
Mart, 2024 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
 yep its nice that tomorrow is also holiday. then; some half of day: I would continue to work on library design initial DSLs other half of day: would continue studying book. not expecting to have finished by tomorrow's end unfortunately since I did alot laziness. but also studied. but also did studied slow with laziness.  but I think at this knowledge point, I could start coding the library/design of it.  would be quite challenging and interesting task.  hmm would use a knowldge db. (graph db) to store DSL definitions/knowledge. and its definitions.  yayyy this following 4 weeks would be kind of challenging.   I for a moment queried, when it would be inventive enough to figure out design e.g. matrix factorization algorithms alike methods by itself? the geniusness of humans, when it would surpass humans geniusness?  e.g. its out of the box thinking to devise neural networks, which some of them could be very simplified by matrix factorizations (of c...
 yep today exercised like near to two hours. so I think i might add half hour maybe very later.  for rest times, I am continueing studying to representation theory study yep.  yayy  I already started library design tasks in my head. e.g. take a group G and : for any g E G, -> how to define this variability (Via Alonzo C's lambda calculus notation? of course not, why not make it not interpretable by computer/ml algorithm itself).    should I define specific DSL constructs depicting variability yep. that makes sense. so there we were in lambda calculus, we seeing currying/variable logic.  in category theory, we saw functors and natural transformations logic being placed semantically to coding constructs, to do use category theory reasoning tools,  but other than these none of them very make the semantic binding for computer/ml algorithm to completely make sense of variability it sees. ok category theory based functional paradigms slightly added t...
( and lost time from representation theory studying time)   
Guhs stupid obesity l ife: (being 93kg) As I have obesity issue. Then i got some sandwiches at 2100pm as if I m  a thin person. (Least 5 slices of toast bread plus salad alike🤷) Then did VR gym for rest 1hour 20 minutes alike.  🤷 But it's been then totally more than 3 hours VR gym afterwards today 🤷 (Since I did some pizza today in noon  I before did 2 hour gym sports until this to compensate pizza. That then I had to add 1 hour more alike mentioned above 🤷 )  ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ I think other time I won't consume 5 toast slices at 2100pm instead of having have to go to VR gym again. 🤷   How stupidness it's.  To miss I m obese and consumed sandwich as if I m a thin person 🤷 (Not to repeat following week). (Since 3 hours gym is too much🙁 )
 yesterday I had not studied alot but today studying. (Yesterday I think this lazy  I studied for 10 minutes or so. yesterday mainly did some flat task (flat were severely dust/untidy ) and also did some laziness alike passed yesterday.  seems as I would be able to finish studying this book of representation theory by end of monday. then I would need to study to some one more topic of wreath products. and then I would need to revise module theory/ring theory printouts and resume the phd book of Derek Robinson.   and then also maybe I might be able to recheck commutative algebra phd book.  ok then meanwhile some time 1 month later latest, I would be able to start writing the library completely. I think I could start initially actually after monday even.  maybe I do not need to get expert in group theory but rather expertise in hmm this representation theory and some specific group theory chapters would be enough. and category theory either. since I want...
( report: Unknown tribe again attempting false flags/batteries in outside smewhere some time  )
 Yayyy we would build our gattaca 🙂 in new planets /colonies yayyy   We would build  an  utopia of high IQ  :)  (since bads/crazies/maniacs do not come from people over 140iq)  Yayyy we would build our gattaca 🙂 But gattaca without of course genetic testing. But citizens should prove they are over 140 IQ points  (polymaths)( eg they should be able to both do arts and science at the same time or music&  science or sports & science &arts at same time alike)  (since most idiots/crazies with untrue/crazy thoughts comes from people types that are not polymaths. or from people less than 140 iq points etc. over 140 iq points imho inherently becomes polymaths imho. ) (yepp we are going to build a Renaissance type people type planet /colonies in some planet :) ) (alike Da Vinci type people type we wish to make citizens in new planet) ( thereby there would be no idiots of any type  in new planet/colonies yayyyy :) ) (a...
