
Mart, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
Imho very scary & very very sad 😢😢😢😢😢😰😢😢😢😢
 ayyy sometimes being autist is very funny in the sense:  e.g. there are times i avoid interaction with people more. :D and e.g. even going downstairs to take clothes from washing machine dryers machine alike task, means passing from kitchen, which i would avoid due to such uninterest with seeing people (people stay in house, whom are very kind people :D)  its just autism, i just sometimes dont like or avoid interactions or just too much effort to go downstairs to take the clothes. hmm i do favor either going early or late. but right now feeling tired either :D  i admit its not a good idea to stay in a populated house whislt being autist :)? :D but there were no house available to rent in that short term i needed to rent a home by then  (i mean for my capability to rent home for my economic condition by then, it were like,  i were living in some place then they asked to move to another flat there second time (due to some conference or so), i were upset, and...
hmmm from my diverse set of hobbies which one i shoudl tackle today: Hmm physics studying?  since the books awaits the physics course from Feynmann, I lack absolutely basical knowledge since last time i studied were very before, and plus I mean me talking of Quantum physics does not mean I know basics in mechanical physics either. I mean I read quantum physics 1.5 years ago so thats why i can talk about it. but I still need to study to basics also.  hmm last time i had a project of crafting an aerodynamics project, wov it were interesting, it were intending to use world's rotation's acceleration power to use in design of wind turbines.  in that one I started studying mechanical engineering topics it were? which course it were oh gosh. i dont know. but that also does not mean i know physics science.  To know physics, I need to study to Feynmanns course encylopedia :) from Epic Feynman :)  I bought second hand version since there were some reduction in price and i...
So Gamora coincidence hadn't actually happent but rather it's a very mysterious communication from Singapore😀🙂 wov🙂
🤔 Hey I try to understand this coincidence meaning is it something like someone from Singapore reads blog and did such coincidence maybe very possible hmmm there is also reference to mtiverse tests and knowledge of reports in blog of unknown groups shouting literals(eg unknown genocide doer group would shout tan and curses I would perceive as if having a tan named stalker😭 it were very hard times😭 since stalk incidents were repeatedly happening alot😭.  Hey seems as mysterious communique from Singapore, mysterious  them also read that & taken that tan literal from reports in my blog and  used in this coincidence wov)  .  Wov then it might be something completely mysterious since it might be even a communication  from an organization from Singapore maybe hmm I don't know whom did coincidence 🤔🙂 wov a mysterious coincidence from Singapore😀
Did aliens did this coincidence or is it my multiverse related skill? Woov  I never expected to observe a coincidence right away to tomorrow Woov its shocking & awesome!
Wov I hadn't expected coincidence to happen since I was newly testing exercising this task. Wov. I m amazed I have Marvel like power so If I advance this skill I can really build defense against Thanos(metaphorical Thanos) wooov I m shocked&amazed at the same time wooov.
Wov unbelievable coincidence with defense against Thanos topic happent Wov 
Ok would try to learn like I learnt some tricks in cards to be able to try to specialize coincidences eg in this one coincidence happent with 2022 Yk4 asteroid (tomorrow passing orbit of earth and in 4 millions miles alike distance  ) that it coincided with Infinity war topic since this 2022 event were titled like Yk4 and it had news of a person called Amira Goh whom is playing lawn bowl. It coincided with defense against Thanos topic. But it were a not specific coincidence.  Task were to make asteroid fall to sea or empty lawn. With no destruction. I watched an animation yesterday where Meteor falls to lawn. Then the also Gamora coincidence.
Ok so how can alter it to become specific eg to not coincide with Gamora of infinity war movie but rather be like eg to have meteorites happen in sky when false flag incident of genocide activities of unknown group (Thanos' metaphorical equivalent) happens? I need to try to learn how to alter coincidences to be o e specific eg like making meteorite happen in sky like Marvel power Yupp. 
