unrelated to previous blog: ---------------------------------- hmm space is hope. space is everything we depend on. space is what keeps us continue in such a horrific world of various maniacness happening. space is the hope for a cooler future to live in a nonracist planet i am in love with space because its distant to this planet. would definitely go to other solar systems when i build my space ships. cause its a hope to be distant to this barbarian maniac uncivilized planet. space is hope. space is everything. space is everything good. since it would be distant to this barbarian maniac uncivilized world. anything that can distance we citizens of this world from this barbaric maniac planet is good. space is all good. space is hope. space means everything good. space is dream. space is hope. space is everything. everything that is distant to this barbarian uncivilized maniac racist planet is dream. everything that is a lot distant to this maniac planet is a dream. spa...
Ekim, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
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( look to the neo nazis sentences uses to smear my blog whilst telling a topic :) have fun tryign to smear my blog you neo nazi whose nation committed severe crimes in history, no wonder your nations creates neo nazis like you as human os never leaps along the process in centuries (talking of a country distant but not so distant to here) you are no distant to your ancestors whom committed crimes in world you have the same sick brain circuitory. have fun attacking horrific smearing attempts to blog with such unthinkable smear type you devolkved human typew from a historically criminal nation :D. ) its no shock to see you type people. they say apple does not fell so distant to its branch or so. i mean looking to what your ancestors did, it just is understadnable why you have a hostile attitude to blogs around world. why do you have this sadistic hostility attitude to people? what is your problem with races or religions from not your side or gfrom not your strategic side? ...
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-------------------------------------- racist maniacs :D i mean one confronted/confronting genocidal level persecution from an unknown cult, and gets tried to be discredited when reporting it from racist maniacs :D no wonder aliens dont communicate to me and not them. if they were non racist maniacs whom listens to in genocidal persecution where the one whom confronted torture is tried to be also discredited with slander of mafia along through the persecution torture, they would then have then be entitled as nonracist people types. i think neo nazi title really fits some people types nope had not any meant neo nazis wrong usage for in side the war in ukaraine nor any related to historical entitlement e.g holocausts. no neonazis aree not from historical context nor any context it is used in current world. its from another country not here nor countries i lived. definitely hundred percentage neo nazis imho. they definitely deserve such entitlement fully imho. it never cease to...
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hmm counting down days to go to proxima centauri. but i know many days are there to such project goal since project has no single line of code even yet :) had invested last 1.5 years of maths studying then paused but would resume asap after this android project. lets sail to proxima centauri be my agenda goal yuppp. after i study to quantum mechanics again this time with a coder ai presence to help assisting of investigation of new maths frameworks yupp.
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i disliked ordering food because best food i like is: mixing carrots yoghurt and some green food and eating with bread. i didnot wanted to order food but my bread has finished that is renewed on monday and i need some stomach filler at 11 am or various hours when my stomach gets sicker. otherwise it goes wrong. and dislikde the high calories food i ordered since i am very fat. if i were thinner that foods would be ok to order but not in this severe fat condition where more yoghurt mixed food is better. i have fatness and sick stomach condition where i many nights eat bread when stomach gets sicker but i forgot to buy bread and its finished. i think i really liked food of carrots yoghurt and green some green leavers mixture. its really delicious i could eat endlessly that food type both healthy and delicious. but nonethelss bread is mixed and with a sick stomach its impossible to keep no food at flat to carve onn when stomach gets sicker when antiacid ...
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( just a funny moment right now: => sun being caught up smiling when i said i wished aliens lifted up me to another solar sytem :D sun have issues with me kind of funny interpretation i had or aliens being funny:D ) (ok sun does not is not happy of me being in this solar system ) (the day i mentioned i wished aliens lifted me up to another solar system, sun utterly smiles :DDDD) :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD what kind of a funny sun this is :D or is it aliens humour:DDDD :D ayy this is utterly funny :DDDD (it must be just a coincidence but still very very very funny:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD If aliens exist i rerequest being lifted up to another solar system just look sun does not like me or is a funny sun :DDDD) (slightly doing humour to alien friends and to sun :) if aliens exists, i would be so happy to adapt live toa nother new planet in another solar system :D) (this were utterly funniy :D never seen the sun smiling before! :D )(i think this needs to get a photography award, we...