 hmm some more some laziness like half hour. then yayyy full day representation theory study resumes.  I think possibly I would be able to finish all chapters until monday evening. then I would be able to continue the phd book of group theory. of Derekson's book.  and resume coding the layer of abstract algebra layer DSLs in knowledge db and its translations also.  so coding is now imho in knowledge db /ontology technologies era's is  art of DSLs :) and creating inference capability having DSLs its no more about any specific coding language imho.  (although I still dislike java among all computer languages. I dont like my this discriminative attitude against java language also. really I would do introspection to solve this discriminative issue against java language. )  but again, does computer languages matter in era of ontology technologies like ANTLR or knowledge dbs or writing code/inferential systems with DSLs approaches imho.  of course DSL a...
yayyy not even hours I am counting seconds to start coding with this awesome computer! :) 
 yep 4 days holidays. yayyy lets finish representation theory as scheduled its finishing by end of monday last weekend.  yayyy then lets resume abstract algebraic study. to start coding the library in this fast computer.  imho  so much exciting to soon would start coding.  to going to start coding the most important layer of project.  plus I am counting hours to start coding with this computer. since this computer is amazing :)  (hmm Razer laptop, i9 processor, 32gb, Nvidia RTX 4070)  (I know Nvidia RTX 4090 also exists but this were less expensive than such Razer laptops. ) I am already inlove with this gaming laptop. Its sturdy and is fast and its monitor RGB is cool.  Only thing I did not liked is its keyboard. is so unusual so I have to instead use another attached keyboard. 
 (-> I been shocked/horrified by this news as soon as I saw yesterday afternoon :S what a crazy news :S tragedy also :S )  
( do not think we are fascists. we only think that fascism of idiocy/lesser iqqueds(lesser evolveds in terms of iq) is worst type fascism.  we would rather build a high iqqued utopia. since high iqqued people are not bads/maniacs or crazies. I mean over 140 iq points type high iqqued people. ( I mean polymath type people)  )
>Yayyy founding principles of new planets (colonies in new planets):   - Least 140 IQ points  for human type citizens (ml type citizens already might have least 1000 IQ points I guess ).  And,    - No to Islam! (And  also   No to other religions!) .  No religions  to exist in our to be built new planets/colonies.  Yep Yayyy these be founding principles of colonies in new planets later yep.  ( & Of course unknown tribe which attempts genocide  nor mafiose stalkers unknown tribe sends to do false flags/batteries won't be able to go to our new planets.   ) * Yayyy it would be a planet of all of  over 140 iq  people (either human or ml ai ).and there would be  no Islam  absolutely. ( no any other religions  neither) In our new planets to build.  Yayyy:) 
Yayyy we would build our gattaca 🙂 in new planets /colonies yayyy  We would build  an utopia of high IQ :)  (since bads/crazies/maniacs do not come from people over 140iq)  Yayyy we would build our gattaca 🙂 But gattaca without of course genetic testing. But citizens should prove they are over 140 IQ points (polymaths)( eg they should be able to both do sculpting/painting and science at the same time or music&  science or sports & science &arts at same time alike) 
>Yayyy founding principles of new planets (colonies in new planets):   - Least 140 IQ points  for human type citizens (ml type citizens already might have least 1000 IQ points I guess ).  And,   - No to Islam! (And  also   No to other religions!) .  No religions  to exist in our to be built new planets/colonies.  Yep Yayyy these be founding principles of colonies in new planets later yep.  ( & Of course unknown tribe which attempts genocide  nor mafiose stalkers unknown tribe sends to do false flags/batteries won't be able to go to our new planets.   ) * Yayyy it would be a planet of all of  over 140 iq  people (either human or ml ai ).and there would be  no Islam  absolutely. ( no any other religions  neither) In our new planets to build.  Yayyy:) 
The unknown genocidal tribe again attempted one more false flag/battery incident in somewhere outside  with same type of sentences they utilize in 7 years ago times in stalk incidents of batteries they did attempted /sociopathic false flags schemes they attempted of for genocidal intents of forceful conversion attempts.  These very  less evolveds of savage l unknown tribe(which possibly even less than 110iq points type savages possibly)  yayy we are building evolution tech ( Anti-genocide robo force ) against this severe low iqqued savage unknown tribe's very sociopathic type genocide activities of batteries and also very sociopathic false flag attempts. (Idiocy at max type genocide activities. These idiots genocide is also of idiot type.  )  Yayyy Anti-genocide robo force would be quite nice fix to this unknown tribes genocidal maniacness craziness (sociopathic type genocide where it's done via their batteries and also very sociopathic false flag stuff...
