for information manipulative defamatory attacks to my blog: (with very very very out of reality very very very impossible very very very untrue slander type that such smeatring attempt to blog happent 2 years ago with method of taking a blog sentence, putting it to a very impossible untrue very impossible context out of any context I could never ever think of nor blog, to do information manipulation with taking an sentence and putting to an impossible context, ---> to attempt to do propaganda/untrueness very out of reality slander type to defamate discredit blog ---> and I sometimes this very maniac behavior repeated of information manipulation attacks to my blogs in last 2 years as I seen once more recently possibly from same people. is it because we intelligent people disturb egos of not that intelligent people that does feel necessity to try to discredit real intelligent people iwith impossible slander types? i think this all roots down to such top...
Aralık, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
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today also passed in making myself more literate in neuroscience. e.g. how do we feel pain? and the thalamocortical paths and consciousness and pain like topics I am very new to and came up to this paper: NeuroSci | Free Full-Text | The Consciousness of Pain: A Thalamocortical Perspective ( I am trying to understand how brain works. (As started investigating how evolution crafts a schematics which after idiosyncratic details are developed.) I wish to understand evolutionary wise how it forms. Since I wonder how evolution crafts nervous system in mammalians. It might create insights of other planets humanoid like beings. This consciousness topic I were interested to many times ago and lost interest. But then thinking ai project, I think I should become more knowledgeable again when one is intending to develop some thinking machine might instead also check articles of what exists innately crafted by evolutionary processes. Its not only th...
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hmm binding this topic to aliens, how aliens density would be? is it possible that evolution in similar oxygen excess having planets creates similar density? I mean I wonder whether if aliens have pruning mechanism like mammalians? trying to imagine how neurocircuitory of aliens is :) talking of of course this type of nervous system model of central nervous system model. would they also have a specialized organ for neural functions. most possibly they would have. most possibly it would be also similar. or if it were not an oxygen dominated environment, their molecular systems would most possibly even unsimilar though still they might have similar central nervous system. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hmm now checked also myelin structure to see its consisting of...
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hmm reading artticles about evolutionary development of innate brain circuitories or in more correct definition, preorganized connections and that those functional specializations in brain. to yet to understand how autism degenerates motor skills motor skill abilities. e.g. even muscle related or coordination of muscles. hmm important topics I came up to whilst reading: for coordination of a skill: e.g. walking even hmmn first topic I came up is mTor noninhibition resulting in maybe 50% more synapses and spines. Then this also in mice were measured to be also active synapses not only autist brain has more synapses and also they are active. but this higher density of synapses thinking: my idea why motor skills coordination in we autists might be kind of lesser or in regression: one possible idea is myelin having finding not enough capacity to surround dendrites in that higher density gray area there by creating maybe efficient local signaling but much less efficie...
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so from my experience to get over agoraphobia really method of making going outside fun (since roller blading is very fun) really is a working method to get over /heal from agoraphobia and it really helps courage/inner strength also. Its an amazing agoraphobia cure :) Nobody told me agoraphobia could be so easily cured just with roller blading and it really cured my agoraphobia whihc happent for a very long time. even if i amn not a therapist I had a chance to get to know one specific method to agoraphobia:) Its roller blading :) it cured/healed agoraphobia in one day unbelievable wov:) (or of course might not work like that in other agoraphobic people, maybe it cured my agoraphobia but might not cure other people's intrinsic agoraphobia situations but at least its worth try to suggest any agoraphobic person to try skating also to heal from agoraphobia :) maybe it also helps them to heal from agoraphobia who knows :) ) hmm, I guess there might not be a universally working he...
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I feel like more courageous person now🙂 Yayyy agoraphobia is healed😊 Wov rollerblading is best method to heal from severe agoraphobia I suggest to every therapist healing an agoraphobic person. 🙂⛸️ (at least in my agoraphobia it really helped me and unbelievable I got healed from agoraphobia in a day Wov)
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I just can't believe how skating can fix agoraphobia so fastly. Wov. I really suggest every therapist to use skating(roller skating/roller blading) advice to agoraphobic people. It really healed my agoraphobia and I feel like much more courageous person now. Wov as if rollerblades are magical healing thing for agoraphobia 😊 it healed my agoraphobia in a day unbelievable I been agoraphobia for maybe last 4 or last 5 years or so.