Yayyyy multiverse coincidence happent with meteorites /asteroids Yayyy 😀 I can learn this Marvel like skill to build defense against Thanos (metaphorical Thanos) Yayyy I can learn Marvel movies skill like multiverse skills Yayyy 😀
Yayyy so I can really learn to control multiverse skills to defense against Thanos like unknown group whom attempts genocide last 7 years
This is the coinciding event from 2022: .... lawn bowler Amira Goh on verge of...  Like event description.  So it coincided with Gamora  This were found out when searching 2022 Yk4 asteroid info. 
 unbelievable coincidence with asteroid happent. on tomorrows 2022 YK4 asteroid. it coincided with Gamora literal from infinity war/from Thanos topic. since the meteroite task were for defense against Thanos, the coincidence have had happent swiht coinciding with lawn balls and a name of a person there in the link like Gamora let me check and share what it were. it coincided with some lawn ball topic with someone whom has Gamora like name. so defense against Thanos actually works i think i would learn to use this skill. but i couldnt manage to make control of meteorites yet but at least observed a coincidence like that so multiverse coincidence again happent wov. 
 hey again coincidence happent this time with tomorrow orbit entering (4millions miles away) asteroid of 2022 YK4, it coincided with a bowl sports on lawn where the sports person were resembling name of Gamora. Wov. it coincided with infinity war movie. 
All for defense against Thanos(metaphorical Thanos)  Be the title of this study then (of trying to learn such multiverse skill some skill alike skills in Marvel movie yuppp ) 
Cards or seeing coincidences in Star Trek is easy. But it would be challenging to observe it in learning to control space multiverse to be able to control meteorites in sky (to create defense against Thanos like unknown group) (marvel like skill I try to learn Yupp against a Thanos like unknown group that does genocide activities. I mean to impact multiverse prob to have meteorite happen in sky Yupp without effecting other people any of course but only defense against Thanos like unknown group yupp)
Yayyy so like cards tests would try to find tricks to make multiverse magic happen in meteorites prob Hmm it might be more challenging then easier finding 1 card from deck tests tricks. But would try to figure out methods.
I would be happy to try to fix world problems also when I learn these skills eg trying to help any other people being tried to be genocided by unknown groups or so alike. I would happily work to in spare time to help protect human rights and protection against genocides like things to also help another people in world Yepp
I would for instance when false flag type genocide incident happens would make meteorites in sky with method I would learn Yayyy skill like Marvel's skills it would be. It might he learnable thinking skills I learnt in cards. I mean consecutive cards tests and finding one card tests etc some methods I learnt there to how to effect multiverses. 
It must not be hard to control meteorites alike cards which I found tricks to control multiverse there. But it's harder than that because this time there is no feedback like card tests.  Yeyy I would try to learn to advance multiverse skills like Marvel's characters skills there in infinity war Yayyy.   for defense against unknown group that did genocide activities last 7 years.  
( Hey  i would learn how to control meteorites just only to unknown group that is done genocide activities last 7 years (which is alike Thanos metaphorically) I would learn Marvel like skills (eg using meteorites) to do defense  against the Thanos alike unknown group that attempts genocide activities endlessly last 7 years.) 
Maybe i might try the usual method of building in mind a structure that a meteorite /asteroide happens  but feeling tired I postpone test task to tomorrow. . 
Feedback of test is like 10pm on tomorrow where asteroid is passed by some 12 lunar distance.  I don't know yet how to accomplish this test which feedback would be 1 day later. In card tests it were like instantly checking result now checking is 1 day later. Have no experience in this type multiverse skill yet. I mean I would try but I don't know if would work. Cause i have no experience of this type of test. 
 i am not any apologizing for right now cursing son of bitches to son of bitches whom does selective blindness to genocide reports.one human's human rights is more or less than other. or not only that, they do attack to reports of blogs of genocide report to protect their genocide doer unknown groups whomever race or religion it is, seems as such unknown group that did the genocide has strong connections that directs attacks to my blog/genocide report. all son of bitches that lacks any universal moral codes. totally absolutely son of bitches. i think this curse really is truly deserved by this linked genocide blindness to genocide report in blog. i mean not only blindness, also this son of bitches attacks to report of genocide in blog.  i mean when some unknown group tries to force me to sexual slavery with sleep shoutings, or did very ugly shoutings all the time, i thought reporting this would make the genocide doer unknown group be stopped. what i else observe is: the genoci...
 some people really deserve severe curses. e.g. son of bitches whom tries to discredit for real actively accomplished genocide activity by an unknown group for last 7 years. these son of bitches have visibly connections have favorances to the enitites whom accomplishes the genocide activity as reported in thousand many sentences. either they have racist attitudes or some kind of racism that results in selective rightism in human rights. e.g. one person whom is genocided dont havehuman rights to them, another has. because another is from a religion or race. this selective blindness to genocide reports is something to be cursed as son of bitches. and they truly deserve such curse to lack universal ethical/moral values so severely.