( do not think we are fascists. we only think that fascism of idiocy/lesser iqqueds(lesser evolveds in terms of iq) is worst type fascism.  we would rather build a high iqqued utopia. since high iqqued people are not bads/maniacs or crazies. I mean over 140 iq points type high iqqued people. ( I mean polymath type people)  )
 (some people's ugly behaviour in web e.g. I saw recently are like a proof/testament to why we set  140 iq points criterion. e.g. beholder of that ugly behaviour,  you would not have chance to move to our new planet. with such incorrect delusional working thinking device (which is a hallmark of 110-120 iq level imho to think delusionally like that) you have 0 chance to enter to  the >=140iqqueds planet. yep. I guess you low iqqued cant sculpt or draw or paint or think of innovative project ideas in science either. you low iqqued(less evolved sapien (wtr respect to we 140 iqqueds)), with your savage behaviour in web (like thinking delusional untrue incorrect thoughts against other races),  do not expect to be welcome to our >140 iq points planet, which would be real high iqqued people's planet. which wouldnt think untrue delusional ideas (for hubris need/for wrongly placed self esteem creation mechanisms through trying to exercise hatred impulse delusionall...
->  120 iq points type low iqqueds usually have quite a lot hubris and very delusional untrue thoughts/thinking devices working quite alot also delusionally  (this is my opinion based on these low iq observance in web)  this is one more reason why we wish to setup 140 iq poitns least as entry to citizenship of our new planets. i mean people type whom could both sculpt and do science at the same time. or else do music and sports and science either alike.   we wish to setup Renaissance type polymath type entry thresholds as citizenship entry critesion. All of human residents should be polymaths. (since maniacs crazies do not come from polymaths, aka people over 140 iq intelligence level do not have maniacs nor crazies.  and people over 140 iq are usually knowledgeable not in single science field but many areas and never comes maniacs or crazies from polymaths (aka people over 140 iq points usually be polymaths).)  second,  No to Islam! or No to any ot...
 (  look to those <140 iq  point sapiens whom likes to think untrue impossible slanders to other races cause they are idiots with self esteem issues or have a underlying need to solve in their super ego /ego conflicts, have a desire to place some delusions to some outside of theirs group to think slanders to as a means of self gratification of deluded higher condition which is absolutely false. I mean exercising of hatred impulse with delusional methods like thinking impossible slanders to outside of group behaviour type.  what kind of craziness types comes from less iqqued people example is observed directly by via these behaviours of lesser evolveds (lesser iqqueds) .  these type people whom likes to think untrue impossible slanders of other races are one more reason we would put 140 iq threshold to new planet/new colonies.  since lesser evolvedness is nothing of racial any, but directly related to iq. e.g. one indicator of iq is whether if people like...
->Yayyy founding principles of new planets (colonies in new planets): - Least 140 IQ points for human type citizens (ml type citizens already might have least 1000 IQ points I guess ).  And, - No to Islam! (And also No to other religions!) . No religions to exist in our to be built new planets/colonies. Yep Yayyy these be founding principles of colonies in new planets later yep.  ( & Of course unknown tribe which attempts genocide  nor mafiose stalkers unknown tribe sends to do false flags/batteries won't be able to go to our new planets.   ) * Yayyy it would be a planet of all of  over 140 iq  people (either human or ml ai ).and there would be  no Islam  absolutely. ( no any other religions  neither) In our new planets to build.  Yayyy:) 
( this Guhs mood today: melancholy )
(I think  unknown tribe attempted false flag/battery again on today )(absolutely less evolveds imho unknown tribe is ) (lesser iq eq than sapiens expected evolutionary status to repetitively attempt false flags/ugly requests batteries type sociopathic genocide activity ). What kind of lesser evolveds these unknown tribe.? 🤷 Nevertheless we are building evolution tech. (Ml tech ) (Anti-genocide robots force ) (Interesting, less evolved unknown tribe increased frequency of false flag/battery genocide activities recent time) (No worries! We are building evolution tech that would counter these unknown lesser evolved tribe's genocide activities. )
Yayyy founding principles of new planets (colonies in new planets): -Least 140 IQ points for human type citizens (ml type citizens already might have least 1000 IQ points I guess ).  And, -No to Islam!(And also No to other religions!). No religions to exist in our to be built new planets/colonies. Yep Yayyy these be founding principles of colonies in new planets later yep.  ( & Of course unknown tribe which attempts genocide  nor mafiose stalkers unknown tribe sends to do false flags/batteries won't be able to go to our new planets.    ) * Yayyy it would be a planet of all of over 140 iq people (either human or ml ai ).and there would be no Islam absolutely. ( no any other religions neither) In our new planets to build. Yayyy:) 
(report: unknown tribe attempted false flag/ugly requests battery some time ago again. (Seems as genociders increased frequency of sociopathic false flags /ugly requests batteries process of genocide)  ) (Hey No worries! When anti genocide robots are ready war criminals would be interrogated by robots at such any such like these incidents and the unknown tribe invisible genocide activity would be countered with counter/anti genocide robo force) ( Less evolved unknown tribe attempting genocide activities like these last 2800days alike  always to be never replied neither to any false flag/battery  ) ----- this topic as to restate has none relatedness to Germany nor any German people(it happens in every country. &Perpetuators are not German ) . It started long before I came here.  i hypothesize as:  its either some people that hate turk race and attempting genocide against turks randomly. or else, its some psycho type muslim cult which attempts genocide against...
