
Mayıs, 2024 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
 I detected another incident which sociopathic genociders do use a defamation literal trying to defame the genocideds. They did same incidents in abroad with also doing ugly requests batteries beside such defamation literal. -> Seems as the genociders has persistent people living in other building and accomplishing helping sociopathic genocide activities.  not only that ->  there in abroad some people started to stalk saying gecko like literals 3 years ago. then 3 months ago I saw an online life threat passing gecko literal. which said something like gecko, terminally ill, some poison alike. (life threatening to me imho)  then in feirkoy some people passed saying gecko again. and tonight also in one incident someone harrassed in vicinity shouting gecko. ok the genociders whom does also online life threatenings in abroad also has harassed with shouting gecko in vicinty. not only that-> in abroad some people started to stalk with doing both very ugly requests ...
 what i understood as brief ->  some topics like -> we turks are usually unaware and have pronoia i mean we usually do not have awareness of genocidal level hatred to turk race/genocidal level enmities we turks usually have pronoa. that we never have genocide awareness or genocidal level enmities to turks. e.g. recent story i were told. some turk moves to greece. (kurd type turk alike) then => he even thinks he would be killed. (due to genocidal level enmity)  and he says he is kurd to the genocide attempters to him, then the enmity stops. so what i unserstood, we turks really unaware of genocidal level enmities to we turks.  so i think turks should get raise such awareness.  since genocide attempted to me turk from nonturks (a nonturks cete of ferikoy attempts a nasty type genocide to we turks )  i also observed genocidal level enmity to turks concept unfortunately :S so what I could suggest in overall, to we turk race, never ever move to ferikoy ...
 the genocide perpetuators abroad extensions both speak my local language and aber and da at various sentences at the same time. I dont think its germans/russians.  (its surely not germans nor russians since such people dont know our local language since genociders also talk our local language. plus this genocide started in ferikoy. so its not related to neither germans nor russians. )  its visibly a nonturk cete of ferikoy which also has also abroad extension.  (a nonturk people living in Turkey and having also extension in abroad )  i mean since they started genocide in ferikoy in 2017.  and it first started with forceful conversion attempts to bitch/identity eradication attempts/ugly requests batteries/fabrication ops-false flags ops sociopathic schemes to try to forcefully convert/curses/ugly requests batteries which also includes dehumanization. then in abroad they switched to forceful conversion attempts to pena with again ugly requests batteries and ...
( Another incident happent of stage 1/stage 2 fabrication ops literals which were chanted in both ugly requests batteries instances& fabrication ops incidents attempted by mafias sent by genociders . Happent in vicinity.  ) No worries we are going to sue genociders (a nonturk cete of ferikoy which attempts genocide to Turks (whom are not from we Turks nor Armenians)) with all incidents details with genocide crime law sue to Turkey law institute as soon as we collect more evidences  We went detectiving with mom once and we would continue detectiving other days to collect voice recording evidence of sociopathic genocide incidents. Yep. 
 yayyy would share this evidence of stage 5 genocide incident with mom detective when she comes. then we would do more detectiving other days. (today have some issue i cant go do detectiving outside with my mom) these genociders abroad extension started this stage 5 genocide in abroad, and whilst even coming to Turkey in some place, some of their members shouted one stage 5 slander with also saying "do not mess with us" like sentence with first saying also stage 5 impossible slander type in advance to that later sentence the genocide perpetuator told.  so in stage 5 these genociders switched to much worse impossible slander types. they started genocide with forceful conversion to bitch attempts by 2017 in ferikoy. in 2019 their abroad extension switched to much worse impossible slanders like pena in their ugly requests batteries and forceful conversion attempts and other genocide activities. in 2023 they started stage 5 which they switched to most worst impossble slander type...
I think I found a nice voice processing software that enables differentiating stage 5genocide incident evidence  from noise the genocider both talks in local language and a foreign language (visibly this genocider is from abroad extensions of feirkoy's nonturk type genociders ) and holds evidence of stage 5 genocide incident in audio record of one of the stage 5 incident types they attempt.  yayyy finally have initial evidence of genocide incidents. this one from stage 5 genocide incidents of nonturks maniacal sociopathic genocide incidents to turks. (nonturks are not from we turks or armenians) it turns out its required speical sound procesisng software to differentiate evidence from outside noise sound and to clear sound of genocide incident.
 hey nonturk type genoiciders again attempted stage 5 type genocide activity in which they use much worse impossible slanders to discredit genocideds to atempt to distance away genocide crime off themselves. hey guh detectiving with phone voice recorder and dunno if voice recorder captured stage 5 gencide incident of nonturk type genociders of ferikoy. (whom are not from we turks nor armenians) I just one listened a story that a Turk Kurd goes to Greece then when after says he is turk, he said they would had even did that much hatred enmity that would like even scared of being killed alike.  then he said he were Kurd, the killing like even enmity stopped. Its a cautionary tale to tell everyone intending to move to Ferikoy. please turks never move to Ferikoy.   I am Turk and confronted a very unnice genocide type and continue to to. :S stage 5 of genocide is worst. in stage 5 they switch to even much worse impossible slander types to attempt to distance genocide crime...
