
Aralık, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
(Last day's coincidence in tv show were about surprise word in tv show)  But tv show ended I many times fall asleep so lots of episodes were not watched unintentionally (since I watch in resting place then fall asleep usually)   But anyway this tv show ended. But I would start watching another sci fi tv show.
No coincidences today.  I guess it (scifi novel) ended. It were really non-usual.i mean Last days coincidences were weird.  & stopped today. Yayyy finally stopped.  (So that I also stop watching that tv show in free times. ) I am literally over of that tv show even I think were one most amazing scifi tv show I ever seen. I dont tell which is. But I had no idea of it I heard its impacts to popular culture/nerd culture-idioms but never had a chance to watch see it until last month.  Some episodes were very funny. The episode about Rosswell conspiracy for instance. It was damn level funny.  (I m pretty sure I would continue to watch but not today. But it might end soon I guess it's 4th season. ) Klingons Romulans Cardassians Vulcans Ferengi Humans Shapelings Andorians Bajorians Tirills and many more.... many creations of different space faring cultures and their intricate relations... I guess now which tv show it were became visible  I literally had first ...
Coincidences really happen. It's funny the day I said I would write scifi novel the tv show novel writing topic passed afterwards in tv show.  Today's coincidence were about tooth related instruments on the day I went to dentist. Just coincidences. But I intend to write a scifi novel. Not now but a couple of years later.  Yesterday's coincidence were furniture, living room furniture. I checked a furniture website whilst talking to mom and then in tv show furniture related topic passed about living room furniture.  Aha another voincidence were about roswell conspiracy. I were trying to find rossman shop to do shopping but remembered it as Rosswell. Searched like that on Google.  Today tv shows one episode had a very funny Rosswell related episode. It were very funny episode. So today also one other coincidence were that. Visibly I watch many episodes per day so it's very normal that coincidences happen. Just coincidences it is.  But I wish to write such scifi nov...
Coming to scifi novel paragraphs  again: Yesterdat I checked some furniture site. To check living furniture price mom asked from a website. Then in tv show some thing about furniture happent.  ---- I would definitely write a scifi novel.
Only most important health issue that remains then is stomach illness yupp lets arrange that also then. 
I still can't believe I would only pay 90 euros to dentist. Cause dentist in all places I been were usually out of insurance of engineer job. I am surprised alot in happy wise to discover my insurance covered dentist costs of my specific dentist treatment. It usually didn't covered before. Wov. Cool. 
I have my bone around inflammed but as learnt it would itself after cleaned. Only remaining health checks is then endoscopy related health check treatment etc   I were quite stressed about inflammation happening over tooth.routinely    inflammation happent there there some inflammation like stuff over tooth last 20 days or alike would happen heal then rehappen. Turned out my bone is inflammaed and having such impacts.  Maybe inflammation happent from previous root treatments I don't any know (I had 3 root treatments very very before)
I have an amazing insurance I think to cover my dentist costs yayyy I were expecting to pay I didn't knew my insurance covered.:)
Coming to scifi novel: Again  coincidence happent in tv show. This time about a thing that happens to tooth in dentist. Anyway. I would definitely write a scifi novel later.  Maybe 1 year later I would start taking online courses on novel writing to write a scifi novel 
Yayyyy my health insurance covers dentist costs (only cleaning of tooth outside thing  like 90 euros I would pay) 😊  I have my bone inflammaed there around tooth and would be cleaned. I dont know why it inflamed(maybe from place previous root treatment happent. I don't know why inglammed/bacterial inflammation happent). I went to dentist today on morning and were awesome dentist place I am so happy finally this inflammation topic is solved/going to be solved yayyy. One other topic I would resolve from health issues is stomach illness to check from gastroentologis alike stuff to start healing that. 
another weird coincidence happent.      but just coincidence. but i think yesterday's were weirder.     lets make a fantastical story on this:(scifi story) now the fictional blog paragraph: i created a scifiction story based on this: if this somehow meant space aliens or ai beings are communicating to me through that, i am sorry i am not like that guy and i wont spare my brain or body to communications like that devoted guy. but i can watch just 1 or 2 shows a day. i can spare time. but not my life nor my maths projects nor my mind. i am sorry. but i cant do that of sparing my mind to this topic of constantly watching tv shows. but i can watch 1 or 2 tv shows a day. i would be happy to setup peace treaties. but i am not any like that devoted guy whom spared his time to peace with constantly using his mind to the topic which is very cool i know. peace is very cool. but i have maths projects to do first. i cant spare my mind to constant tv show watching perio...