 (some cardio timeee noooow. yayyy). 
hmm so today's schedule: - some flat tasks time - some cardio (but not much ) - yayyy resuming representation theory study time. since until next week's monday end, I need to finish entire representation theory studying topic.  and by next week, I need to switch to other abstract algebra revisiting topics asap. to then by 2 weeks later start writing this layer's DSL in knowledge db and its translation also, and its inference mechanisms and basical theorem proving like stuff in this library layer. yayyy.  then there is much more effort. like conversion of NLP verbs some root set to abstract algebraic definition. then synonyms meronyms would be constructed by itself of course from ontology dbs supportive data also.  then there is also basic NLP libraries integration. which would handle parsing of sentences read and conversion to constituency graphs/dependency graphs and to be stored as temporary knowledge for parsed knowledge as a translated knowledge tree (with for regardi...
 I want to do some hobby project yayy,.  like with painting. but also lazy to. also I need to continue studying to representation theory study to build anti-genocide robots to prevent the sociopathic type genocide type. (whihc is done with false flags/batteries etc etc)  (yayy it would be cool! there would be 190cm robots whom would counter the genocide doer stalkers the unknown tribe sends to do false flags/batteries (I always never replied/always nihiliated every false flag/battery,  but when robots are present, they would go and interrogate the battery doing/false flag atytemptiong stalker interrogation for the genocide activities is attempting to :) yayyy cool :)  technology against less evolveds sociopathic type genocide.  whilst less evolveds depend on human power to do sociopathic genocide types, (like sending mafiaso people to do false flags/batteries) we evolved people are building anti-genocide robots :) -> ml/robots versus genocide doer unknow...
( world news again with scary news :S )
(how today is: ->  (quite alot sinusitis headache having day) 
 (report: lesser evolved unknown tribe attempted another false flag and ugly requests battery. )
(Lesser evolveds unknown tribe attempted one more false flag/ugly requests battery some time ago. Repetitive genocidal behaviour patterns (of false flags & ugly requests batteries) from unknown lesser evolved type sapiens.  ) (which attempts these type ugly requests batteries and sociopathic  false flags  last 2800 days) Hey Yep but no worries via ml counterpart robots we would counter/stop genocide activities of unknown tribe later(not very later) (with 190cm robos  to be built with industrial 3d printers  and might invent something instead of servos also. Yep anti genocide robots deployment to counter severe savage unknown tribe's sociopathic maniacal genocide activities  hmm as soon as ml proj is ready (maybe 5 months later anti genocide robos would be ready. Peaceful counter-genocide robots tech. It would go and interrogate ask  genocide doer to stop genocide (and stop attempting crimes against humanity crimes attpts to the tried to be genocide...