 there hasa been no less condition to deserve son of bitch curse. i mean attacking to integrity of report of sociopathic genocide type reported in thousand many blog pages.  thousand many incidents reported in blog. and son of bitch reads the genocide report and decides to attack to my genocide report. wondering if this son of bitch's pockets are linked to the same genocide doer entity? most possibly yes. so visibly whom did genocide to me has somehow connections powers to even silence genocide report/or attack integrity of it or so with even having using connections in high places. totally absoluytely son of bitvches nothing less. dishonesty in undefinable levels imho. so you write the tortures they do with sociopathic type genocide, the son of bitch takes side in genocide doers side of unknown group with attacking to integrity of report. it means the genocide doers have even power to have high connections in world to attack to attempt to defame to genocide reports like they ...
 some son of bitches does genocide, sociopathic form of it. an unknown group. then some some of bitches reads the report and attacks with defamatory intent to report. there are truly alot of son of bitches with undefineable levels of dishonesty in this planet. whom genocide doers are you trying to protect you son of a bitch with attacking to my report of all the sociopathic genocide activities in blog.  when cruelty doers are even silencing genocide reports, there is nothing to say to this sick and dishonest planet. of course there are also honest people. but there are undefineable levels of dishoenst people maybe whose pockets have links to genocide doers? most possibly :S
There is even racism to genocide reports or some silencing genocide reports efforts with attacking to genocide report with defamation Wov had no idea that there is that much dishonest son of bitches in world
Haha ha selective blindness to genocide report of me and even attacks with defamatory intent to my genocide report in blog (of crime against humanity crime intending attacks to my life being reported one by one and their sociopathic genocide methods of that  and look: the report in blog is also attacked tried to be defamated by true son of bitches imho that is hard to call having any universal morality values imho ) 
 now time to resume topology study. i just wanted to give one drawing study break before continuing/reusming ai/topology study.  hmm revising topology topics  weirdo algebra of topological spaces algebraic operations type. where you divide one space to another :D lets revise/rememebr because i had not learnt well initially for the first time study, and so this second study to revise  is important, this time learn better. yepp. 
 i wish i also add playing violin/playing piano hobby to my life if i could succeed to learn them. hobbies are so fun time. :D
 drawing hobby is so fun :D (and very funny as visible from how much fun i have during drawing :DDDD i mean making fun of myself type funny  :DDDDD i mean specifically when failing at my drawing tasks :DDDDDDDD) 
Hmm I think I would find my signature style when learnt how to draw portraits nice/talented😊 until then I dont sign my drawings (since I can't draw yet🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂) 
Yepp 2d portrait study  in study book  be like: (not any resembled the photo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)  I think even not resembled this time  I think in 50th portrait study it would be more talented 😊
, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
When you try to draw a photograph and it completely becomes another person 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (---> is my current success level in portrait studies)  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
After learning drawingportraits   (with succeeding to draw original pictures of scientists from 50 years ago as resembling to photo not deviating alot from) Yayyy then I would start to learn how to do draw create comics to create a single comics book and publish it's pdf yayyy😊 (one of my life goals is creating a many leaflets comics book one day) (to have it be attached to my internet page Yayyy) I would publish one comics book Yayyy (only one book with many leaflets(PDF) )  & Other one life goal is learning excelling in drawing portraits & Other one life goal is doing pdfs of tattoo art even I don't am not interested to tattooing myself.  the tattoo drawings concept it has some such drawings  etc etc 
I believe I would learn in 40th portrait or so how to do portraits yupp or would be better at resembling and not erring with sheer transformations and using correct pencil eg not 5b to draw face details Yupp  Yayyy 40 portraits later I would be some how a beginner level portrait drawing artist 🙂 yayyyy (even not talented) (maybe after 100 portraits later but not 40 I don't know but seems as I would learn how to draw portraits in some time with this new pencil /drawing utinsils set)
I m trying to draw with 5b maybe also I should switch to 2b for face but just 5b for surroundings not to noise the actual drawing with alot b I mean. 