I think this effect might be related to adhd situation I mean this when leaving maths studying for a period then having problems to focus. Maybe that dopamine receptors become stronger in specific feedback loops of strengthening neuron ties to a specific activity eg tv watching lots of information feed. Then retriggering other neural pathways likes maths takes an init period that its a challenge. So it might be as well related to adhd and not related to neuroplasticity (I mean the topic of not being able to focus to maths study after a while not studying to maths) It really happens changes in capacity of mind in such transition periods. It really a transition of neuroplasticity happens. But it might be aswell just adhd and changing neuralpathways from high feedback pathways (e.g. attention taking activities eg lots of information source) to a specific other pathways (e.g. maths) being more challenging in adhd people.(e.g. me) So I need to have continously focus in maths study cause whe...
I wish I succeed to reorganize my brain to math project tomorrow after alot rest period. 
Conflict of focus  I want to both watch TV shows from Netflix and both iterate in coder ai project. Though visibly I can't manage this and it turns mutual exclusive in my case that I need to choose either one of them My brain is having too much plasticity maybe that I think not being able to focus well  to maths projects whilst watching tv shows is actually a causal link having topic.  I think my brain gets structure optimized to whichever activity I focus but that makes topics mutual exclusive. I need to select either one activity not both. Shit. I wish I were like others whom can both watch TV shows then also manage to iterate math projects   Visibly I can't do both  I think I have an extended level of plasticity situation  and my brain gets organized for whichever activity I focus to. Maybe all other people are like this not only me.  Or maybe i m like this.  Ok then how I reorganize my brain to math studies? I need to focus to maths study...
I think tv shows and my maths studies don't quite either go well or I needed a pause to studying to that maths project of coder ai project Or maybe eating fatty fish would resolve.  I got alot used to watching TV shows in my free time recent month. Before I would very rarely watch TV. I like watching tv also. But I need to build coder ai project also. I need to spare my focus from one other.  Or my problem of focus is related to maybe I need to consume fish that I postponed doing at least last 50 days. Or 45 days  I think tv shows (I watch Sci fi ones recently) is a way to rest. But I need to study to coder ai project in rest times.  I need to solve this conflict of focus issue and this lazy mode I entered whilst I shouldn't be lazy and build coder ai project.  I just cant stop doing laziness last weeks in rest times e.g. weekends. But I need to spare time to coder ai project   Maybe I just needed rest time  I guess so. But I would also try to con...
Let's buy some fatty fish like food maybe helps. They say fish I'd good for brain. Lets try. Cause I am not iterating in coder ai project last many weeks and I wish to but I just watch TV shows in almost all rest time instead 
I really have focus issues.  Last many weeks. 
Hmm I did laziness alot with watching TV shows. Then I said let's start studying to coder ai project studies. Then I did blogged topics with sentence of renewing my card I am awaiting my card to come. Then I wanted to watchtower shows again and it had a topic about waiting cards. But I dont think its coincidence cause I watched alot of TV shows today whilst resting. I watch Netflix to watch TV shows.  First it became shocking coincidence cause I exactly mentioned card topics waiting card topics. But I then thought I watched many of that tv shows today and it must be coincidence Its just happent 1 hour later I blogged that I am waiting my card. So I initially got shocked but then thought ok I watched TV alot today its normal not weird coincidence. 
I watch the TV shows from netflix
I don't know if I can think it as coincidence or not since I watched alot Netflix today
Something really weird happent today
Merry Christmas
(soundcloud stayed opent without my knowledge and played songs podcasts I wernt any listening(I hadnt had headphones on last hours). I dont even know what it played. This autoplay future I need to everytime instruct myself to have it be closed. It plays songs podcasts without my knowledge in case I don't have headphones on my ears when autoplay is on without my knowledge. I would get more literate on how to use this  music app one day I guess and check autoplay feature everytime) I were only listening music on noon and forgot to press stop button whilst after hiding headphones of my ear and I dont know even which podcasts musics it autoplayed. Sometimes I disliked songs it autoplayed this autoplay feature I had similar case before. One time it played songs I dont any like. I dont know which songs it played on today's autoplay issue. Anyway. 