( nonturk type genociders always try to discredit to tried to be genocideds with sociopathic untrue stuff :S genocide is a very dishonest activity :S )  nevertheless we are building cylons that would protect turks from genocides to forever, and from sociopathic genocides also. and of course they would be very civilized and peaceful cylons which would accomplish protection from genocide very peacefully.  since we would never degrade our civilization level and would always counter genocide very civilized and very peaceful wise. cylons would not stop genocide with harming genociders any ->. no absolutely not. we would counter genocide with civilization and peace. ->would counter genocide with detectiving genocider incidents and the unofficial genocide army of nonturks whom attempts a severe maniacal sociopathic genocide to turks with very sociopathic methods organized wise.   so main method to stop genocide would be collecting evidence of the sociopathic genocide ...
 the sociopathic genocide doers attempted incident of identity eradication and  ugly crazy requests battery from other building 1 minute ago  the maniacs do say something like hara in their harrassments and identity eradication attempts of chanting literals to be tried to be genocideds with doing ugly requests to the tried to be genocided also happent 1 min before from other building. its detected that genociders have member in other building unfortunately. :S I do not like living in ferikoy where genocide started :S genocide attempts also started exactlt from other building 7 years ago. again with some methods. but it were not possible to interpret but it were interpreted as maniacal stalkers situation.  the nonturks are again initiating genocide activites exactly from other building :S scary. they again attempted identity eradication attempts. they do it with doing ugly requests batteries and chanting literals to the tried to be genocided to attempt to convert geno...
 I figure out my uncles my aunts liked theoretical physics talks.  (e.g. many many worlds theorems and its relatedness to topics they wondered of ) (not that i am theoretical physicist like knowledgeable any. but I just told what I know of. turns out people likes to talk theoretical physics topics about universe etc etc )  yayyy were nice to socialize with family.  but i just felt like when talking concepts I convey, my language skills detoriated since I dont read alot books that I couldnt convey sometimes very better wise so  I should continue reading books sometime.  although even with that I observed people like talks of theoretical physics talks topics like many many worlds topic discussions like topics. or their link to psychic mythologies or such myths/beliefs etc. and the discrepancy of what theoretical physics can say about it and what part of beliefs could be in myths side in regarding belief systems related to topics like astral stuff. etc etc. or...
Some many hours ago: (Hey whilst walking somewhere with mom  the sociopathic genociders of ferikoy did harrassment with a curse like literals along with tone of sociopathic genocide incident stdlks batteries also. ) but then dunt know voice recorder captured well. Would check now.  -------- Meanwhile:  this guh has been socializing some hours:  Yep I Had accomplished visiting family task. A family branch from Canada sides (uncle &family of) were visiting other family member so we visited them. Yayy missed them so much.( I like my uncle and wife of very much. Been a lot time hadn't talked with them and were nice to talk.)
Yep no worries guh and mom detectives would do more detectiving alot with going outside. But wished voice recorder were better. (Using phones recorder app to do detectiving to try to collect sociopathic genocide incidents of nonTurk ferikoy cete)
 ( hey another sociopathic genocide incident happent which they used ko/co literal. ) (then another incident happent which they used b literal in 2017 2018 ugly requests batteries incidents they also did fabrication ops/identity eradication attempts with b literal. -->  the ferikoy nonturks were again high in genocidal activity against turks ) (which they attempt a sociopathic genocide with even hiringsending mafia :S )    ( the maniacs also did  a slur that they try to fabricate in genocide incidents fabrication ops attempts in which they attempted through sending mafias to do ugly requests batteries/fabrication ops/identity eradication attempts against to forcefully try to convert to tried to be genocideds in long time happent. ) Guh trying to do detectiving with her mom.  But couldn't do well detectiving to above ko/co passing incident due to trauma but rest I tried to do detectiving. But not very well due to trauma/PTSD  But no worries we would ...
no worries! we are trying to collecting evidence and would sue law sue of exactly absolutely of sociopathic gneocide to Turkish law institutes to ferikoy's sociopathic genocide attempters/perpetuators.  (whom attempts a nonviolent and very sociopathic genocide to Turks) (whom are not from we Turks nor Armenians) we are also buildnig cylon robots whom would to forever help protecting Turks from genocides. yep.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
yep seems as I need to finish project really in following weeks. since imho genociders whom talk partially foregin language (abroad extension of ferikoy's genociders whom are extension of ferikoy';s genociders) also stalked in istanbul. foreign extension of ferikoy's genociders severed genocide incidents from stage 1 to stage 2 in abroad then to stage 5. they are not Germans to not confuse. but ferikoys genociders extension. whom talk partially foreign paritally nonforeign.  its so weird they even stalked also in istanbul and attempted fabrication ops included incident from other building. and from 0th cafe. unrelated to that:    the ferikoy genociders also again sent mafias to do ugly requests batteris to our front doors vicinity cafe as detected. other than that I observed identity eradication attempts continued with literals they chant in identity eradication attempts process of sociopathic genocide (as they tried to convert to bitch with aliases with attempt to eradic...
 hey nonturks which attempts sociopathic type genocide to turks attempted another identity eradication and forceful conversion attempt from zeroth floor cafe at some time.   hmm also now the abroad extension of ferikoy's genociders attempted a fabrication ops incident with also using one foreign language literal beside fabrication ops with ugly requests battery. imho similar thing happent from other building. so visibly the ferikoys genociders also came to other building beside here and also to 0th floor cafe.
