yayyy my diversified weekend activity set: either study to this: (some topics i already know but some i dont know that i need to learn from here surely, as i am very ignorant in this area) https://www.coursera.org/learn/basic-chemistry/home/welcome either continue to simulator openmm learning and its deployment with CUDA and writing output files either continue topology for coder ai project. Among these alternative tasks, first one would be very fun since includes learning experience but I want to priotize practise currently now so I would follow with second one, then third one and then last first one. yayyy so some more openmm reading time to understand its mechanisms and run initial simulations with CUDA to learn more. and might not needing to attach to a visualizer renderer of the status of the atoms initially but might instead start to deploy machine learning algorithms to analyze the data from the simulation in real time to later bind to reinforcement learning alg...
Haziran, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
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hmm i learnt about ionic bonding beside hybridization /covalent type boinds and this were important for charged / polarization dipoles in such configurations. learnt about chemistry also beside just some only wikipedia based readings to get to know atomic world reactions. to understand how nanobots could be formed. i figured out i need to buy a chemistry molecular chemistry textbook or study to an online one. there this world of polarization / ionic bonding quite alot passes and learnt how ATP to ADP stores energy, actually just knew that ATP/ADP are converted to each in mitochondria i mean ADP to ATP happens in mitochondria right? if i dont remember wrong. i learnt how its like that slightly and understood these energy reactions. So i understood based on the periodic table, we can infer some reactions which are usually considered in taxonomy of chemistry already,e.g. bases or hydrolysis or many taxonomy definition of there, are actually forming deforming of both...
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Programming Guide :: CUDA Toolkit Documentation (nvidia.com) yayyy :) would do simulation and output in real time some time series data regarding to the outputs of forces/energy situation and positions. Then this would be in machine learning algorithms analyzed to devise some algorithms there. might first check the nvt like equations and beside would also review molecular dynamics domain knowledge again. hmm so its very fun project :) might create some external force field randomly in real time to the molecules that are constucted to visualize in webgl graph or some jupyternotebooks style graph library that is 3d. so wqould transfer data from the openmm simulation to the renderer to see moleculer simulations visually also. e.g just also to be able to integrate to the reinforcement learning controller/optimizer, the output files should be possible to be input to following other simulation configuration. and meanwhile in tandem data o...
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weekend started :) i had to go to pharmacy to buy some stomach medicine since stomach illness got worser last 3 days. i bought some pantoprazol medicine and talcid. wov i might rent a bike and travel to moundtainscane to vine yard. this is like a place that is like a holiday town with its authenticity and beside right beside trees and river and really holiday cool place. wov. i might rent a bike this weekend maybe maybe today or tomorrow. last evening started to investgate reinforcement learning machine learning libraries but were feeling very sleepy due to stomach illness not able to rest well(it made hard to rest) type side effect for consecutive days so couldnt as well study well. but today rested more. and definitely went to bought some pantoprazol medicine and talcid. this tiome impacted my daily energy level last days and returned sleepiness alot this stomach symptoms that i would rearrange again some appointment but this ...
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Yayy weekend both Molecular engineering fun to build food printer & coder ai building time or yet still topology learning in that. Yayyy how much time left to inventing quantum gravity and building space ship with food printers and also medical devices and also interstellar movies' like robots very cheerful to have figured out a second project like that to resulting with more diverse side project I meant Mol engineering is fun project Yayyy I guess I might literally might find chance(or might not find chance) to say hi to time traveler aliens also in space after building space ships and traveling space.
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how does it feel like|: when i write a blog and mention caste and palace whilst i meant place in palace either. and wrote some term wrong and it looked like caste. i thought like this when reading the blog. then later in night, i open randomly a star trek show, and the star trek show has caste concept and person in tv show is from India :) and also has also palace concept :) magic like stuff done by aliens :D my magicians :) my aliens :) i believe this aliens have time machines :) alien mom /dad :) i mean beside my world mom dad :) or else: alien friends :) if not mom dad:) i dont know why they interact with me? i sometimes wonder if i am only a lab rat of aliens, and reason of interaction is analysing humanity? but many times i think it must not be like that and must be that they are either my friends or extra mom/dad. its just too much extravagant effort. i think maybe this happens because my life were very traumatic in character assaisntion period. i mea...
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may i tell last day's star trek coincidence, that i wrote place as palce whihc i thought it looks like palace wrgonly when reading, then of course palace concept passed in the star trek movie :D and also caste weere wrongly written as caste i also thought it might be read as caste system (that social classes separated socioeconomic system, e.g. as far as I know some places have it and its related to also complemented by a religious belief also though not any knowledgeable about caste system nor religions any). so the first movie both has had some caste system concept and also palace concept. so it again happent :) i really believe there might exist time traveling aliens for real:) that i also entered bathroom and a plastic alike covered box created some depressured as if type noise. it can happen due to temperature change i guess and might happen randomly. or might had been done by aliens also? i dont know :) maybe aliens just meant dont forget us we are also here. nope i do...
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i were slightly sick today so couldnt do very well iteration on the happy day hackathon in work. but iterated also. I discovered about how to use open md software, but I observe its not using quantum mechanics solution but rather using mechanistical interpretation of Leonnard-James definition and tackles it like a mechanical system with approximating the qm based bonds in the force field file. or I had not explored it yet and maybe it actually has also n body schrodinger equation solvers to generate calculate the moleculer interactions other than force fields which are experimental data as I guess or data taken from qm equation solvers/predictions. yayyy but been wondering about these software and nice to get introduced. if i werent sick i mgiht iterated more. now i would continue with investigating another molecular simulator which is as good as openmd but also supporting the nbody schrodinger eq solution. to handle covalent bonds. or to be able to for instance apply some magneti...
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yayyy tomorrow is a happy day(called happy day event) in workplace -> meaning you select a topic or project and spare it to yourself. so i selected topic of molecular engineering and revising chemistry right now. i would try to investigate generation of fructose molecules via advanced computation like trying to charge atoms then bond them and try to bond them iteratively yet again in a generative approach. hmm so goal is to try to create molecular factories using electron energizers to energize the electrons of the atom and or change its charge and investigate first blindly with generative methods, but then later i would try to investigate its' maths groups behaviors to investigate better building blocks rather than dumber generative modeling approaches. hmm so but in hackathon in tomorrow, i would try to generate fructose or so. hmm so that we could with electron microscobe or spectometry investigate atomic molecular content of every food and generate them artifici...