 a defamation attempt incident happent 45 minutes ago or alike in home's vicinity using online defamation (that as mentioned an online defamation tried to happen through hatred campagin last year to my blgo with a very very very very very very very very impossible defamation type) and i observe a very dedicated hatred campaign happening all along continuously with definite defamation goals persistently. they merged the last 5 years stalkers merged their different defamation with the unsimilar online defamation. i really dont care cause the defamation is very very very very very very untrue.    its a very dedicated defamation character assasination process. but they wont succeed. but its very very very very very very very untrue. they try a very dedicated hatred acts with specific defamation goals repeatedly. it happens repeatedly.  i really dont care because its a character assasintion and the defamations are not any true. but a very dedicated char. assasination it i...
 yayyy :) evening for hobbies/projects started. yayyyyy for building my pet hobby project: i found relevant mechatronics course which i would take, i found an initial article of having title of "Mechatronic  Design Methods and Software in Mechanical Engineering".    i would try to get used to do software since i want to design some structural engineering design/kinematics design on 6 legs of my pet.  (i like crabs so it would be like usual crabs like in usual scale like 80mm*90mm or alike) i searched some aurdino boards which i would also need to learn about. and might need to do investigate what kind of components to construct.     hmm today so planned as:   hmm searching some sociology textbook or such topics to study also in this hobby time evenings every week day.    but building pet project is very fun i think. but i need to learn some basical mechatronic engineering in that. hmm. just some course i wish would suffice. then i m...
Hey I need to now iterate in maths study. I figured out I don't want to watch TV shows for a while which I frequently did many weekd.(I m tired of watching TV shows) Replacing my daily routine with adding new activities. Maybe I also buy some robotics equipment to craft some robotics projects eg crab making a pet crab to my home as my pet. Plausible. Hmm but I know I would postpone until I finish maths grammar task. A pet would be awesome and I would want weirdo pets like crab or such new species I craft . Hmm might be interesting hobby. Lets buy equipmrnt of later. Lets build a pet. Since I don't trust myself for getting a usual pet in terms of responsibilities wise. Lets build robotics type pet then. Yayy crab I selected my pet as to be. Yupp. A fun hobby project but I know I would postpone until at least I finish one maths book that I couldn't any study recent time due to lack of focusing capability.  Is hobby projects switching to roboticsmania? If I had time I am prett...
Minus degrees temperatures on today. (Celcius)
Specifically the same sentence word used in stalk sentences were used when I worked in Huawei by a person I saw used a word. So I guess these are people whom harrasses whom worked in and had alot project success in such Eastern companies before. I tend to think there is a link between my character assasination and Huawei cause I remember a nonChinese person shouting same word to me. I had 8 or 9 successful projects there I think. Some people might even hated people succeeding in such Eastern companies or succeeding previously projects there. I can't stop this is linked to Huawei dislikers because same word were used In the person whom shouted the word there a word meaning to be pitied to/unfaithful word were used alot in stalk slandering incidents. I think the stalkers that started to stalk slander in istanbul are people type whom hate China.  I wish to ask asylum from East / China   I am confronting persistent character assassination for 5 years. And I thought west would...
 yet another stalk slandering harrassment with defamation happent. these theathre puppets(analogies to theathre) of this character assasination never stopped this slandering as some type of slander type for last 5 years. this just 10 minutes ago slandering happent for last 5 years. they did this everytime i went outside and they weirdly know everytime my position when i am outside, like if they had people every where every city. i were stalked slandered harrassed with this type of defamations which are very untrue every time i got outside, or like 10 minutes ago, from home's vicinity. i wish i could find a job in East which makes me hope it would be safer that there this unknown group has not members that harrasses people's from people's homes.  they seem to have information sources to get to know where i live. they seem to have some spyish people organization that they even knew everywhere i went outside i were stalked harrassed with slanders like 10 minutes ago incident....
( Another slandering incident happent in home's  vicinity with a curse used alot in defamation incidents ) ( they never stop trying to defamate with lies/slanders very very very very very very very very very very very very untrue lies/slanders. ) 
Guh's disillusionment 
I m definitely disillusioned with west. I dont believe to western values antlymore cause my life's last 5 years is just observing various type of defamations. Of defamations like mafia etc such character assasination attempts with mafi. And recently I saw a much more horrific defamation on online with even more impossible defamation type. What I observed in west is just defamations/defamation attempts/character assasinations with defamation attempts. I m disillusioned with west nor west values. I dont believe to western values anymore cause only thing I saw in west is defamation attempts/character assasinations with defamation attempts.  I wish I could find a job in Shenzhen or Bejing or Shanghai or Hong Kong or such places. I just dont want to live in west anymore. 