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I think i confused one incident with smear conspiracies incidents of cults smearing conspiracy incidents. I went outside to take my packages for my k2 knee wristle pads then were searching house number it were left to(since package delivery left it to another house since it came when I were in toilet and couldn't open door) then a curse shouted alike in cults smearing then I opent my voice recorder with recording first I. Starting recording of extremist cults conspiracy & curse incident but I am not sure if it were random not done by cult and someone cursed to some other. I couldn't be sure. Only I know that some incidents happent where they (cult) cursed such smearing curse in conspiracy incidentsas reported in blog before like walking 0.5meter beside and shouting such smear curse. Maybe I this time confused and it wernt cult doing another incident but just some person cursed to some unrelated another person. I m not sure. Hey one thing: I got over agoraphobia...
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hey my skates and knee pads are k2. is it coming from k2 mountain the k2 brand? I actually had no idea of skating brands and bought whihc one is coming in 1 day and this were like in kind of not that super expensive price range (it were in between 100 and 150 euros) type roller blades. \ yayyyc i am so happy to initiate relearning roller blading sports. and wish to become an urban skater that I go everywhere with always with roller blades whenever there is walkign. I read that it takes 1 month or so to master roller blading. ok then. i think initial learnings I would learn today and tomorrow might be enough to start roller blading (of course slowly) in outside. but as far as i read from internet, it takes a month or so to become proficient in skating. its absolutely very fun :) like snowboarding but not without that heavy snowboard carrying or braking in snow boarding seems much harder. ok one day i would definitely learn snowboarding to comment on it. i just tri...
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Yayyy I slightly remembered how to skate and skating in kitchen since it's surface is not rough and easier to skate ⛸️🙂 But I hadn't remembered how to brake without getting support from wallor desk. I skate around huge kitchen desk to instantly take support of desk chairs if lose balance. It's so fun to skate when there is constant support around that in case I lose balance I would take support from chair. This kitchen is a gigantic kitchen and nice place to remember skating ⛸️😊😊😊😊 Skating is so fun. Roller blading but seems as it would take more time to become capable of urban skating. First goal learning how to brake. Second how to situp from ground with no support. I already skate otherwise nothing to learn from that. But eg skating with slight inclination on ground that also need to be learnt along time. Yayy in initially I tried outside and seemed as I entirely forgot skating. Now tried inside with around desk chairs and seems much easier since I can instantly get...
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the conspiracy of aga/baba smear topic again discussed in below blog: hey the early hominins alike cult (lesser evolved beings, they must have some gene region that results in this maniac sociopathic behaviors) did another conspiracy incident with using "hunt" literal. hmm these extremist religious or extremist race maniac people seems to be seeing our life as along like animals since they use hunt like words. how funny its the same view from ourside to see them as lesser then homo sapiens, but we think they are not animals but early hominins. They seem to think people out of their race or religion are to be used "hunt" like literals. what kind of maniacs these unevolveds are? I had not had any designation like early hominin to anyone before after having observed half a decade lasting extremists genocide. they are like another version of taliban but softer to not be caught of doing genocide to people not from their religion. Kind of extremist religious people I ...
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maybe instead of e-scooter (since this month I am kind of slightly broke due to over spending in previous months) i should buy a roller blade and remember skating. I dislike walking due to agoraphobia. and i need to soemtimes go outside. Hmm maybe I should remember skating (not that i were any advanced skater ) with roller blade when going outside to for instance to go to workplace etc. ok cool idea. lets buy some roller blade. and surely carry my head protection thing. There is 800 meters I need to walk and I dont like walking. lets better buy rollerblade. but ones easily taked on-off rollerblade need to find. but even very before i werent good in roller blading skating but were able to. hmm it would be definitely adventure to remember roller blading (since i dislike walking that 800meters). and i also disliked idea of also e-scooter since carrying e-scooter is not easy as tiresome as also heavy. i think this roller blade idea is better to find out how that daily comm...
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this less evolveds cults less evolved behaviours made me got interested to archeological anthroplogy field now (in other terms homo sapiens tree earlier branches) but one does have no chance to ask for less evolveds cult to be genetically tested to understand their nondormant earlier human genome related genes that results in repeated maybe 1500 times or more attempts of planting untrue illogical unreasonable impossible conspiracy attempt incidents :D since I avoid any form of communication with these less evolved beings since they would perceive it as an enactment of their conspiracy attempt or risk of making their falsde conspiracy planting attempt succeed is high so any communication is strongly avoided with these less evolved beings which i think attempted 1501th untrue illogical impossible conspiracy planting attempt incident. its like unvoluntarily observing lizards or chimps as they try to communicate to attempt to plant untrue illogical impossible conspiracy. as always i a...