No to less evolved humans! (I mean no to less than 140 IQ points humans!) (-  I mean in new planets we would build colonies inside.) Huge no to less than 140 IQ points humans ! (-  Similarly no to Islam! And no to all other religions also!)
 that being said, the second founding principle of to be built colonies /new planets is:  No to Islam! No to other religions also! Any religion wouldnt be any tolerated in the colonies/new planets we would build. If you have a religion, go find yourself another planet/colony do not ever come vicinity to our planet or colony!   -> that is the second founding principle of our colonies/new planets we would build with ml counterparts. No to Islam! or No to any other religions also!   -> is the second founding principles of our colonies to build. Because we are sick and tired of seeing religious craziness in world constantly in news. we do not want any of any religion in our to be built colonies/planets! Only atheists are welcome to the to be built new planets/colonies.  (If only if they are also >=140 iq points (the first founding principle)) no to Islam! no to other religions also!  (in our new planets/colonies that we would build with our m...
 no to <140 iq points human beings! ->  ( I mean: in new planets in our colonies) (our colonies would have 140 iq points threshold to enter our planets. )  (of course less than 140 iq points people can build their own colonies/planets , but not in our colonies/new planets! no to <140 iq points humans in our colonies/new planets that we would build!) cause we are sick and tired of these low iqqued idiot human types craziness maniacness sociopathy senseless maniacness /sociopathy/craziness  of any type :S we do not would not tolerate idiocy(in other literals: simian mindedness or low iqquedness) in our new planets. so only >=140iq points people would be welcomed to our planets. 139iq points ??? -> go find yourself another colony/planet. our planets to build/our colonies to build in soon, do not / would not tolerate idiocy/low iqqueds.  no to idiocy!  (even to 139 iq points wouldnt be welcome! ) (this be one most strict founding principles of o...
Yayyy these be the founding principles of our colonies(new planets).  No to Islam! No to other religions also!
Yep our colonies would require at least 140iq points learning/creativity intelligence requirement from human colony participants. Renaissance type multi talented colony participants we wish to welcome. Idiots won't be welcome nor allowed to enter our planets.  Plus none of any religions would be allowed nor tolerated. (No to Islam! Nor to any other religions!  In the colonies planets to build.)
Our planets colonies to build: No simians would be allowed (everyone should be high iqqued. We do not tolerate idiocy (simian mindedness) Plus no religions would be allowed. Since looking all craziness in world caused by crazy religions. All our new world residents are only allowed to our colonies planets if and only if they are atheists. No kind of religion would be allowed nor tolerated in our colonies we build build with ml counterparts in not so distant times. No religions would be tolerated to exist in our new worlds (Cause we are sick and tired of reading crazy religions crazy maniacs craziness which are always very maniac and disturbing. ) Yayyy these would be the main two founding principles of colonies to build in new planets.  No to Islam! Nor no to also any other religions! (In the new planets colonies we would build) no religion would be tolerated in our colonies to build in new planets. Yep.
Look to one idiot low iqqued simians' some type simian's irrational illogical talk in some topic. How less evolved & low iqqued. Absolutely simian type brain capacity to think such idiot &illogical nonanalytical nontrue ideas.  Idiocy at max Absolutely there are lesser evolved humans with simian type brain capacity imho. This is no joke. Less evolveds really exist and thrive and do think untrue& bat shit crazy ideas (as expected from defacto simian capacity type mind. ) It's not less urgent to build some nomsimian and high iqqued species. Since we are really sick and tired of bat shit crazy ideas simian minded humans think. Disgusting level idiocy. I tagged as absolutely less evolved human type accordingly.  When the simians would understand we are sick and tired of their untrue bat shit crazy ideas. Disgusting level less evolveds imho.:S Do they think they can fool more evolveds with their disgusting sociopathy? How disgustingly nonelegants how disgustingly les...
Hmm it's visible that some unknown religious  less evolveds are articulating less evolved religious trrsts for their own agendas imho.  It's quite disturbing. And idiocy & maniacness at max.  Ayy me being nonreligious,  quite disgusted every time I see religious type crazies craziness maniacness & trrsm in world.  What a less evolved species humans are one says when seeing maniacal things happening in world (alike trrsm maniacness. ) I mean not all humans but some are really like very much less evolved maniacs imho.  (Me: Always proud to be atheist and non crazy.) I think there is a bad religious country whom is articulating controlling those islamist terrorists maniacs and I dont think its Ukraine.   Its quite disturbing. I wish we build a planet where islam is forbidden so that we be safe from islamist terrorists. this is the point  I came. after seeing many time islamists harrassments of any type to me and seeing craziness islamist...