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i wonder how this happens this time travel machinery tech. hey falling of coffee container then me perceuving it as whether if happent by aliens to react with hello cheers like cheerings to interact with aliens but unsure if it were actually from aliens. since it could be just newtonian inbalance of bread loafs over there that displaced and make it fell most possibly. but what is significant is that the star trek i opent afterwards has had coffee scene. i had not watched this episode. but must be kept open when netflix were stayed open. but i dont remember wathvcing this episode before. i watched Kirk's episodes from netflix but had not watched this one. there are many episodes unwatched yet that were stayed open in netflix whilst havent had watched. could this episode mean my coffee container fell by aliens from other realms? with different physical frameworks that are unvisible to this realm? from unsimir entropy direction/frequencies there fore unvisible....
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had not blogged latest star trek coincidence. one day when resting on my yoga pillow that whihc i dont actually do yoga but utilize as resting pillow to rest my knees sometimes, then some sound came from room loud, it turned out the cafe has fell down a cube coffee capsules container with not that much but maybe 5 capsules. it were visibly the bread with loafs has fallen over it and the coffee container fell to the ground. then the day or the other dayh i wanted to check star trek movies to see if i had not watched any i found one, and in the movie coffee passed :D there were aliens whom are living in hihger frequency of physical laws that they were not visible to people but as a bug chitter sound their sounds were whilst when slowed down it were like people from earth. but in higher frequency physical law systems. the movie had a moment, where captain Kirk stopped one person passing by to take a cup of coffee. and his cup of coffee has had some waves inside due ...
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trying to interpret what aliens meant if it were aliens communication. i wondered if it meant aliens invasion to planet earth even if very low probability. i think it does not mean aliens invasion. its so much weird. since in boulder meaning it said something like this news made me thought as if a crane took a boulder from my shoulder. i had recently asked aliens to lift me up. so trying to understand if this were aliens reply that am i a boulder to them? most possibly i am wrongly interpreting. 0r else they did reference to sisyphus myth? that the aliens is responsible for communicating to me but finds it so much boring uninteresting that resembled adventure of communicating to guh the earthliung to myth of sisyphus? that were again a funny interpretation it would have been to show how they show boredom. or they meant they dont like me and i am like boulder to them? hmm not easy to interpret type coincidence. or were it purple heart message i s...
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hmm guh's first destination would be : ProximaCentauriLocation - Proxima Centauri - Wikipedia hmm this week's study programme: be unlazy and build the app in the evenings that you committed promise of building to. hmm then then yayyyyyyy commutative algebra study and topology study to continue. but i wish i had a white board to write formulas in topology or commutative algebra. then long period of building the initial software stack would might start for basic maths grammar layer then to try to invent nlp components layers then to have it be capable of understanding what it reads from textbooks to have it study to physics or maths so that generative feature to new math grammars could be created. hmm maybe i might attend a psycholog to assist whenever i feel depressed during this hard work in evenings. hmm i have 2 week holiday on november so i wish i revise the basical of topology study until then so that i study to new chapters of topology by then in the holiday...
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yayy were depressed due to illness and reading crazy scary war news topics from planet :S then asked from aliens to come to earth to lift me up to another solar system :P then i actually depressed to my illness also :) did a dramatizing my illness to myself period today with crying. of since its very unnice symptoms. then 10 minutes ago, i did thought some thoughts like: first my thoughts focused on asking aliens to come to lift up to another planet where there is no war :D e.g. a planet only for me and relatives if they wished to come. with huge green fields all around and no war etc. i asked a lift from aliens if they exist :) to carry to another solar system definitely sick and tired of living in this solar system due to i think due to craziness i read in internet sometimes its quite depressing to read comments with all sort of craziness sometimes its very disturbing very depressing. i just tohought, it would be nice to try live in another planet where w...
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The moment I discovered my phone weren't having voice on when trying to init video call with an internal medicine doctor. I have no idea whether if doctor opent call and I had not heard anything and just looked to screen dumbly :S trying to find an house doctor to init the illness sttn which even in some moment of no flowing blood moment my eye gets blurred its a severe stomach illness when before burping it might hit sany where in my body like sometimes my one eye gets blurred or sometimes a region in my brain momentarily hurts or sometimes like if a needle hurted like heartburn hrough shoulder heart region. i understand that blood flow momentqarily stops and impacts hits one region sometimes. it could be anything from cancer to any other disease that made blood vessels gone narrow maybe or i dont know. anyway i think i would try to call arrange another doctor appointment. its so weird when my one eyes gets blurred during that moment sometimes it happens like that. it could be so...