Still can't draw portraits.  I tried to draw a statistician photo from 1950s and failed & didn't resembled and it turned out having even some sheer transformation.🤔 But I am learning experience in every portrait study for how to draw portraits and in some time I would learn (maybe 40 portraits later or so)  Errors: eyes need to be studied  Second there is huge sheer transformation And chin doesn't resemble either Not to bore myself I would study these in another portrait study to not overwhelm my not so talented art studies😅 Let's share the original picture to make understand I can't draw portraits any yet I randomly search scientist pictures from 1950s or so to do study portrait drawings.  It doesn't resemble any😭
 yayyy sunday starts now that i stopped card tests:  i would spare time to ai project/math studies and some portrait drawing exercises. last time i couldnt succed drawing portraits again :S but i wish i could learn with new pencil set.  I try and try to learn to draw and still hadnt learnt. but i am hopeful. i even intend to write comics with drawings yupp :)   i intend to create comics books. though i dont have story creation power so i might as well draw comics of some story writers/creators cause i dont have talent to create stories of comics. but that would be too tiresome. right? hmm maybe i would write create some not very creative story and draw comics. i just want to create one such many pages leaflets of my drawings later :) but i couldnt learn how to draw portraits yet. but i think it is learnable with new drawing tools. since even did not drastically increased quality of portraits any, i could at least managed to draw some drawings better.  sooo,...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( its nice to blog/expose the false flag mechanisms observed so that everyone gets aware of the false flag mechanisms unknown groups atempts ) & so;    ( sociopathy has none sociopathic power when sociopathy is exposed/blogged.  ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 when genocide happens its horrors are  like nothing you could ever think :S this sociopathic genocide type that happens, i dont know whether if its some ideological rooted type or soime Rwanda type any.  i wish i had information of whom the perpetuator unknown group are.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nevertheless i built inner strength against as mentioned. but its not definable i mean the horrors of thousands many false flags observations. :S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 i dislike socialists which tries to make society all same occupation :S  and even trying to eradicate wealth groups (e.g. engineer people) not that we engineers are wealthy alot but somehow is it something like that?. such ideological genocide form? some ideological motives behind?  or if its not socialist mindeds behind this genocide, it must be type Rwanda type genocide imho. an unknown group though.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thosausnds many false flags is not something usual/normal. its literally genocide imho :S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
 this is like communism or far rightist logic this false flag doers logic imho or socialism. because they try to deprive the existence of a social class e.g. i mean not that my social class is any higher than other occupations but i am an engineer. and were born from a slightly burguiose family before like dads had built lots of flats so i know i mean like burguoise belly they say to people whom come from poor granddad grandmoms but built some wealth, so i come from such family,  my family when i were growing up could be considered slightly rich,  then i graduated from one best engineering colleges from where i were from.  I worked in engineering projects last 16 years. I been a hardworking engineer for very most part of my engineering life either.   then i observe a genocide attempt to eradicate my identity/my existence with such exemplified e.g. in before example type false flags with things i would never ever do:S its like eradication of a wealth group i...
 false flags is one of the most horrific things in this world imho :S trauma of false flags observations is an undefinable levels of horror :S (though i built inner stength some level against this sociopathic type genocide form attempted by an unknown group last 7 years.) 
 nevertheless, trauma level is much less wtr to before(At least i figured out how to shield my psychology against sociopathic type genocide of an unknown group)  before i would even much more get traumatized when observing sociopathic staged false flags happening repeatedly (it must been thousands many false flags until now :S)  now i got used to the fact of having confronting a deliberate sociopathic type genocide form from an unknown group and had built inner stength against trauma of this sociopathic type genocide of unknown group more.
 to live my life whilst thousand many staged false flags happening last 7 years :S to live my life during agenocide attempt of an unknown group in brief :S
 I am not sure, but might have happent again a false flag by unknown group/cult: They might came in home's vicinity and  shouted: "AldI" "means in lang, it means "have gotten or gotten something!" (alike meaning i guess).  this is one routine false flag type: --->  of type false flag type of: specifica\lly they also do this secondary falses flag example alot: e.g. taking some activity verb. and shouting as "have verb!". in this type of staged false flag example,  the false flag doers attempts to put some role to the to be smeared person with such activity.  I observed this false flag type with also subject litreals including in sentences many times when i went occasionally very rarely outside(and would be very traumatized and would always nihiliate/never even look).  so I got understood various such false flag mechanisms of this unknown group that is repeatedly doing these false flags thousand many times.  --------------------------------------...