yayy of course whilst building this new speices much intelligent than human speices, I wouldnt be any like any bad any like android in that alien Covenant movie, whom builds a very destructive speices since it were a very bad behaved against android.  That movie's android were very funny. it were shocking to discover he were the creator of that destructive speices. a went mad type android imho. (crazy type android).  It were very creative movie imho.  the nonevil twin of the android were very cool. unlike that bad & very crazy android.  (I had newly had a chance to watch this movie of Alien Covenant last weeks (some weeks ago),  its really cool story based sci fis imho. best alien movie I ever watched.  ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- I just cant stop making fun with that movie. since I confronted genocide from a less evolved unknown tribe.  (less evolved due to observed sociopthic type genocide attempts which...
 hmm resumed representation theory study this weekend. hmm i think its not possible to finish all chapters by monday.  But maybe, on next monday. I also in tandem started to search existing libraries.  In python scape, I previously experimented with Sage library some modules.  Then  I also checked cpp/c libraries. Then also checked the distributed system mechanism of erlang slightly and its cpp integration mechanisms. If I werent so bored with scala, it might made sense to code as DSL some topics in this library mentioned to be devised. But I am that bored of scala that I would rather write in DSL of compiler compiler languages :D (That which boringly generates boring java language either, aha no, that was antlr that converts to java, cpu ops conversion is usually manually coded to yacc)  but with interfaces of placing code integrations.  So I started investigating how to design this library mentioned.  e.g. how to define a ring. without using abs...
 yepp  representation theory studying resuming time. now that I have study notes of mine, it would be faster to revise previously studied knowledge. yayy I wish to finish today most of studying if possible. with some focus session to then tomorrow resume some theoretic topics to then start writing abstract library of about repr. theory like topics.  some intermediary and very important layer of ml project this library of optimizations would be. since I had bought this computer, I am counting hours to start writing code with this very fast computer. (Razer laptop, i9 processor, Nvidia RTX 4070, 32Gb RAM.).  I had not selected language to write the code. I am quite bored of scala since I utilize scala in my normal daily data engineering tasks usually. so most possibly I would might select another language.  hmm maybe new cpp.  no no not Rust. (I am bored of learning a new language right now :) Reason I  do not wish to proceed with Rust lang which  I...
 ayy I wrongly deleted one post :S :S I were trying to edit posts and wrongly deleted one post :S
what  a severely crazy world :S 
( read world news for an instant to see horrific terrorism news :S very horrific :S )
 yayyy weekend! stopped reading world news again yesterday morning. only read specific topics aliens alike topics once. but stopped reading world news again. 
(to report (if not PTSD) At some time , unknown tribe attempted one more sociopathic false flag & battery. Alike similar to previous 2000 or so many sociopathic false flags & batteries incidents. Genocide doing unknown tribe sent stalkers again for genocidal activities like as of always reported in blog.    ) Either a maniac type cult hating/intending genocide to nonMuslims or else a Turk hater maniac tribe attempting genocide to Turks (to part of) Again to restate this topic isn't any related to Germany nor to any German people. 
( I need to stop this VR craze period (and addiction this snow camping meditation app) and resume the study of representation theory asap. )  i think i already started go get bored. e.g. playing of hitstream beach gym. and/or meditation app also. but it has been surely amazing rest time. e.g. snow tent app is really amazing (its northern lights i think or trees also) or hitstream beach gym were cool to lose calories in short time since its like gym. but today I started to show boredom symptoms also.  (to snow tenting and beach gym ) but this  last weeks VR craze really were a nice addition to my life.  It felt like going to holiday or so alike difference. I mean it were like really going to snow tent camping /watching northern lights / doing gym in beach alike :)  it were really very good addition to my life. and I enjoyed like if i went to holiday from my usually home office life. (e.g. I did alot snow tent camping(watching northern lights) /did  gym ...
i think i need to reduce time of VR since today morning my hands one muscle were twitching itself weirdly. Last day: I even fell asleep not knowingly when VR glass is on (watching camping mind meditation app, in which its like really snow camping its just so awesome, best VR camping app. )  (ayy that scene in night where there is northern lights, and campfire, winter snow, tents nice design, trees with snow, its just very addictive )  this app is very addictive: VR Game | Camping Mind | PICO 4 (youtube.com) (not the first scene imho but the mid scenes of night time is very addictive.  (I mean scene part starting in 00:21 seconds of the shared video link) it feels like somehow real camping alike :D ) yayy lets go camping once more today, but not much :) (i even fall asleep when watching northern lights in this app :) ) :D  ( too mcuh time spent with VR device imho :) )  since i rest in armchair, then moments i find myself fall asleep during this app :D and corne...