Hey forceful conversion agenda type incident happent in door of house in cafe beside from someone inside whom not loudly attempted ugly requests battery and  but unfortunately sound recorder had not captured in noise of surrounding. :S The ferikoy cete again attempted sending mafias to do ugly requests battery activity of sociopathic genocide  from cafe in vicinity of our front door.(They nonTurk cete of ferikoy again sent mafias whom attempts ugly requests battery &identity eradication atrempts/fabrication ops)  then also they did some fabrication ops literal harassment with b literal just in 4 meters distant guy  whom attempted incident said attempted fabrication ops type stalk activity with also one b literal they used in stalk incidents of  ugly requests batteries fabrication ops and identity eradication attempts alot in many incidents. Yep again forceful conversion agenda fabrication ops activity attempted by mafias sent by ferikoy's nonTurk type genoci...
 I hated giving trauma reaction when mom used idiom which includes some literal which nonturk cete of ferikoy used in fabrication ops in sociopathic genocide incidents.  (some literal starts with ;a; that happens/happent in various fabrication ops of genocide incidents in sociopathic genocide horrors.)  I asked mom to please not use such literal due to trauma.  this trauma reaction is really unnice I know but cant avoid giving such ptsd reaction  Of reliving trauma :S ->  fabrication ops is really very unnice  sociopathic genocide stuff.  I wish everyone be safe from this genocide type happent which repetitively included idenity eradication attempts/batteires/fabrication ops/batteries with also dehumanization/curses.  this genocide type really very unnice :Simho among all traumatizing stuff of this sociopathic horrors, imho fabrication ops were one most horrifying/traumatizing incident types :S I always nihiliated every incident never repl...
 today had not found incidents attempts except one incident which somehow need to check voice recording in detail to separate the incident from background noise. It would require some checks if incident were caught in phone voice recorder. but other else none incident happent whilst we even went to coffee.  yayyy guh and cylon mom are detectiving (with phone voice recording) to capture ferikoy nonturk cete whom attempts sociopathic genocide to turks.  so in during this time, mom and me would go alot outside to capture voice recordings to do detectiving. today had not been incident that were like incidents like in 2017/2018.  yayy as soon as if incidents repeat and recorded on phone voice recorder, we would create law suite to nonturk cete whom attempts sociopathic genocide to turks (I am turk from my dad side (whom is from originally Sivas).  mom side considers themself other race. but I am Turk, I even look like my dad very much resembling dad's side family (so...
Yayyy me& momcylon going to go detectiving to ferikoy nonTurk cete's genocide incidents yayyyy🙂 detectiving against sociopathic genocide doer nonturk cete starts yayyy
 one of the craziest type fabrication ops in fabrication ops in attempts were: in 2017 alike:  they would send a person doing fabrication ops and say: "dont' shoot (a guys name here ). pity". I would then understood it by then my life is in danger also and someone is trying to shoot someone else. turned out-> they are trying to plant mafia slander and doing fabrication ops like that. I never even seen a gun in my life nor near to in vicinity of. this is complete fabrication ops.  they tried to plant such narrative with e.g. this type of fabrication ops back in 2017 also :S I by 2017 were notbeing able to interpreting whats happening but would perceive it as having maniac stalker group situation. I would for instance in such incidents would understand someone is trying to shoot me also and person says something like that. and they these cete nonturks also took one guy i dated like info they do genocide to. e.g. in this incidents e.g. they would use a guy's surname w...
-> nonturk ferikoy cete did again a sociopathic genocide incident which they also used "prey" literal.  (they started to use this literal in imho first 5 years ago incidents. then but not frequently as other literals they use such ltieral in genocide incidents in which the tried to be genocided(me) never replies/always nihiliates) (I do not forget any single incident nor chronology of the sociopathic genocide incidents) (e.g. imho the genociders started to use prey literal 5 years ago alike ) (but it were not as very frequent as idenitty eradication/forceful conversion/ugly requests batteries attempts/fabrication ops attempts )  they amplified prey literalpassing genocide incidents in last year. where they send a 1 or 2 people whom shouts prey to the tried to be genocided in their sociopathic genocide process.   they also use some literal in some of the fabrication ops type genocide incidents which starts with "s". nevertheless every incident of to be reported to...