No matter how much curious I m to what's happening in world I do forbid myself to ever read any news ever anytime.
No more world news reading ever again 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I pose risk to other people's lives when I read world news or news either local nor world😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
This once more happent before I did sculpture then somehow hair resembled Leia characters hair not intemdingly and other day I heard such star passed away. I were taking it as randomness until yesterday.  Yesterday I tried card tests and in my mind thought of a rolling dough over a desk like I m baker. Then tried to make correlate the Moment unfolding ends to my shuffling of cards to end to make 2clubs happen at last 5 cards. Then I switched to two colors last day that moment first tried some other colors single colored and failed them moved to this colors of 2 and tried white and glitter blues stars crescents lines over white and have it unfolded and when it unfolded in my mind I stop shuffling. Then I figured out I said to myself at that moment Wov 2 colors works. Since 2 were in last 5 cards and were like last second card. Then I continued to observe that 2 color rs and second color being glitterish really makes test succeed but stopped with alot trying cause got tired. So then ...
( i might not be able to at once stop reading world news but might in time stop. i mean first starting with reducing frequency of reading world news yupp. )   but i should stop asap. ok no more reading world news. yupp. not even reducing frequency. stopping this reading world news topic now. yupp. ok i believe i can do this. yepp. stopping now. no more any reading world news anymroe. yuppp.
 none world news anymore. none news anymore cause i pose risk to world if i read news :S i know it looks sounds weirdo or some very weird but its my understanding that i really might pose a risk to other people's universes and world's news :S. i dont think there is only me like this there must be others like me. but any other people whom had nnot observed correlations surely can continue imho to read news safely without impacting multiverses of other people/world imho. but i think we whom observed correlations whomever observed correlations should not read news to not impact usual working of multiverses to not have any impact to universes of world/other people:S  its so unnice to pose risk to other people by just magic. i think i should not be the only one whom has this correlation related magic power. but whomever have this power i think should take care to inputs their universe receives to reduce correlations to other people's universes/multiverse. e.g. for instance with ...
 i should stop this reading world news topic. i use a news aggregator and constantly read news of world. i stop it. i need to stop it. i forbid myself. i stop it. i should do something else.  hmm lets everytime i get curious of whats happening in world, lets do something else. e.g. lets try to advance some art skill. yupp.  it would be hard. not easy. cause i really got used to reading world news alot. some softwarte page makes all world news come to phone. so one gets used to reading news alot.  but under this condition of having observed coincidences/correlations, i need to stop reading ever world news again.  i mean people whom dont observe correlations can safely read world news imho.  without being scared of impacting other people's multiverses universes. but people like me i think should take care to not read. or limit to very low frequency or none at all.
 I would never read world news to not impact usual universe probabi;ioty distribution to not create correlations.
 so I start to investigate Judaism more since has mysticism/magic. causee i literally observed such mystic magic happening last 7 years.  the time the hard period of genocide alike things started by an unknown group, the time mystic things started to happen. so i literally start to believe in mysticism more. I would read ancient Kaballah texts or magic books to investigate this magic topic/magic craft that other people whom were from Kaballah religion also discovered this magical traits of multiverses long before.  I am not in to things like some Kaballah sects whom take psychedelic substances in rituals or so. Or i am not in to rituals topics.   But i am just intereszting to read ancient texts of magic methods cause I think they were quite right about magic.  I think Kaballah religions is true. there is mystic things happening in inner workings of this multiverses for real.  I am more like when reading of, I am more into more strict religion definitio...
so i understand anything can happen through this universe correlation mystic power thereby i stop reading world news abruptly/urgently.
 not only that something even more scary and very sad also coincided:S its about some food. :S  :S so scary and so sad :S  i stop reading world news totally absolutely :S never ever reading world news anymore :S --------------------------------------------------------------------
 something that happent that made card tests very  uninteresting:S I last day were doing card tests and i think i managed to succeed in card tests slightly i mean when to stop shuffling with imagery in mind to coincide with the finding 2 in last 5 cards moment. I set test to be like that. like being in last 5 so that prob of it happening is like 5/38. I think I managed to suceed better last day i were thinking.  but i started to make the pastry be two colored. in one of the tests i chosen white colored pastry and shiny glitterish blue color shapes over it. like lines like stars crescents etc etc white flour over glittering darkish blue color. Then that it turned out 2.d card int hat one. Then later i opent news to see some person passed away at 92 age. she were a drag queen and her cloth were having white colored and such blue colored hair and that same glitterish blue colored dress:S so this makes my test end. i cant do test anymore this finding 2 in 38 cards :S  it...