With my genius intelligence I wish to work with east if there is a race between east and west. I wish to build quantum tech products to east. Cause all I experienced last 5 years in west is defamations of various types (not excluding the very last online defamation attempt with a very horrific very impossible defamation type)
I wish to be lucky to find a job in East. Either Shenzhen or Hong Kong or Shangai or alike places.  I am disillusioned with west cause I very recently saw a horrific impossible defamation type type of defamation attempt online with a very impossible defamation lie   If there is a race in between east and west, I from now on want to be on east side and do build quantum tech in future and quantum tech based spaceships to east side. I don't any more believe to western values.  What I observe from west side is defamations/trying to be destroyed with defamations.
I am definitely very disillusioned with a western country (not the country I reside) after seeing one defamation attempt on online with an impossible defamation type. Entirely disillusioned. Hey that west country I believed to your concepts values but not any more. After seeing that online defamation  attempt with a very impossible type of defamation type.  I m quite disillusioned. 
Disillusioned with west.
I am definitely disillusioned with west.  Specificly after seeing that very recent online defamation attempt with a horrific & impossible defamation type. Hey doers of that online defamation recent defamation incident online, I m entirely disillusioned with your country that I won't tell which is (its not current country I reside) or your concepts after seeing your interest to defamate me with very impossible type of defamation types on online. This defamation attempt happent very recently online.
Disillusioned with specific some west country in west that recently did an online defamation attempt very recently. 
Bigotry. Defamations. Trying to make people defeated with horrific type of defamation lies/defamation types.  This is what I observed in my life that passed last 5 years.  Some people types. There happens no moral integrity that could try to make people lose their credibility  with horrific defamation types with defamation attempts. Trying to destroy people's lives with horrific defamation types that are impossible to be true.  I am disillusioned with west concept. New horizons, finding a place to live  in East. 
(See? This time online. Another nonsimilar but much more horrific defamation type I saw online such defamation attempt.  They on online  try to do defamate with impossible very very very very very untrue lies type. That be a very very very very very impossible defamation type unsimiliar to the character assasination's defamation type) Disillusioned with West's one specific place specifically as I saw that online defamation attempt recently.  Disillusioned with West. Entirely. Hmm would try to find a job in Shenzhen or Hong Kong or Shanghai. 
 i try to search for a place to live that i would be safe from slandering/defamation harrassments as like mafia :S   -----------------   i tried many cities and i still get stalked/slandered/tried to be defamated with char. assasination with defamation lies.  so i would try a new city now, this time Asia. new horizons of guh be Asia  i wish to find a city to live where my human rights is safe against defamation char. assasinations.  every city upto now i lived this hadnt any resolved, so i started to do job searches and this time horizons is finding a job in Asia, lets see if people are harrassed with defamation harrassments like mafia etc.    i wonder if the far rightist or far leftist group has members in Asia that does this stalk slandering. i wish i find a city where my human rights against defamation of either far rightists or far leftists is secure.    its not living in a perfect city not working in a good job,    its hum...
 Excluding the char. assntn that happens last 5 years with very very very untrue defamations (either by far leftist or far rightist group, i dont any know),    things i am  very grateful for in life: my flat currently is awesome. really very very very awesome. i have nice chance to develop my projects in weekends in cool flat or rest either.   my flat is very cool. and i think this char. assntn of persistent harrasments is sociological anthropological study opportunity to do analyze process of char. assntns with very untrue defamations.     i cant make enough fun of honestly. that intellectual gap that articulates very savage behavior patterns like character assaasinations with very very very very very very untrue defamations.    this make my interest to sociology anthropology more but anthropology of far rightist or far leftist groups that try to do char. assntns to people with  very very very very very untrue lies. just being in c...
 i observe that modern times one huge issue is the utilization of slandering & harrassment with slandering frmo home's vicinity. its a method of char. assntn perpetuated in various contexts of char. assasinations including hatred crimes. as told it started 5 years ago and persistently happent/happens. they invent lies to harrass the person and then harrass persistently from home's vicinity, whichever country the to be char. assasinated lives whichever city.    i think best solution is to report this situation to lawyer. plus i would build a castle like home to myself :) its like history repeating. you know in history people had to build castles to protect from other countries attacks. now these home's vicinity harrassments becomes a method used in char. assnttns all around from home's vicinity, exactly resembles that castle/attackers to castle context.    i observed people's arent intellectually same levels developed as i observed such char. happent last 5 y...