i were searching also Tony Shieh incidents zippo coincidence. it were the day i bought zippo i read zappos news and later learnt he had accident 2 weeks ago and passed on that day. now also Zappos founder death seems also suspicious to me. but maybe if he were on life support and maybe that day they took away from life support, its just zippo coincidence is very disturbing also. but still his accident is 2 weeks ago, 2 weeks before i bought zippos. i wish i could know when exactly i started searching cigars/zippos/pipes for tobacco. i think ...
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I saw voodoo stuff attached keychain in etsy. Visibly an unknown psycho also saw that I saw that in internet. Then investigated Trimble to see they were improvised from key chain with Tribble. Then I understood some unknown psycho did Tribble coincidence to that keychain vodoo stuff with Trimble incident. Plus day before that I investigated Leia incident I mean on Monday Sunday and searched weekday of Leia and shieh incidents turned out Friday. I asked which day is 23 12 2016 to Google and a site said friday. Then the other day I also saw from that good Friday deal. I felt traumatized by Tribble reference in that severely. His hair color looks like Tribble and whomever did this caused this I think is a psycho :S severely psycho :S Alfred hitchcock movies psychos alike :S I wish Sherlock Holmes existed and caught the psycho whom did this since its very psycho. An evil psycho person that sneaked in beside Trimble person I think caused Trimble incident
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An unknown psycho evil nurse or some unknown psycho that whom sneaked in to Trimble vicinity imho it is This unknown psycho imho is scary as Alfred hitchcock psychos It felt severely traumatizing to see observe this I mean the coincidence of Tribble keychain I want to scream when reporting this. It's just extreme level traumatic topic imho
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One uttermost trauma feeling moment it were since the unknown psycho whom did Trimble incident visibly were doing coincidence to me. I never felt this trauma type before I felt severely traumatized if a new trauma type of shock of seeing craziness/psycho behavior of unknown someone making creating Trimble incident. It's as scary as a horror movie or Alfred hitchcock movie like scary to me honestly. I wanted to scream like since it's scary like Alfred hitchkok movies.
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I still feel traumatized by unknown psycho whom did Tribble with Keychain reference to Keychain with voodoo stuff and changing r letter in Trimble to do such horrific reference. Unknown God syndrome having killer. Still feeling very traumatized of. I think that persons one nurse might be an evil nurse or someone whom sneaked out beside him. And it's very psycho to see such connection/reference. I felt extreme level trauma afterwards.
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I had a moment where I wish everything in world goes away world stops during that exhausted traumatized moment yesterday since seeing a connection to tribble/key chain voodoo stuff to a person's passing away is extremely traumatizing. It's extremely traumatizing I wanted all world to go away stop during this feeling exhausted/traumatized mood as I saw connection to Tribble with key chain and the key chain with vodoo stuff I saw on Sunday whilst investigating voodoo.
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I felt very exhausted traumatized upon seeing Friday coincidence & key chain with voodoo topic coincidence with one letter change from Trimble to Tribble that I felt severely traumatized afterwards. Moments passed which I want everything to stop in world. I felt very exhausted & very traumatized after seeing Trimble coincidence.
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I suspect Trimble passing away is not natural. Cause I searched what day is 23th of dec 2016 whilst investigating Leia incident which turned out Friday. And also sad incident if Trimble has a crazy unnice maniac coincidence to Tribble topic where a key chain with Tribble were passing in Star Trek Tribble readings as I saw yesterday and but then the days before on Sunday I searched voodoo and see a Keychain with voodoo stuff then seeing Trimble passing away. It's crazy. I feel traumatized by this coincidence.
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I investigated Leias passing away and became very suspicious whether it's not natural and caused by unknown bad people. I think it were most possibly not an unwanted unintended psychic coincidence but maybe by man caused? By unknown bad people. Not sure but I stopped believing to voodoo yesterday after I saw Trimble death and even Leia incident don't any seem like unwanted voodoo but rather unknown bad people? That whom added something to Leias drink/food or so? I started to suspect from this possibility. My belief to voodoo shattered as I saw coincidence with Trimble incident.
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Hey I started to suspect that unintentional unwanted type voodoo might not exist that the day I made that sculpture might I suspected whether somehow unknown bad people seen it somehow and did created Leia incident :s I suspect that Leia incident were man created. Just can't stop thinking that this incident that made me thought of unwanted unintended psychic phenomena were actually not psychic & done by unknown bad people
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i definitely stand by my decision to use lethal psychic powers if exists against people sets whom thinks other races or religions are "prostitutes". i would have no remorse nor regret of using lethal psychic skills of sculpting vodoo skill against people whom sees other races or religions as "prostitute". cause they really deserve it. you can not understand how severe crime against humanity type crime it is until it happens to you. you would also understand that its quite ok to use lethal psychic skills against people types whom are maniacs that sees other races or religions as prostitue. and its not just seeing as prostitute. they do severe black propaganda activity beside that. so i would not for an instant think any idea for chances of using lethal psychic skills against this unknown cult. if i could use such psychic skills. cause no human has right to do torture to another human being and specifically black propaganda torture with prostitute slander is somet...
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i to be sure what time line is for Leia incident, investigate when i did sculpture to check its psychic aspects. but couldnt investigate since i dont exactly know which day i did sculpture. were it weekend or friday? also double checked Shieh incident. to check time line of that coincidence. cause i for an instance got suspicios whether if it were not psychic coincidence and were done by evil unknown people? if only i could learn which day i did sculpture. it just i wondered if an unknown evil people did these coincidences instead, that i got suspicious of, that i investigate.
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Hmm if I knew more whom cult is or how they look I would do sculptures of as mentioned. Since I think that unintended unwanted Leia coincidenceseems as vodoo stuff that I were unaware either So I intend to use vodoo against unknown cult that does severe torture with black prgnda incdnts but the problem is I don't know whom are nor how they look like to try vodoo magic like sculpting. I tried remote detectiving turned out I have no remote detectiving skills but instead unwanted unintended unconditional lethal psychic stuff some how.
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I mentioned psychic coincidence wrongly. I have unwanted unconditional lethal psychic stuff. It were like a song having James bond musical notes then other day learning sir Sean Connerys passing away. Or unintentionally sculptures hair resembles leias hair style then hearing other day Leia has passed away. Or buying zippos and on same day hearing zappos founder passed away same day and were in comatose due to an accident hppnt 2 or 3 weeks ago. So I thought I have spme lethal psychic stuff and it's unwanted neither above coincidences I would ever want to happen.
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some idea of mine: i think i might came across the person whom is responsible for doing the volcano disasters in world maybe. not sure. i have idea that there are good aliens and also bad aliens and bad aliens does volcano disasters on world. but i understood its not bad aliens but its people maybe behind volcano disasters. maybne i mean. last day not today, whilst biking, whilst returning to home, a guy passed beside my bike with his bike, maybe a guy in 60ies or 68s or more i dont know. whilst right passing beside me he shouted/screamed. i thought wondered if there happent something like accidentaly my bike he hit but no i am sure its not like that since i would know if my bike were hit or so. then i thought maybe he had some either bite from a bee or heart attack somehow. anyway i returned home. then commented myself at home gosh thayt guy screamed were scary moment. sinc ehe screamed so loud. like if someone having a bad heart attack type. then i saw this sakurajim...