For testing mystic powers through card tests: Hmm but cards tests started to go with usual expected randomness rate I mean finding 2 card inside 38cards test. Every day last 2 days tried 3 or 4 times and failed. Either continuity doesn't work or I can't focus enough  But today would try again since hadn't finished all test count related to that test. I need to test at least 80 times or so to have a clear idea on that. Maybe mystic topics I observed in my universe were randomness actually. I don't know I m checking with card tests to check mystic multiverse correlations yupp ---------- But surely I observed  mystic correlations before. I mean whether I can succeed card test or not I know that universe definitely has mystical innerworkings (eg multiverse correlations which I literally observed happenning many times) 
(For Judaism:   Hey mysticism is also something I observed in my life  during very hard period mentioned, as started at the same time mystic topics started. As if universe sometimes give mystic powers to people in hard times maybe at times) even being some nonreligious person, I also believe in mysticism since I observed mystic topics for real seriously  It might be also very curious to go to places the prophets were all related since they were also having interesting stories from religious books like I mean universe working unusually which I also observed. Not that any prophet nor religious person I m 🙂 but I also believe to mystic properties of universe. 
 hey some updates:  yayyy   I applied to software jobs in Tel Aviv /Haifa.  Hey an unknown group is doing genocide like things for last 7 years so I hoped  if I could find a job find security against crimes against humanity crimes intents/genocide resembling activities of an unknown group.  (e.g. That I could go to doctor /go  to outside without being scared of false flags attempts of an unknown group that repeatedly did attempted false flags last 7 years :S  and all horrors reported in blog :S ) I already asked help from lots even reported to OHCHR to ask help from this unknown group's genocide alike activities.  to have them be identified and stopped.  But could not find help. cause noone returned response :S (and NGO I asked help told they dont have alot resources & they don't have resources to help for the report I shared.).   Then I saw somethign on internet which made me hope :)  ----------------------------...
Can't draw portraits any yet  😭😂
I opent wind or blizzard or such white/brown noise sounds during the false flag incident right now.  but i at momentarily closed the music:  and observed continuation of false flag from unknown group people.  the false flag doer guy in last incident as i closed the umsic:  shouted "Kafir"  --> meaning nonreligious person also shouted some minutes ago ,  again false flag sentence of ugly request shoutings type trying to defame as such (as aga/baba slander) again false flag staged false flag sociopathy again. then i think this people also shouted "dar agaci" at some moment (means hanging tree). then women shouted at some other moment -> "no to rope?" like senence.  then guy shouted pills? i think this is the defamatory false flag attempt again this second part. so i usually opent wind or blizzard sounds but when during closed the sound this were detected from recent false flag. I think these unknown group's people are vehemently trying to do contin...
Another defamatory false flag happent where a guy shouted 'baba get' (in another language) as usual staged false flag to plant untrue baba smear. Maybe thousandth one such false flag incident in last 7 years.  I believe that these unknown people must be anxious of their sociopathic genocide methods being one by one exposed. Eg false flag sociopathy methods like one happent a minute ago. (They should be anxious because wishfully they would be trialed in Hague from genocide crime  if I could find a law firm to tell report all these again as alike  reported in blog) 
 there is definitely the genocide's last stage also attempted by this unknown group, they do occasionally do shout some slanders much worse than the usual slanders they did in genocide process in last year in home's vicinity to silence, to discredit. every genocide's last stage is denial. these maniacs  even denial activity is very sociopathic with which they switched to saying very much worse slander's in home's vicinity occasionally to attempt to discredit to attempt to silence to silence with discrediting. look 1 minute ago happent shouting exactly i am talking about this.  they are in severe effort to discredit with even woirse slander type because they are trying to protect their genocide did counterparts. genocide's last stage is always denial. in this stage they usually kill get rid of genocideds so that they can't report genocide.  in this sociopathic version of genocide denial, they try to silence/do denial with shouting even worse slanders in a las...